2012 (ХХХVII), № 2

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Съпоставителни изследвания

Райна Холанди (Благоевград) – Относно фразеологичната вариантност // 5

Summary/Abstract: The article sets the criteria for defining the phenomenon of phraseological variation contrastively in English and Bulgarian. The analysis is performed bearing in mind the two aspects of this linguistic problem, namely the variation concerning the paradigm (formal and semantic) and occasional variation (insertion or deformation).

Езикови контакти

Ирена Василева (Перник) – Превключване на езиковия код при българи, живеещи в Германия // 14

Summary/Abstract: The latest research in linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics and other related disciplines offers an interpretive and dialogic approach to the problem of code switching, placing it in a wider socio-cultural context. The article discusses code switching in discourse on the basis of recordings of the speech of Bulgarians who have been living in Germany for no less than a decade and have perfect command of both languages (Bulgarian and German). The results show what the contexts and reasons for the insertion of German words, phrases and even whole sentences in a conversation carried out in Bulgarian are. The results of the analysis of the recordings are corroborated by informal interviews with the subjects.

Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения

Eleni Motsiou (Thessaloniki) – Lexical Innovations (Neologisms) in Children’s Speech: Evidence from Greek // 22

Keywords: lexical innovations / neologisms; preschool children; compounding; derivation;

Summary/Abstract: This paper aims at studying the lexical innovations in Greek preschool children’s speech. Lexical creativity is a widespread phenomenon in childhood: the frequency and ease with which children coin words indicate that children have already perceived the existence of word formation devices and they try to apply principles governing the word formation system. The core of this paper focuses mainly on derivational neologisms: we will make an attempt to investigate to what extent Greek preschoolers have mastered specific features of derivational rules in their language, what kind of meanings they most frequently create and which forms they prefer to use to express the intended meanings.

Detelina Metz (Sofia), Plamen Tsvetkov (Sofia) – Alles schon vernetzt oder was? // 33

Summary/Abstract: The article traces the first steps and the challenges in introducing computer-assisted teaching within the project Experimental introduction of computer-based assessment systems and the monitoring of foreign language acquisition at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia University. The authors discuss the new practices for teaching and assessment without promoting specific methods. Their aim is to launch a wide-ranging discussion on the problems of computer-assisted FLT.

Из историята на световното езикознание

Иван Куцаров (Пловдив) – Международните конгреси на филолозите слависти. Част ІIІ // 47

Summary/Abstract: The article offers an account of the organization and holding of the 14th International Congress of Slavists in Ljubljana (Slovenia). All the topics are fully covered together with the names of the speakers, special attention being paid to the Bulgarian participation in the sessions.

По повод на…

Христо Стаменов (София) – По повод на една библиография // 61

Рецензии и анотации

М. Алмалех. Светлината в стария завет (Стефана Димитрова, София) // 72
Езиковедски изследвания в чест на проф. Сийка Спасова-Михайлова (съст. и ред. Ст. Калдиева, Р. Захариева) (Димитър Веселинов, София) // 74
Т. Балкански. Българите и българското от другата страна на Дунав (Влашко, Молдова, Трансилвания и Банат) в светлината на езиковата археология. Етнос. Език. Етнонимия. Ономастика. Просопография (Василка Алексова, София) // 77
Slovo – Tvorba – Dynamickosť (na počesť Kláry Buzássyovej) (Диана К. Иванова, София) // 86
Sintaksa padeža (ured. M. Birtić, D. Brozović Rončević) (Мартин Стефанов, София) // 90
А. R. Libert, Ch. Moskovsky. Aspects of the Grammar and Lexica of Artificial Languages (Христо Стаменов, София) // 94
Eurolinguistik. Entwicklungen und Perspektiven (Hrsg. U. Hinrichs, N. Reiter, S. Tornow) (Мая Александрова, София) // 97
R. Benacchio. Вид и категория вежливости в славянском императиве. Сравнительный анализ (Руселина Ницолова, София) // 102


Маргарита Младенова (София) – Столетните корени на Института за чешки език при Чешката академия на науките // 109
Александра Багашева (София) – Посоки на развитие – нови публикации на издателство Джон Бенджаминс // 111
Диана К. Иванова (София) – Първа студентска словакистична конференция // 114
Диана Янкова (София) – Секция Езикознание и литературознание на юбилейната конференция на СУБ – Смолян Човекът и Вселената // 115

In memoriam

Карл Гутшмит (1937–2012) // 118
Анна Липовска (1959–2012) // 120
Вера Деспотова (1940–2012) // 121


Соня Бояджиева (София) – Български езиковедски дисертации за 2001 // 123


Сопоставительные исследования

Райна Холанди (Благоевград) – О фразеологической вариантности // 5

Summary/Abstract: The article sets the criteria for defining the phenomenon of phraseological variation contrastively in English and Bulgarian. The analysis is performed bearing in mind the two aspects of this linguistic problem, namely the variation concerning the paradigm (formal and semantic) and occasional variation (insertion or deformation).

