2012 (ХХХVII), № 1

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Съпоставителни изследвания

Людмила Ухлиржова (Прага) – Общност и многообразие на словореда на клитиките (Съпоставително изследване на българския и чешкия език). Част ІV // 5

Summary/Abstract: The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author will describe the main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she will deal with more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics are mentioned.

Галя Нинова (София) – Семантика на адмиратива в българския и албанския език // 12

Summary/Abstract: The main tasks pursued by the present article are to register the differences in the use of the admirative in Bulgarian and Albanian and to define the invariant meaning of the Albanian admirative. The article argues that the Bulgarian category is emotional-expressive, contextual usage of the inferential, while the Albanian admirative can be considered as meditative.

Теория и практика на превода

Татяна Илиева (София) – Богословската терминология в Йоан-Екзарховия превод на Богословието – особености на превода // 22

Summary/Abstract: The article analyses the various techniques in Ioan Exarch’s translation of Theology – wordfor- word translation and translation with quantitative imbalance of the texts. The various quantitative disproportions are analysed in the word-for-word translation and attention is also devoted to matters of quality. Examples of equivalence are adduced (cases of borrowing, calquing and semantic transposition with or without over/under-differentiation) and of the various transformations (concretization, generalization, metaphorization, mentalization, onomasiological transformation). Sense-oriented translation is also discussed. The high quality of Ioan Exarch’s work is pointed out.

Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения

Анна Пажимиес (Варшава) – О реконструкции языка дунайских булгар на базе чувашского языка // 38

Summary/Abstract: The article offers etymologies for the names of the Proto-Bulgarian rulers Tervel, Sevar, Vinekh and Savin, included in the Name List of Bulgarian Rulers and in other historical documents and sources. The etymological conclusions are mainly based on the general phonetic, word-formative and semantic properties of the names in question and on their lexical correspondences in other languages, above all Chuvash.

Из историята на световното езикознание

Иван Куцаров (Пловдив) – Международните конгреси на филолозите слависти. Част ІІ // 53

Summary/Abstract: The organization and the holding of the XIIIth International Congress of the Slavists in Ljubljana (Slovenia) is presented in the article. The topics have been covered in full and all speakers have been mentioned (in most of the cases with the topic of the speech); special attention is paid to the Bulgarian participation in the sessions.

По повод на…

Валентин Гешев (София) – В търсене на причината и механизмите на езиковия развой. По повод на книгата на Антоанета Попова За аналитизма на бъл гарския език // 67

Рецензии и анотации

Б. Вълчев. От историята на българския книжовен език към теорията на книжовните езици (Андреана Ефтимова, София) // 79
Ст. Гърдев. Езикови структури. Пътища и граници на смисъла (Стоян Буров, Велико Търново) // 83
B. Gröschel. Das Serbokroatische zwischen Linguistik und Politik. Mit einer Bibliographie zum postjugoslavischen Sprachenstreit (Славка Величкова, София, Борян Янев, Пловдив) // 86
S. Fischer. Word-Order Change as a Source of Grammaticalization (Мира Ковачева, София) // 95
Р. Драгиħевиħ. Лексикологjа српског jезика (Василка Радева, София) // 101
К. Попова. Названията на дървета и храсти в езиковата картина на света (върху славянски и литовски материал) (Жана Станчева, Пловдив) // 106
Χ. Π. Συµεωνίδης. Ετυµολογικό λεξικό των νεοελληνικών οικωνυµίων (Петя Асенова, София) // 109
Enfoques de teoría, traducción y didáctica de la lengua francesa. Estudios dedicados a la profesora Brigitte Lépinette. (Eds. J. C. de Miguel, C. Hernández, J. Pinilla) (Димитър Веселинов, София, Надежда Лилова, София) // 114
E. Hajnaj. Fjalor bullgarisht-shqip, Българско-албански речник (Екатерина Търпоманова, София) // 116


Милена Йорданова (София) – 120 години от рождението и 40 години от смъртта на Гълъб Д. Гълъбов (1892–1972) // 118
Библиография на трудовете на Гълъб Д. Гълъбов (съст. Милена Йорданова, София) // 120


Николай Шаранков (София) – 90 години Класическа филология в СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“ // 123
Милена Попова (София), Людмила Илиева (София) – Юбилейна конференция на специалността Испанска филология в СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“, 19–21.10.2011 г. // 125
Янко Бъчваров (София) – Ново чешко лингвистично списание // 127

In Memoriam

Стефан Политов (София) – Павел Петков (1936–2012) // 128


Соня Бояджиева (София) – Български езиковедски дисертации за 1999–2000 г. // 130


Сопоставительные исследования

Людмила Ухлиржова (Прага) – Общее и многообразие в порядке примыкания слов в клитикиках (Сопоставительное исследование болгарского и чешского языков). Часть IV // 5

Summary/Abstract: The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author will describe the main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she will deal with more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics are mentioned.

