Автор: Ангелина Иванова

  • 2012 (ХХХVII), № 3

    Съдържанието и резюметата можете да изтеглите оттук.


    Съпоставителни изследвания

    Петя Асенова (София), Уте Дукова (Франкфурт на Майн) – Homo Balсanicus в оппозиции свет / мрак // 5

    Summary/Abstract: The universal opposition day : night (analogical to light : dark) is interpreted differently in different cultures. In the current paper the focus is on the specific Balkan linguistic encoding of transitions from light into darkness and the reverse.

    Максим Стаменов (София) – Понятието за кеф между езици и култури // 14

    Summary/Abstract: In the Bulgarian culture the loan word kef associates itself with specific meaning that distinguishes it in a clearcut way from its synonyms, such as udovolstvie or naslada, as well as with certain phenomenology of experiences to which it may refer. It is important to acknowledge that during the last two decades this has come to the fore not only in terms of its frequency of use in the colloquial language, but also in the media and in the internet forums which circumstance should attract the attention of scholars interested in the study of culturally specific lexis. The present article is dedicated to the discussion of the culture-specific component of kef in the context of the Ottoman Turkish culture from where it was originally borrowed, as well as in comparison to its reception in other European languages and cultures such as English, Russian, German and French, as far as it is available in them. From the analysis it becomes evident that kef serves as one of the main categories of making sense of experience in the Bulgarian vernacular language and culture which comes to display a peculiar aspect of the Ottoman cultural tradition, as it was received and reinterpreted on the Bulgarian soil.

    Теоретични въпроси на езикознанието

    Yana Chankova (Blagoevgrad) – Generating External Arguments in Old Icelandic // 25

    Keywords: OIce word order; Minimalist Program; external arguments; VP-internal subject hypothesis; leftward movement; checking-theory;

    Summary/Abstract: The objective of this paper is to attempt a unitary Minimalist account of the positions available for nominative-case subjects in OIce. In OIce the finite verb has to occur in T and give rise to unmarked SVO patterns unless it raises to C and so gives rise to various marked V2 and V1 patterns. Movement of the subject to spec-AgrSP is compatible with the TP analysis of SVO clauses in OIce as well as with the CP analysis of V2 and V1 clauses.

    Димитрина Хамзе (Пловдив) – Категориите на комичното в перспективата на иронията в когнитивно-прагматичен аспект // 38

    Summary/Abstract: The article aims at presenting the multifaceted illocutionary potential of the categories of the comic as an ensemble of hierarchically related implicit and explicit speech acts. The creative specificity of comemes makes them unique communicative units and highlights the taxonomic character of irony as their prototype and invariant. When viewed from the perspective of the categories of the comic the efficacy of a communicative act can never be measured unequivocally since its success and effects are not concurrent with its temporal restriction to the moment of speaking, but rather have a prospective-resultative character.

    Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения

    Румен Сребранов (София – Тараклия, Молдова) – Облиците ще, има и няма за образуване на бъдещи форми – частици или глаголни форми? // 50

    Summary/Abstract: The paper discusses the functional and semantic charge as well as the formal makeup of the structures for expressing futurity in Bulgarian. The approach is based on a paradigmatic analysis of the linguistic elements encoding futurity. The essence and forms for expressing futurity have been rather divergently and controversially defined and analyzed in the Bulgarian linguistic tradition. The Bulgarian futurity forms are contrasted with their cognates in related languages (other Slavonic languages) and unrelated languages (Germanic and Romance).

