2012 (ХХХVII), № 4

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Брой 4/2012 на списанието се посвещава на паметта на проф. д-р Жана Молхова (1922–2002), съоснователка на списанието.


Списанието изказва най-сърдечни пожелания за здраве и творчески радости на:
– проф. дфн Бистра Алексиева по случай нейната осемдесетгодишнина;
– проф. дпн Лиляна Грозданова по случай нейната седемдесетгодишнина;
– доц. Янко Бъчваров, съосновател на списанието, по случай неговата седемдесетгодишнина.


Съпоставителни изследвания

Biliana Mihaylova (Sofia) – Les mots exprimant la notion de chagrin en bulgare, en français et en roumain // 7

Summary/Abstract: The article discusses words with the shared meaning „sorrow, grief“ in Bulgarian, French and Romanian. Etymological analysis reveals that in French and Bulgarian the initial etymons from which such lexis developed have as a semantic component the idea of physical pain or violence. In French and Romanian, however, there are lexemes whose initial semantics can only be traced to the social sphere. It is not possible to establish shared etymons between French and Bulgarian, but common semantic models are frequent – in both languages there are words for „sorrow, grief“ which developed from earlier meanings of „torture“, „tear, cut“ and „press, squeeze“. Unlike in Bulgarian and French where the words for „sorrow, grief“ have been inherited from Proto-Slavonic and Latin, in Romanian the majority of the words with such meanings are borrowings, mainly form Old Bulgarian and Bulgarian. All such words, to the exception of jale have undergone significant specific semantic transformations. Special attention is devoted to forms such as Fr. ennui and chagrin, Rom. dor, which are of notable interest both from a semantic and from an etymological point of view.

Теоретични въпроси на езикознанието

Иван Касабов (София) – Семантична характеристика на думата като основна единица на езиковата знакова система // 18

Summary/Abstract: It is possible to understand the human activity as theoretical experiment, as practical experience and as experiential result. In humans linguistic experience it is possible to recognize three interconnected but different levels of existence: of theoretical form (as architectonics or theory of sign possibility), of actual existence (as praxis) and of socio-cultural values (as knowledge or language competence). It is clear that such a division is based on three types of experience: experimental-grammatical, practical and as knowledge (competence, language know-how) corresponding to three types of existence: theoretical-virtual, pragmatic-actual and semantic-real. From semantic point of view we have to outline the modes of word’s being. Besides having actual existence (in actual utterance), every single word (as well every single object) has its (imaginary, virtually or theoretically) possible existence and its realized existence as socially established meaningful and understandable word-symbol. Practical language experience leads to semantic knowledge, „sedimented“ in words’ meanings and the meaning is understanding (in certain degree) of object’s essence of the sign or internal-predicative, attributive interpretation of the word.

Теория и практика на превода

Христо Грънчаров (Пловдив) – Нов български превод на поемата „Hávamál“ – „Тъй речени са на Високия Словата“ // 31

Summary/Abstract: This paper focuses on the recently published new Bulgarian translation of the Eddic poem Hávamál by Yana Chankova and Ægir Sverrisson. The authors of the translation have faced a number of challenges regarding the grammar and semantics of the Old Icelandic text as well as its alliterative verse. The paper analyses briefly the above mentioned difficulties in rendering the Old Icelandic text into contemporary Bulgarian and concludes that on the whole the authors have dealt successfully with each one of them.

Mariya Anastasova (Blagoevgrad) – Translation of Catholic lexis from English into Bulgarian in the context of a novel by Oscar Wilde // 38

Keywords: translation; adaptation; Catholic lexis; Oscar Wilde;

Summary/Abstract: The article studies the problem of the translation of Catholic lexis from English into Bulgarian in the context of a specific extract from the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. The analysis is based on the theories of Itamar Even-Zohar and Guideon Toury about the place of translated literature within a literary polysystem. The place of the translated literature in Bulgarian could be defined as central because of the lack of consolidated home traditions. Due to a combination of factors, both historical and political, models were borrowed from specific cultures excluding the British one, which makes the translation of Oscar Wilde in Bulgarian a quite curious phenomenon. The research focuses on three Bulgarian translations of the book published in three successive decades as the main concern of the author is how the Catholic terms are translated in the extract – as an adaptation to Orthodoxy and the target culture or by keeping their Catholic identity considering the fact that a Catholic society exists in Bulgaria.

Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения

Nelly Tincheva (Sofia) – Before I start speaking, I would like to say something: Malapropisms // 47

Keywords: malapropisms; tipology; pragmatics; cognitive motivation; acceptability; scale; humoure scale;

Summary/Abstract: The paper aims to draw attention to and discuss the ’underrated’ phenomenon of malapropisms. It offers two perspectives on them – a linguistic/pragmatic approach and a cognitive one – and argues in favour of the cognitive viewpoint. The results and conclusions draw on an extensive corpus of malapropisms in English and Bulgarian.