Галя Нинова (София) – Семантика адмиратива в болгарском и албанском языках // 12

Summary/Abstract: The main tasks pursued by the present article are to register the differences in the use of the admirative in Bulgarian and Albanian and to define the invariant meaning of the Albanian admirative. The article argues that the Bulgarian category is emotional-expressive, contextual usage of the inferential, while the Albanian admirative can be considered as meditative.

Теория и практика перевода

Татьяна Илиева (София) – Богословская терминология в переводе Богословия Йоанна Экзарха – особенности перевода // 22

Summary/Abstract: The article analyses the various techniques in Ioan Exarch’s translation of Theology – wordfor- word translation and translation with quantitative imbalance of the texts. The various quantitative disproportions are analysed in the word-for-word translation and attention is also devoted to matters of quality. Examples of equivalence are adduced (cases of borrowing, calquing and semantic transposition with or without over/under-differentiation) and of the various transformations (concretization, generalization, metaphorization, mentalization, onomasiological transformation). Sense-oriented translation is also discussed. The high quality of Ioan Exarch’s work is pointed out.

Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения

Анна Пажимиес (Варшава) – О реконструкции языка дунайских булгар на основе чувашского языка // 38

Summary/Abstract: The article offers etymologies for the names of the Proto-Bulgarian rulers Tervel, Sevar, Vinekh and Savin, included in the Name List of Bulgarian Rulers and in other historical documents and sources. The etymological conclusions are mainly based on the general phonetic, word-formative and semantic properties of the names in question and on their lexical correspondences in other languages, above all Chuvash.

Из истории всемирного языкознания

Иван Куцаров (Пловдив) – Международные конгрессы филологов-славистов. Часть ІІ // 53

Summary/Abstract: The organization and the holding of the XIIIth International Congress of the Slavists in Ljubljana (Slovenia) is presented in the article. The topics have been covered in full and all speakers have been mentioned (in most of the cases with the topic of the speech); special attention is paid to the Bulgarian participation in the sessions.

По поводу…

Валентин Гешев (София) – В поисках причины и механизмов развития языка. По поводу книги Антуанетты Поповой За аналитизма на българския език // 67

Рецензии и аннотации


Милена Йорданова (София) – 120 лет со дня рождения и 40 лет со дня смерти Гылыба Д. Гылыбова (1892–1972) // 118
Библиография трудов Гылыба Д. Гылыбова (сост. Милена Йорданова, София) // 120


In memoriam



Contrastive Studies

Ludmila Uhlířová (Prague) – Similarity and Diversity in the Order of Clitics (A Bulgarian-Czech Contrastive Study). Part IV // 5

Summary/Abstract: The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author will describe the main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she will deal with more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics are mentioned.

Galya Ninova (Sofia) – Semantics of the Admirative in Bulgarian and Albanian // 12

Summary/Abstract: The main tasks pursued by the present article are to register the differences in the use of the admirative in Bulgarian and Albanian and to define the invariant meaning of the Albanian admirative. The article argues that the Bulgarian category is emotional-expressive, contextual usage of the inferential, while the Albanian admirative can be considered as meditative.

Translation Theory and Practice

Tatyana Ilieva (Sofia) – Theological Terminology in Ioan Exarch’s Translation of Theology (Translation Problems) // 22

Summary/Abstract: The article analyses the various techniques in Ioan Exarch’s translation of Theology – wordfor- word translation and translation with quantitative imbalance of the texts. The various quantitative disproportions are analysed in the word-for-word translation and attention is also devoted to matters of quality. Examples of equivalence are adduced (cases of borrowing, calquing and semantic transposition with or without over/under-differentiation) and of the various transformations (concretization, generalization, metaphorization, mentalization, onomasiological transformation). Sense-oriented translation is also discussed. The high quality of Ioan Exarch’s work is pointed out.

Discussions, Notes and Review Articles

Anna Parzymies (Warsaw) – Reconstructing the Language of Danubian Bulgars onthe Basis of Chuvash // 38

Summary/Abstract: The article offers etymologies for the names of the Proto-Bulgarian rulers Tervel, Sevar, Vinekh and Savin, included in the Name List of Bulgarian Rulers and in other historical documents and sources. The etymological conclusions are mainly based on the general phonetic, word-formative and semantic properties of the names in question and on their lexical correspondences in other languages, above all Chuvash.

Towards the History of World Linguistics

Ivan Kutsarov (Plovdiv) – The International Congresses of Slavic Studies. Part IІ // 53

Summary/Abstract: The organization and the holding of the XIIIth International Congress of the Slavists in Ljubljana (Slovenia) is presented in the article. The topics have been covered in full and all speakers have been mentioned (in most of the cases with the topic of the speech); special attention is paid to the Bulgarian participation in the sessions.

Apropos of

Valentin Geshev (Sofia) – In Search of Causes and Mechanisms of Language Change. Apropos of Antoinette Popova’s Book За аналитизма на българския език [On Analiticity in Bulgarian] // 67

Reviews and Annotations


Milena Yordanova (Sofia) – 120 Years since the Birth of and 40 Years since the Death of Galab D. Galabov (1892–1972) // 118
Bibliography of Galab D. Galabov’s Works (comp. by Milena Yordanova) // 120


In Memoriam



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