    По повод на…

    Елена Тодорова (София) – Традиции и нови теории в българското езикознание // 57

    Рецензии и анотации

    И. Червенкова. Сопоставительное исследование русской и болгарской лексики (Палмира Легурска, София) // 66
    П. Легурска. Съпоставителни лексикални анализи и основа за съпоставка (Ничка Бечева, София) 69
    Н. Михайлова-Сталянова. Verba percipiendi в български и полски език (Витка Делева, София) // 75
    М. Стаменов. Съдбата на турцизмите в българския език и в българската култура (Стефана Димитрова, София) // 80
    Б. Парашкевов. Отименна лексика в словника на българския език. Енциклопедичен речник на производни от собствени имена (Сабина Павлова, София) // 83
    М. Пенчева. Когнитивна лингвистика. Речник на понятията и термините (Александра Багашева, София) // 86
    М. Цибранска-Костова. Покайната книжнина на Българското средновековие IX–XVIII век. Езиково-текстологични и културологични аспекти (Татяна Славова, София) // 88
    Ю. Стоянова. Ранно езиково развитие. От първите звукови последователности до многословни изказвания (Енчо Герганов, София) // 92
    B. Alexiev. Knowledge-oriented Terminography (Мария Попова, София) // 95
    Е. С. Узенëва. Болгарская свадьба: этнолингвистическое исследование (Василка Алексова, София) // 99
    Проблеми на балканското и славянското езикознание (ред. И. Харалампиев и др.) (Мартин Стефанов, София) // 100
    Състояние и проблеми на българската ономастика. Т. 11. Материали от международна научна конференция Славянска и балканска ономастика, посветена на 70-годишнината от рождението на проф. дфн Лудвиг Селимски (Димитрина Михайлова, София) // 105


    Велка Попова (Шумен) – Юлияна Стоянова на 60 години // 109
    Библиография на трудовете на Юлияна Стоянова (съст. Велка Попова, Шумен) // 113


    Александра Багашева (София) – XV международна конференция по морфология във Виена // 121
    Мария Илич (Белград) – Осемнадесета конференция по балканско и южнославянско езикознание, литература и фолклор (Вашингтонски университет, Сиатъл, 29–31 март 2012) // 122


    Соня Бояджиева (София) – Български езиковедски дисертации за 2002 г. // 126


    Сопоставительные исследования

    Петя Асенова (София), Уте Дукова (Франкфурт-на-Майне) – Homo Balсanicus в оппозиции свет / мрак // 5

    Summary/Abstract: The universal opposition day : night (analogical to light : dark) is interpreted differently in different cultures. In the current paper the focus is on the specific Balkan linguistic encoding of transitions from light into darkness and the reverse.

    Максим Стаменов (София) – Понятие кайфа между языками и культурами // 14

    Summary/Abstract: In the Bulgarian culture the loan word kef associates itself with specific meaning that distinguishes it in a clearcut way from its synonyms, such as udovolstvie or naslada, as well as with certain phenomenology of experiences to which it may refer. It is important to acknowledge that during the last two decades this has come to the fore not only in terms of its frequency of use in the colloquial language, but also in the media and in the internet forums which circumstance should attract the attention of scholars interested in the study of culturally specific lexis. The present article is dedicated to the discussion of the culture-specific component of kef in the context of the Ottoman Turkish culture from where it was originally borrowed, as well as in comparison to its reception in other European languages and cultures such as English, Russian, German and French, as far as it is available in them. From the analysis it becomes evident that kef serves as one of the main categories of making sense of experience in the Bulgarian vernacular language and culture which comes to display a peculiar aspect of the Ottoman cultural tradition, as it was received and reinterpreted on the Bulgarian soil.

    Теоретические вопросы языкознания

    Yana Chankova (Blagoevgrad) – Generating External Arguments in Old Icelandic // 25

    Keywords: OIce word order; Minimalist Program; external arguments; VP-internal subject hypothesis; leftward movement; checking-theory;

    Summary/Abstract: The objective of this paper is to attempt a unitary Minimalist account of the positions available for nominative-case subjects in OIce. In OIce the finite verb has to occur in T and give rise to unmarked SVO patterns unless it raises to C and so gives rise to various marked V2 and V1 patterns. Movement of the subject to spec-AgrSP is compatible with the TP analysis of SVO clauses in OIce as well as with the CP analysis of V2 and V1 clauses.