Nelly Yakimova (Sofia) – Compliment responses in Bulgarian // 63

Keywords: compliment responses; response strategy; quantitative corpuse analyse; ambivalence;

Summary/Abstract: In this paper I have analysed compliment responses in Bulgarian and assigned them to different categories, drawing upon previous research on compliment responses, predominantly in English. I have suggested five broad categories of response strategies: acceptance, rejection, deflection, other interpretation and combination strategies. Based on a quantitative analysis of a corpus of naturally occurring compliments and responses, I have argued that acceptance is the preferred second part in a compliment–compliment response adjacency pair. This paper offers an analysis of the types of compliment responses in Bulgarian, including ambivalent responses. It also aims to work out the preference structure of compliment exchanges in Bulgarian. The analysis makes use of a corpus of 192 naturally occurring compliment exchanges collected through the method of fieldnote taking.

По повод на…

Стефана Димитрова (София) – Проф. д-р Жана Молхова в моите спомени // 78
Христо Стаменов (София), Александра Багашева (София) – По повод на един юбилей // 81

Рецензии и анотации

Б. Алексиева. Теория и практика на устния превод (Владимир Филипов, София) // 86
L. Grozdanova, Al. Bagasheva. Analysing English Grammar (Мира Ковачева, София) // 91
R. Ishpekova. Policing the naughty newbiеs. Conceptual metaphors and discourse strategies in the Financial Times’ coverage of corruption- and organized crime-related events in Bulgaria (Лиляна Грозданова, София) // 94


Юлияна Стоянова (София) – Максим Стаменов на 60 години // 99
Библиография на трудовете на Максим Стаменов (съст. Ина Михайлова, София) // 102


Диана Иванова (Пловдив), Надка Николова (Шумен) – Заседание на Комисията за славянски книжовни езици при Международния комитет на славистите // 110
Екатерина Търпоманова (София) – Представяне на мрежата META-NET и проекта CESAR в София // 114

In memoriam

Дора Мирчева (1920–2012) // 116
Тодор Ат. Тодоров (1934–2012) // 117
Йордан Еленски (1924–2012) // 118
Валентина Еленска (1932–2012) // 119


Соня Бояджиева(София) – Български езиковедски дисертации за 2003 г. 120
Съдържание на годишнина ХХХVІІ (2012) на списание Съпоставително езикознание (съст. Ина Михайлова, София) 123


Сопоставительные исследования

Biliana Mihaylova (Sofia) – Les mots exprimant la notion de chagrin en bulgare, en français et en roumain // 7

Summary/Abstract: The article discusses words with the shared meaning „sorrow, grief“ in Bulgarian, French and Romanian. Etymological analysis reveals that in French and Bulgarian the initial etymons from which such lexis developed have as a semantic component the idea of physical pain or violence. In French and Romanian, however, there are lexemes whose initial semantics can only be traced to the social sphere. It is not possible to establish shared etymons between French and Bulgarian, but common semantic models are frequent – in both languages there are words for „sorrow, grief“ which developed from earlier meanings of „torture“, „tear, cut“ and „press, squeeze“. Unlike in Bulgarian and French where the words for „sorrow, grief“ have been inherited from Proto-Slavonic and Latin, in Romanian the majority of the words with such meanings are borrowings, mainly form Old Bulgarian and Bulgarian. All such words, to the exception of jale have undergone significant specific semantic transformations. Special attention is devoted to forms such as Fr. ennui and chagrin, Rom. dor, which are of notable interest both from a semantic and from an etymological point of view.

Теоретические вопросы языкознания

Иван Касабов (София) – Семантическая характеристика слова как основной единицы языковой знаковой системы // 8

Summary/Abstract: It is possible to understand the human activity as theoretical experiment, as practical experience and as experiential result. In humans linguistic experience it is possible to recognize three interconnected but different levels of existence: of theoretical form (as architectonics or theory of sign possibility), of actual existence (as praxis) and of socio-cultural values (as knowledge or language competence). It is clear that such a division is based on three types of experience: experimental-grammatical, practical and as knowledge (competence, language know-how) corresponding to three types of existence: theoretical-virtual, pragmatic-actual and semantic-real. From semantic point of view we have to outline the modes of word’s being. Besides having actual existence (in actual utterance), every single word (as well every single object) has its (imaginary, virtually or theoretically) possible existence and its realized existence as socially established meaningful and understandable word-symbol. Practical language experience leads to semantic knowledge, „sedimented“ in words’ meanings and the meaning is understanding (in certain degree) of object’s essence of the sign or internal-predicative, attributive interpretation of the word.

