2012 (ХХХVII), № 3

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Съпоставителни изследвания

Петя Асенова (София), Уте Дукова (Франкфурт на Майн) – Homo Balсanicus в оппозиции свет / мрак // 5

Summary/Abstract: The universal opposition day : night (analogical to light : dark) is interpreted differently in different cultures. In the current paper the focus is on the specific Balkan linguistic encoding of transitions from light into darkness and the reverse.

Максим Стаменов (София) – Понятието за кеф между езици и култури // 14

Summary/Abstract: In the Bulgarian culture the loan word kef associates itself with specific meaning that distinguishes it in a clearcut way from its synonyms, such as udovolstvie or naslada, as well as with certain phenomenology of experiences to which it may refer. It is important to acknowledge that during the last two decades this has come to the fore not only in terms of its frequency of use in the colloquial language, but also in the media and in the internet forums which circumstance should attract the attention of scholars interested in the study of culturally specific lexis. The present article is dedicated to the discussion of the culture-specific component of kef in the context of the Ottoman Turkish culture from where it was originally borrowed, as well as in comparison to its reception in other European languages and cultures such as English, Russian, German and French, as far as it is available in them. From the analysis it becomes evident that kef serves as one of the main categories of making sense of experience in the Bulgarian vernacular language and culture which comes to display a peculiar aspect of the Ottoman cultural tradition, as it was received and reinterpreted on the Bulgarian soil.

Теоретични въпроси на езикознанието

Yana Chankova (Blagoevgrad) – Generating External Arguments in Old Icelandic // 25

Keywords: OIce word order; Minimalist Program; external arguments; VP-internal subject hypothesis; leftward movement; checking-theory;

Summary/Abstract: The objective of this paper is to attempt a unitary Minimalist account of the positions available for nominative-case subjects in OIce. In OIce the finite verb has to occur in T and give rise to unmarked SVO patterns unless it raises to C and so gives rise to various marked V2 and V1 patterns. Movement of the subject to spec-AgrSP is compatible with the TP analysis of SVO clauses in OIce as well as with the CP analysis of V2 and V1 clauses.

Димитрина Хамзе (Пловдив) – Категориите на комичното в перспективата на иронията в когнитивно-прагматичен аспект // 38

Summary/Abstract: The article aims at presenting the multifaceted illocutionary potential of the categories of the comic as an ensemble of hierarchically related implicit and explicit speech acts. The creative specificity of comemes makes them unique communicative units and highlights the taxonomic character of irony as their prototype and invariant. When viewed from the perspective of the categories of the comic the efficacy of a communicative act can never be measured unequivocally since its success and effects are not concurrent with its temporal restriction to the moment of speaking, but rather have a prospective-resultative character.

Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения

Румен Сребранов (София – Тараклия, Молдова) – Облиците ще, има и няма за образуване на бъдещи форми – частици или глаголни форми? // 50

Summary/Abstract: The paper discusses the functional and semantic charge as well as the formal makeup of the structures for expressing futurity in Bulgarian. The approach is based on a paradigmatic analysis of the linguistic elements encoding futurity. The essence and forms for expressing futurity have been rather divergently and controversially defined and analyzed in the Bulgarian linguistic tradition. The Bulgarian futurity forms are contrasted with their cognates in related languages (other Slavonic languages) and unrelated languages (Germanic and Romance).

По повод на…

Елена Тодорова (София) – Традиции и нови теории в българското езикознание // 57

Рецензии и анотации

И. Червенкова. Сопоставительное исследование русской и болгарской лексики (Палмира Легурска, София) // 66
П. Легурска. Съпоставителни лексикални анализи и основа за съпоставка (Ничка Бечева, София) 69
Н. Михайлова-Сталянова. Verba percipiendi в български и полски език (Витка Делева, София) // 75
М. Стаменов. Съдбата на турцизмите в българския език и в българската култура (Стефана Димитрова, София) // 80
Б. Парашкевов. Отименна лексика в словника на българския език. Енциклопедичен речник на производни от собствени имена (Сабина Павлова, София) // 83
М. Пенчева. Когнитивна лингвистика. Речник на понятията и термините (Александра Багашева, София) // 86
М. Цибранска-Костова. Покайната книжнина на Българското средновековие IX–XVIII век. Езиково-текстологични и културологични аспекти (Татяна Славова, София) // 88
Ю. Стоянова. Ранно езиково развитие. От първите звукови последователности до многословни изказвания (Енчо Герганов, София) // 92
B. Alexiev. Knowledge-oriented Terminography (Мария Попова, София) // 95
Е. С. Узенëва. Болгарская свадьба: этнолингвистическое исследование (Василка Алексова, София) // 99
Проблеми на балканското и славянското езикознание (ред. И. Харалампиев и др.) (Мартин Стефанов, София) // 100
Състояние и проблеми на българската ономастика. Т. 11. Материали от международна научна конференция Славянска и балканска ономастика, посветена на 70-годишнината от рождението на проф. дфн Лудвиг Селимски (Димитрина Михайлова, София) // 105