    Димитрина Хамзе (Пловдив) – Категории комического в перспективе иронии в когнитивно-прагматическом аспекте // 38

    Summary/Abstract: The article aims at presenting the multifaceted illocutionary potential of the categories of the comic as an ensemble of hierarchically related implicit and explicit speech acts. The creative specificity of comemes makes them unique communicative units and highlights the taxonomic character of irony as their prototype and invariant. When viewed from the perspective of the categories of the comic the efficacy of a communicative act can never be measured unequivocally since its success and effects are not concurrent with its temporal restriction to the moment of speaking, but rather have a prospective-resultative character.

    Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения

    Румен Сребрянов (София – Тараклия, Молдова) – Сущность форм ще, има, няма при образовании форм будущего времени – частицы это или глагольные формы? // 50

    Summary/Abstract: The paper discusses the functional and semantic charge as well as the formal makeup of the structures for expressing futurity in Bulgarian. The approach is based on a paradigmatic analysis of the linguistic elements encoding futurity. The essence and forms for expressing futurity have been rather divergently and controversially defined and analyzed in the Bulgarian linguistic tradition. The Bulgarian futurity forms are contrasted with their cognates in related languages (other Slavonic languages) and unrelated languages (Germanic and Romance).  

    По поводу…

    Елена Тодорова (София) – Традиции и новые теории в болгарском языкознании // 57

    Рецензии и аннотации


    Велка Попова (Шумен) – Юлияне Стояновой 60 лет // 109
    Библиография трудов Юлияны Стояновой (сост. Велка Попова, Шумен) // 113




    Contrastive Studies

    Petya Assenova (Sofia), Ute Dukova (Frankfurt am Main) – Homo Balсanicus in the opposition light / darkness // 5

    Summary/Abstract: The universal opposition day : night (analogical to light : dark) is interpreted differently in different cultures. In the current paper the focus is on the specific Balkan linguistic encoding of transitions from light into darkness and the reverse.

    Maxim Stamenov (Sofia) – The concept of kef across languages and cultures // 14

    Summary/Abstract: In the Bulgarian culture the loan word kef associates itself with specific meaning that distinguishes it in a clearcut way from its synonyms, such as udovolstvie or naslada, as well as with certain phenomenology of experiences to which it may refer. It is important to acknowledge that during the last two decades this has come to the fore not only in terms of its frequency of use in the colloquial language, but also in the media and in the internet forums which circumstance should attract the attention of scholars interested in the study of culturally specific lexis. The present article is dedicated to the discussion of the culture-specific component of kef in the context of the Ottoman Turkish culture from where it was originally borrowed, as well as in comparison to its reception in other European languages and cultures such as English, Russian, German and French, as far as it is available in them. From the analysis it becomes evident that kef serves as one of the main categories of making sense of experience in the Bulgarian vernacular language and culture which comes to display a peculiar aspect of the Ottoman cultural tradition, as it was received and reinterpreted on the Bulgarian soil.

    Problems of Theoretical Linguistics

    Yana Chankova (Blagoevgrad) – Generating External Arguments in Old Icelandic // 25

    Keywords: OIce word order; Minimalist Program; external arguments; VP-internal subject hypothesis; leftward movement; checking-theory;

    Summary/Abstract: The objective of this paper is to attempt a unitary Minimalist account of the positions available for nominative-case subjects in OIce. In OIce the finite verb has to occur in T and give rise to unmarked SVO patterns unless it raises to C and so gives rise to various marked V2 and V1 patterns. Movement of the subject to spec-AgrSP is compatible with the TP analysis of SVO clauses in OIce as well as with the CP analysis of V2 and V1 clauses.

    Dimitrina Hamze (Plovdiv) – The categories of the comic under the auspices of irony from a cognitive-pragmatic perspective // 38

    Summary/Abstract: The article aims at presenting the multifaceted illocutionary potential of the categories of the comic as an ensemble of hierarchically related implicit and explicit speech acts. The creative specificity of comemes makes them unique communicative units and highlights the taxonomic character of irony as their prototype and invariant. When viewed from the perspective of the categories of the comic the efficacy of a communicative act can never be measured unequivocally since its success and effects are not concurrent with its temporal restriction to the moment of speaking, but rather have a prospective-resultative character.