Теория и практика перевода

Христо Грынчаров (Пловдив) – Новый болгарский перевод поэмы „Hávamál“ – „Речи Высокого“ // 31

Summary/Abstract: This paper focuses on the recently published new Bulgarian translation of the Eddic poem Hávamál by Yana Chankova and Ægir Sverrisson. The authors of the translation have faced a number of challenges regarding the grammar and semantics of the Old Icelandic text as well as its alliterative verse. The paper analyses briefly the above mentioned difficulties in rendering the Old Icelandic text into contemporary Bulgarian and concludes that on the whole the authors have dealt successfully with each one of them.

Mariya Anastasova (Blagoevgrad) – Translation of Catholic lexis from English into Bulgarian in the context of a novel by Oscar Wilde // 38

Keywords: translation; adaptation; Catholic lexis; Oscar Wilde;

Summary/Abstract: The article studies the problem of the translation of Catholic lexis from English into Bulgarian in the context of a specific extract from the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. The analysis is based on the theories of Itamar Even-Zohar and Guideon Toury about the place of translated literature within a literary polysystem. The place of the translated literature in Bulgarian could be defined as central because of the lack of consolidated home traditions. Due to a combination of factors, both historical and political, models were borrowed from specific cultures excluding the British one, which makes the translation of Oscar Wilde in Bulgarian a quite curious phenomenon. The research focuses on three Bulgarian translations of the book published in three successive decades as the main concern of the author is how the Catholic terms are translated in the extract – as an adaptation to Orthodoxy and the target culture or by keeping their Catholic identity considering the fact that a Catholic society exists in Bulgaria.

Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения

Nelly Tincheva (Sofia) – Before I start speaking, I would like to say something: Malapropisms // 47

Keywords: malapropisms; tipology; pragmatics; cognitive motivation; acceptability; scale; humoure scale;

Summary/Abstract: The paper aims to draw attention to and discuss the ’underrated’ phenomenon of malapropisms. It offers two perspectives on them – a linguistic/pragmatic approach and a cognitive one – and argues in favour of the cognitive viewpoint. The results and conclusions draw on an extensive corpus of malapropisms in English and Bulgarian.

Nelly Yakimova (Sofia) – Compliment responses in Bulgarian // 63

Keywords: compliment responses; response strategy; quantitative corpuse analyse; ambivalence;

Summary/Abstract: In this paper I have analysed compliment responses in Bulgarian and assigned them to different categories, drawing upon previous research on compliment responses, predominantly in English. I have suggested five broad categories of response strategies: acceptance, rejection, deflection, other interpretation and combination strategies. Based on a quantitative analysis of a corpus of naturally occurring compliments and responses, I have argued that acceptance is the preferred second part in a compliment–compliment response adjacency pair. This paper offers an analysis of the types of compliment responses in Bulgarian, including ambivalent responses. It also aims to work out the preference structure of compliment exchanges in Bulgarian. The analysis makes use of a corpus of 192 naturally occurring compliment exchanges collected through the method of fieldnote taking.

По поводу…

Стефана Димитрова (София) – Проф. д-р Жана Молхова в моих воспоминаниях // 78
Христо Стаменов (София), Александра Багашева (София) – По поводу oдного юбилея // 81

Рецензии и аннотации годовщины

Юлияна Стоянова (София) – Максиму Стаменову 60 лет // 99
Библиография трудов Максима Стаменова (сост. Ина Михайлова, София) // 102


In memoriam


Соня Бояджиева (София) – Болгарские языковедческие диссертации (2003) 120
Содержание журнала Сопоставительное языкознание за ХХХVІІ (2012) год выхода в свет (сост. Ина Михайлова, София) // 123


Contrastive Studies

Biliana Mihaylova (Sofia) – Les mots exprimant la notion de chagrin en bulgare, en français et en roumain // 7

Summary/Abstract: The article discusses words with the shared meaning „sorrow, grief“ in Bulgarian, French and Romanian. Etymological analysis reveals that in French and Bulgarian the initial etymons from which such lexis developed have as a semantic component the idea of physical pain or violence. In French and Romanian, however, there are lexemes whose initial semantics can only be traced to the social sphere. It is not possible to establish shared etymons between French and Bulgarian, but common semantic models are frequent – in both languages there are words for „sorrow, grief“ which developed from earlier meanings of „torture“, „tear, cut“ and „press, squeeze“. Unlike in Bulgarian and French where the words for „sorrow, grief“ have been inherited from Proto-Slavonic and Latin, in Romanian the majority of the words with such meanings are borrowings, mainly form Old Bulgarian and Bulgarian. All such words, to the exception of jale have undergone significant specific semantic transformations. Special attention is devoted to forms such as Fr. ennui and chagrin, Rom. dor, which are of notable interest both from a semantic and from an etymological point of view.

