2020 (ХLV), № 1

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Съпоставителни изследвания

Ekaterina Tarpomanova, Bilyana Mihaylova, Marina Dzhonova – Future orientation in adverbial time clauses in the Balkan languages // 5

The paper reviews the possibilities for expressing events with a future time orientation in subordinate temporal adverbial clauses in Balkan languages by applying a corpus-based approach to analysis. In Albanian, Romanian, and Greek future time orientation can be expressed through a form morphologically marked for futurity, while in Bulgarian such meanings are expressed through form marked for present tense. The phenomenon is analysed on the basis of authentic linguistic material excerpted from language coprora.

Jungwon Chung – Esses and haberes in Slavic be– and have-languages (Part II) // 31

This two-part article examines the characteristics and peculiarities of the Slavic haberes and esses, comparing their lexical and grammatical functions, especially in Russian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, and BCS. With Part 1 having discussed Slavic haberes, Part 2 explores, first of all, how Slavic esses serve as a content and function word. All Slavic locative and copular sentences contain esse, but not all existential sentences do. Slavic esses also function as an auxiliary in the past and future tenses, conditional mood, and evidentiality. Additionally, the East Slavic esses refer to possessive relations. The Slavic haberes and esses analyzed in Part 1 and Part 2 reveal that the Polish habere and esse’s lexical and grammatical functions are rather similar to those of other West and South Slavic haberes and esses, and Isačenko’s classification of Slavic languages into be-languages and havelanguages should be reconsidered.

Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения

Румяна Петрова – За семантичната еволюция на някои мини-текстове в съвременния английски език: лингвокултурологично изследване // 47

This linguocultural study, which is a continuation of an earlier work of the author, seeks to unravel the transcendental meanings of some precedent mini-texts (proverbs, sayings and phrases) in modern English parlance through examining their interpretation in one of the works of the distinguished Swedish scientist, philosopher, theologian and mystic of the European Enlightenment, Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772).

Наташа А. Спасич – Учебниците в обучението по сръбски език като чужд в Софиийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ // 61

The paper gives an overview of textbooks of Serbian as a foreign language used in the subject Practical Serbian and Croatian at the Faculty of Slavic Studies at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski during the academic year 2018/2019. The task is to highlight the specifics of these materials, the topics they include and their organization. The aim is to help professors, lecturers and students of the Serbian language select the appropriate teaching and study materials.

Рецензии и анотации

Ст. Стойчев. Българският морфологичен релатив и чешкият език или за съвременния български морфологичен релатив и неговите функционални еквиваленти в съвременния чешки език (Цветанка Аврамова) // 76
Н. Делева. Пространственные предлоги в русском и болгарском языках (лексикографический аспект) (Атанаска Тошева) 82
D. Stern, M. Nomachi, B. Belić. Linguistic Regionalism in Eastern Europe and Beyond (Corinna Leschber) // 84
В. Сумрова. Новите феминални названия в българския език (Петър Сотиров) // 88
Н. Костова. Глаголни неологизми в българския език(Марияна Витанова) // 94
B. Vоunchev. The Dictionary of the Greek Gay Argot kaliardà (Morpholexical Aspects) (Петя Асенова) // 97
Е. Хаджиева, Р. Манова, В. Шушлина. Типове грешки при създаване и превод на текст. Български език като чужд (Валентин Гешев) // 100


Рени Манова – Радка Влахова-Руйкова на 65 години// 103
Рени Манова – Библиография на трудовете на Радка Влахова-Руйкова // 107


Искра Добрева – Конференция по езикови контакти на Балканите и в Мала Азия 8–10 ноември 2019 г., Солун // 117


Соня Бояджиева – Български езиковедски дисертации за 2018 г. // 121
Нашите автори в броя // 124


Сопоставительные исследования

Ekaterina Tarpomanova, Bilyana Mihaylova, Marina Dzhonova – Future orientation in adverbial time clauses in the Balkan languages // 5
Jungwon Chung – Esses and haberes in Slavic be– and have-languages (Part II) // 31

Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения

Румяна Петрова – О семантической эволюции некоторых мини-текстов в современном английском языке: лингвокультурологическое исследование. // 47
Наташа А. Спасич – Учебники сербского языка как иностранного в Софийском университете им. Св. Климента Охридского // 61

Рецензии и аннотации

Ст. Стойчев. Болгарский морфологический релятив и чешский язык, или о современном болгарском морфологическом релятиве и его функциональных эквивалентах в современном чешском языке (Цветанка Аврамова) // 76
Н. Делева. Пространственные предлоги в русском и болгарском языках (лексикографический аспект) (Атанаска Тошева) // 82
D. Stern, M. Nomachi, B. Belić. Linguistic Regionalism in Eastern Europe and Beyond (Corinna Leschber) // 84
В. Сумрова. Новые феминальные названия в болгарском языке (Петр Сотиров) // 88
Н. Костова. Глагольные неологизмы в болгарском языке (Марияна Витанова) 94
B. Vоunchev. The Dictionary of the Greek Gay Argot kaliardà (Morpholexical Aspects) (Петя Асенова) // 97
Е. Хаджиева, Р. Манова, В. Шушлина. Типы ошибок при создании и переводе текста. Болгарский язык как иностранный (Валентин Гешев) // 100


Рени Манова – К 65-летию Радки Влаховой-Руйковой // 103
Рени Манова – Библиография трудов Радки Влаховой-Руйковой // 107


Искра Добрева – Конференция, посвященная языковым контактам на Балканах и в Малой Азии, 8–10 ноября 2019 г., Салоники // 117


Соня Бояджиева – Болгарские языковедческие диссертации за 2018 г. // 121
Наши авторы в этом номере // 124


Contrastive Studies

Ekaterina Tarpomanova, Bilyana Mihaylova, Marina Dzhonova – Future orientation in adverbial time clauses in the Balkan languages // 5
Jungwon Chung – Esses and haberes in Slavic be– and have-languages (Part II) // 31

Discussions, Reviews and Announcements

Roumiyana Petrova – On the evolution of some mini-texts in contemporary English: a linguocultural study // 47
Natasha A. Spasich – Textbooks for teaching Serbian as a Foreign Language at the Sofi a University “St. Кliment Ohridski” // 61

Reviews and Annotations

St. Stoychev. Morphological relativity (in the tense system) in Bulgarian and the Czech language or on contemporary morphological relativity in Bulgarian and its functional equivalents in contemporary Czech (Tsvetanka Avramova) // 76
N. Deleva. Spatial prepositions in Russian and Bulgarian (a lexicographical perspective. (Atanaska Tosheva) // 82
D. Stern, M. Nomachi, B. Belić. Linguistic Regionalism in Eastern Europe and Beyond (Corinna Leschber) // 84
V. Sumrova. New female names in Bulgarian (Petar Sotirov) // 88
N. Kostova. Verbal neologisms in the Bulgarian language (Mariyana Vitanova) // 94
B. Vоunchev. The Dictionary of the Greek Gay Argot kaliardà (Morpholexical Aspects) (Petya Assenova) // 97
E. Hadjieva, R. Manova, V, Shushlina. Types of errors in the creation and translation of texts. Bulgarian as a foreign language. (Valentin Geshev) // 100


Reni Manova – Radka Vlahova-Ruykova at 65 // 103
Reni Manova – Bibliography of the works of Radka Vlahova-Ruykova // 107


Iskra Dobreva – Conference on language contact on the Balkans and in Asia Minor, 8–10 November 2019, Thessaloniki // 117


Sonya Boyadzhieva – Bulgarian linguistics dissertations for the year 2018 121 Contributors to the volume // 124


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