 Языковые контакты

Ирэна Василева (Перник) – Переход на языковой код у живущих в Германии болгар // 14

Summary/Abstract: The latest research in linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics and other related disciplines offers an interpretive and dialogic approach to the problem of code switching, placing it in a wider socio-cultural context. The article discusses code switching in discourse on the basis of recordings of the speech of Bulgarians who have been living in Germany for no less than a decade and have perfect command of both languages (Bulgarian and German). The results show what the contexts and reasons for the insertion of German words, phrases and even whole sentences in a conversation carried out in Bulgarian are. The results of the analysis of the recordings are corroborated by informal interviews with the subjects.

Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения

Eleni Motsiou (Thessaloniki) – Lexical Innovations (Neologisms) in Children’s Speech: Evidence from Greek // 22

Keywords: lexical innovations / neologisms; preschool children; compounding; derivation;

Summary/Abstract: This paper aims at studying the lexical innovations in Greek preschool children’s speech. Lexical creativity is a widespread phenomenon in childhood: the frequency and ease with which children coin words indicate that children have already perceived the existence of word formation devices and they try to apply principles governing the word formation system. The core of this paper focuses mainly on derivational neologisms: we will make an attempt to investigate to what extent Greek preschoolers have mastered specific features of derivational rules in their language, what kind of meanings they most frequently create and which forms they prefer to use to express the intended meanings.

Detelina Metz (Sofia), Plamen Tsvetkov (Sofia) – Alles schon vernetzt oder was? // 33

Summary/Abstract: The article traces the first steps and the challenges in introducing computer-assisted teaching within the project Experimental introduction of computer-based assessment systems and the monitoring of foreign language acquisition at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia University. The authors discuss the new practices for teaching and assessment without promoting specific methods. Their aim is to launch a wide-ranging discussion on the problems of computer-assisted FLT.

Из истории всемирного языкознания

Иван Куцаров (Пловдив) – Международные конгрессы филологов-славистов. Часть ІІІ // 47

Summary/Abstract: The article offers an account of the organization and holding of the 14th International Congress of Slavists in Ljubljana (Slovenia). All the topics are fully covered together with the names of the speakers, special attention being paid to the Bulgarian participation in the sessions.  

По поводу…

Христо Стаменов (София) – По поводу одной библиографии // 61

Рецензии и аннотации


In memoriam



Contrastive Studies

Rayna Holandi (Blagoevgrad) – On Vartiation of Phraseological Units // 5

Summary/Abstract: The article sets the criteria for defining the phenomenon of phraseological variation contrastively in English and Bulgarian. The analysis is performed bearing in mind the two aspects of this linguistic problem, namely the variation concerning the paradigm (formal and semantic) and occasional variation (insertion or deformation).

Language Contacts

Irena Vasileva (Pernik) – Code Switching by Bulgarians Living in Germany // 14

Summary/Abstract: The latest research in linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics and other related disciplines offers an interpretive and dialogic approach to the problem of code switching, placing it in a wider socio-cultural context. The article discusses code switching in discourse on the basis of recordings of the speech of Bulgarians who have been living in Germany for no less than a decade and have perfect command of both languages (Bulgarian and German). The results show what the contexts and reasons for the insertion of German words, phrases and even whole sentences in a conversation carried out in Bulgarian are. The results of the analysis of the recordings are corroborated by informal interviews with the subjects.

Discussions, Notes and Review Articles

Eleni Motsiou (Thessaloniki) – Lexical Innovations (Neologisms) in Children’s Speech: Evidence from Greek // 22

Keywords: lexical innovations / neologisms; preschool children; compounding; derivation;

Summary/Abstract: This paper aims at studying the lexical innovations in Greek preschool children’s speech. Lexical creativity is a widespread phenomenon in childhood: the frequency and ease with which children coin words indicate that children have already perceived the existence of word formation devices and they try to apply principles governing the word formation system. The core of this paper focuses mainly on derivational neologisms: we will make an attempt to investigate to what extent Greek preschoolers have mastered specific features of derivational rules in their language, what kind of meanings they most frequently create and which forms they prefer to use to express the intended meanings.

Detelina Metz (Sofia), Plamen Tsvetkov – (Sofia) Alles schon vernetzt oder was? // 33

Summary/Abstract: The article traces the first steps and the challenges in introducing computer-assisted teaching within the project Experimental introduction of computer-based assessment systems and the monitoring of foreign language acquisition at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia University. The authors discuss the new practices for teaching and assessment without promoting specific methods. Their aim is to launch a wide-ranging discussion on the problems of computer-assisted FLT.

Towards the History of World Linguistics

 Ivan Kutsarov (Plovdiv) – The International Congresses of Slavic Studies. Part IІІ // 47

Summary/Abstract: The article offers an account of the organization and holding of the 14th International Congress of Slavists in Ljubljana (Slovenia). All the topics are fully covered together with the names of the speakers, special attention being paid to the Bulgarian participation in the sessions.  

Apropos of

Cristo Stamenov (Sofia) – Apropos of a New Bibliography // 61

Reviews and Annotations


In Memoriam


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