Problems of Theoretical Linguistics

Ivan Kasabov (Sofia) – Semantic Characterization of the word as a basic unit of the linguistic system // 8

Summary/Abstract: It is possible to understand the human activity as theoretical experiment, as practical experience and as experiential result. In humans linguistic experience it is possible to recognize three interconnected but different levels of existence: of theoretical form (as architectonics or theory of sign possibility), of actual existence (as praxis) and of socio-cultural values (as knowledge or language competence). It is clear that such a division is based on three types of experience: experimental-grammatical, practical and as knowledge (competence, language know-how) corresponding to three types of existence: theoretical-virtual, pragmatic-actual and semantic-real. From semantic point of view we have to outline the modes of word’s being. Besides having actual existence (in actual utterance), every single word (as well every single object) has its (imaginary, virtually or theoretically) possible existence and its realized existence as socially established meaningful and understandable word-symbol. Practical language experience leads to semantic knowledge, „sedimented“ in words’ meanings and the meaning is understanding (in certain degree) of object’s essence of the sign or internal-predicative, attributive interpretation of the word.

Translation Theory and Practice

Hristo Grancharov (Plovdiv) – The new Bulgarian translation of the poem „Hávamál“ – „That Spake the High One“ // 31

Summary/Abstract: This paper focuses on the recently published new Bulgarian translation of the Eddic poem Hávamál by Yana Chankova and Ægir Sverrisson. The authors of the translation have faced a number of challenges regarding the grammar and semantics of the Old Icelandic text as well as its alliterative verse. The paper analyses briefly the above mentioned difficulties in rendering the Old Icelandic text into contemporary Bulgarian and concludes that on the whole the authors have dealt successfully with each one of them.

Mariya Anastasova (Blagoevgrad) – Translation of Catholic lexis from English into Bulgarian in the context of a novel by Oscar Wilde // 38

Keywords: translation; adaptation; Catholic lexis; Oscar Wilde;

Summary/Abstract: The article studies the problem of the translation of Catholic lexis from English into Bulgarian in the context of a specific extract from the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. The analysis is based on the theories of Itamar Even-Zohar and Guideon Toury about the place of translated literature within a literary polysystem. The place of the translated literature in Bulgarian could be defined as central because of the lack of consolidated home traditions. Due to a combination of factors, both historical and political, models were borrowed from specific cultures excluding the British one, which makes the translation of Oscar Wilde in Bulgarian a quite curious phenomenon. The research focuses on three Bulgarian translations of the book published in three successive decades as the main concern of the author is how the Catholic terms are translated in the extract – as an adaptation to Orthodoxy and the target culture or by keeping their Catholic identity considering the fact that a Catholic society exists in Bulgaria.

Discussions, Notes and Review Articles

Nelly Tincheva (Sofia) – Before I start speaking, I would like to say something: Malapropisms // 47

Keywords: malapropisms; tipology; pragmatics; cognitive motivation; acceptability; scale; humoure scale;

Summary/Abstract: The paper aims to draw attention to and discuss the ’underrated’ phenomenon of malapropisms. It offers two perspectives on them – a linguistic/pragmatic approach and a cognitive one – and argues in favour of the cognitive viewpoint. The results and conclusions draw on an extensive corpus of malapropisms in English and Bulgarian.

Nelly Yakimova (Blagoevgrad) – Сompliment responses in Bulgarian // 63

Keywords: compliment responses; response strategy; quantitative corpuse analyse; ambivalence;

Summary/Abstract: In this paper I have analysed compliment responses in Bulgarian and assigned them to different categories, drawing upon previous research on compliment responses, predominantly in English. I have suggested five broad categories of response strategies: acceptance, rejection, deflection, other interpretation and combination strategies. Based on a quantitative analysis of a corpus of naturally occurring compliments and responses, I have argued that acceptance is the preferred second part in a compliment–compliment response adjacency pair. This paper offers an analysis of the types of compliment responses in Bulgarian, including ambivalent responses. It also aims to work out the preference structure of compliment exchanges in Bulgarian. The analysis makes use of a corpus of 192 naturally occurring compliment exchanges collected through the method of fieldnote taking.

Apropos of

Stefana Dimitrova (Sofia) – Prof. Zhana Molhova in my memories // 78
Christo Stamenov (Sofia), Alexandra Bagasheva (Sofia) – On the occasion of a jubilee // 81

Reviews and Annotations Anniversaries

Yuliana Stoyanova (Sofia) – Maxim Stamenov – a sexagenarian // 99
Bibliography of Maxim Stamenov’s Works (comp. by Ina Mihaylova, Sofia) // 102


In memoriam


Sonya Boyadzhieva (Sofia) – Bulgarian Dissertations in Linguistics (2003) // 120
Contrastive Linguistics’s Annual Contents – vol. XXXVІІ (2012) (comp. by Ina Mihaylova, Sofia) // 123

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