Велка Попова (Шумен) – Юлияна Стоянова на 60 години // 109
Библиография на трудовете на Юлияна Стоянова (съст. Велка Попова, Шумен) // 113


Александра Багашева (София) – XV международна конференция по морфология във Виена // 121
Мария Илич (Белград) – Осемнадесета конференция по балканско и южнославянско езикознание, литература и фолклор (Вашингтонски университет, Сиатъл, 29–31 март 2012) // 122


Соня Бояджиева (София) – Български езиковедски дисертации за 2002 г. // 126


Сопоставительные исследования

Петя Асенова (София), Уте Дукова (Франкфурт-на-Майне) – Homo Balсanicus в оппозиции свет / мрак // 5

Summary/Abstract: The universal opposition day : night (analogical to light : dark) is interpreted differently in different cultures. In the current paper the focus is on the specific Balkan linguistic encoding of transitions from light into darkness and the reverse.

Максим Стаменов (София) – Понятие кайфа между языками и культурами // 14

Summary/Abstract: In the Bulgarian culture the loan word kef associates itself with specific meaning that distinguishes it in a clearcut way from its synonyms, such as udovolstvie or naslada, as well as with certain phenomenology of experiences to which it may refer. It is important to acknowledge that during the last two decades this has come to the fore not only in terms of its frequency of use in the colloquial language, but also in the media and in the internet forums which circumstance should attract the attention of scholars interested in the study of culturally specific lexis. The present article is dedicated to the discussion of the culture-specific component of kef in the context of the Ottoman Turkish culture from where it was originally borrowed, as well as in comparison to its reception in other European languages and cultures such as English, Russian, German and French, as far as it is available in them. From the analysis it becomes evident that kef serves as one of the main categories of making sense of experience in the Bulgarian vernacular language and culture which comes to display a peculiar aspect of the Ottoman cultural tradition, as it was received and reinterpreted on the Bulgarian soil.

Теоретические вопросы языкознания

Yana Chankova (Blagoevgrad) – Generating External Arguments in Old Icelandic // 25

Keywords: OIce word order; Minimalist Program; external arguments; VP-internal subject hypothesis; leftward movement; checking-theory;

Summary/Abstract: The objective of this paper is to attempt a unitary Minimalist account of the positions available for nominative-case subjects in OIce. In OIce the finite verb has to occur in T and give rise to unmarked SVO patterns unless it raises to C and so gives rise to various marked V2 and V1 patterns. Movement of the subject to spec-AgrSP is compatible with the TP analysis of SVO clauses in OIce as well as with the CP analysis of V2 and V1 clauses.

Димитрина Хамзе (Пловдив) – Категории комического в перспективе иронии в когнитивно-прагматическом аспекте // 38

Summary/Abstract: The article aims at presenting the multifaceted illocutionary potential of the categories of the comic as an ensemble of hierarchically related implicit and explicit speech acts. The creative specificity of comemes makes them unique communicative units and highlights the taxonomic character of irony as their prototype and invariant. When viewed from the perspective of the categories of the comic the efficacy of a communicative act can never be measured unequivocally since its success and effects are not concurrent with its temporal restriction to the moment of speaking, but rather have a prospective-resultative character.

Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения

Румен Сребрянов (София – Тараклия, Молдова) – Сущность форм ще, има, няма при образовании форм будущего времени – частицы это или глагольные формы? // 50

Summary/Abstract: The paper discusses the functional and semantic charge as well as the formal makeup of the structures for expressing futurity in Bulgarian. The approach is based on a paradigmatic analysis of the linguistic elements encoding futurity. The essence and forms for expressing futurity have been rather divergently and controversially defined and analyzed in the Bulgarian linguistic tradition. The Bulgarian futurity forms are contrasted with their cognates in related languages (other Slavonic languages) and unrelated languages (Germanic and Romance).  

По поводу…

Елена Тодорова (София) – Традиции и новые теории в болгарском языкознании // 57

Рецензии и аннотации


Велка Попова (Шумен) – Юлияне Стояновой 60 лет // 109
Библиография трудов Юлияны Стояновой (сост. Велка Попова, Шумен) // 113




Contrastive Studies

Petya Assenova (Sofia), Ute Dukova (Frankfurt am Main) – Homo Balсanicus in the opposition light / darkness // 5

Summary/Abstract: The universal opposition day : night (analogical to light : dark) is interpreted differently in different cultures. In the current paper the focus is on the specific Balkan linguistic encoding of transitions from light into darkness and the reverse.

Maxim Stamenov (Sofia) – The concept of kef across languages and cultures // 14

Summary/Abstract: In the Bulgarian culture the loan word kef associates itself with specific meaning that distinguishes it in a clearcut way from its synonyms, such as udovolstvie or naslada, as well as with certain phenomenology of experiences to which it may refer. It is important to acknowledge that during the last two decades this has come to the fore not only in terms of its frequency of use in the colloquial language, but also in the media and in the internet forums which circumstance should attract the attention of scholars interested in the study of culturally specific lexis. The present article is dedicated to the discussion of the culture-specific component of kef in the context of the Ottoman Turkish culture from where it was originally borrowed, as well as in comparison to its reception in other European languages and cultures such as English, Russian, German and French, as far as it is available in them. From the analysis it becomes evident that kef serves as one of the main categories of making sense of experience in the Bulgarian vernacular language and culture which comes to display a peculiar aspect of the Ottoman cultural tradition, as it was received and reinterpreted on the Bulgarian soil.

Problems of Theoretical Linguistics

Yana Chankova (Blagoevgrad) – Generating External Arguments in Old Icelandic // 25

Keywords: OIce word order; Minimalist Program; external arguments; VP-internal subject hypothesis; leftward movement; checking-theory;

Summary/Abstract: The objective of this paper is to attempt a unitary Minimalist account of the positions available for nominative-case subjects in OIce. In OIce the finite verb has to occur in T and give rise to unmarked SVO patterns unless it raises to C and so gives rise to various marked V2 and V1 patterns. Movement of the subject to spec-AgrSP is compatible with the TP analysis of SVO clauses in OIce as well as with the CP analysis of V2 and V1 clauses.

Dimitrina Hamze (Plovdiv) – The categories of the comic under the auspices of irony from a cognitive-pragmatic perspective // 38

Summary/Abstract: The article aims at presenting the multifaceted illocutionary potential of the categories of the comic as an ensemble of hierarchically related implicit and explicit speech acts. The creative specificity of comemes makes them unique communicative units and highlights the taxonomic character of irony as their prototype and invariant. When viewed from the perspective of the categories of the comic the efficacy of a communicative act can never be measured unequivocally since its success and effects are not concurrent with its temporal restriction to the moment of speaking, but rather have a prospective-resultative character.

Discussions, Notes and Review Articles

Rumen Srebranov (Sofia – Taraklia, Moldova) – The essence of ще, има and няма for the formation of future forms – particles or verb forms? // 50

Summary/Abstract: The paper discusses the functional and semantic charge as well as the formal makeup of the structures for expressing futurity in Bulgarian. The approach is based on a paradigmatic analysis of the linguistic elements encoding futurity. The essence and forms for expressing futurity have been rather divergently and controversially defined and analyzed in the Bulgarian linguistic tradition. The Bulgarian futurity forms are contrasted with their cognates in related languages (other Slavonic languages) and unrelated languages (Germanic and Romance).

Apropos of

Elena Todorova (Sofia) – Traditions and novel theories in Bulgarian linguistics // 57

Reviews and Annotations


Velka Popova (Shumen) – Yuliana Stoyanova – a sexagenarian // 109
Bibliography of Yuliana Stoyanova’s Works (comp. by Velka Popova, Shumen) // 113




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