    Discussions, Notes and Review Articles

    Rumen Srebranov (Sofia – Taraklia, Moldova) – The essence of ще, има and няма for the formation of future forms – particles or verb forms? // 50

    Summary/Abstract: The paper discusses the functional and semantic charge as well as the formal makeup of the structures for expressing futurity in Bulgarian. The approach is based on a paradigmatic analysis of the linguistic elements encoding futurity. The essence and forms for expressing futurity have been rather divergently and controversially defined and analyzed in the Bulgarian linguistic tradition. The Bulgarian futurity forms are contrasted with their cognates in related languages (other Slavonic languages) and unrelated languages (Germanic and Romance).

    Apropos of

    Elena Todorova (Sofia) – Traditions and novel theories in Bulgarian linguistics // 57

    Reviews and Annotations


    Velka Popova (Shumen) – Yuliana Stoyanova – a sexagenarian // 109
    Bibliography of Yuliana Stoyanova’s Works (comp. by Velka Popova, Shumen) // 113



  • 2012 (ХХХVII), № 2

    Съдържанието и резюметата можете да свалите оттук.


    Съпоставителни изследвания

    Райна Холанди (Благоевград) – Относно фразеологичната вариантност // 5

    Summary/Abstract: The article sets the criteria for defining the phenomenon of phraseological variation contrastively in English and Bulgarian. The analysis is performed bearing in mind the two aspects of this linguistic problem, namely the variation concerning the paradigm (formal and semantic) and occasional variation (insertion or deformation).

    Езикови контакти

    Ирена Василева (Перник) – Превключване на езиковия код при българи, живеещи в Германия // 14

    Summary/Abstract: The latest research in linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics and other related disciplines offers an interpretive and dialogic approach to the problem of code switching, placing it in a wider socio-cultural context. The article discusses code switching in discourse on the basis of recordings of the speech of Bulgarians who have been living in Germany for no less than a decade and have perfect command of both languages (Bulgarian and German). The results show what the contexts and reasons for the insertion of German words, phrases and even whole sentences in a conversation carried out in Bulgarian are. The results of the analysis of the recordings are corroborated by informal interviews with the subjects.

    Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения

    Eleni Motsiou (Thessaloniki) – Lexical Innovations (Neologisms) in Children’s Speech: Evidence from Greek // 22

    Keywords: lexical innovations / neologisms; preschool children; compounding; derivation;

    Summary/Abstract: This paper aims at studying the lexical innovations in Greek preschool children’s speech. Lexical creativity is a widespread phenomenon in childhood: the frequency and ease with which children coin words indicate that children have already perceived the existence of word formation devices and they try to apply principles governing the word formation system. The core of this paper focuses mainly on derivational neologisms: we will make an attempt to investigate to what extent Greek preschoolers have mastered specific features of derivational rules in their language, what kind of meanings they most frequently create and which forms they prefer to use to express the intended meanings.

    Detelina Metz (Sofia), Plamen Tsvetkov (Sofia) – Alles schon vernetzt oder was? // 33

    Summary/Abstract: The article traces the first steps and the challenges in introducing computer-assisted teaching within the project Experimental introduction of computer-based assessment systems and the monitoring of foreign language acquisition at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia University. The authors discuss the new practices for teaching and assessment without promoting specific methods. Their aim is to launch a wide-ranging discussion on the problems of computer-assisted FLT.

    Из историята на световното езикознание

    Иван Куцаров (Пловдив) – Международните конгреси на филолозите слависти. Част ІIІ // 47

    Summary/Abstract: The article offers an account of the organization and holding of the 14th International Congress of Slavists in Ljubljana (Slovenia). All the topics are fully covered together with the names of the speakers, special attention being paid to the Bulgarian participation in the sessions.

    По повод на…

    Христо Стаменов (София) – По повод на една библиография // 61

    Рецензии и анотации

    М. Алмалех. Светлината в стария завет (Стефана Димитрова, София) // 72
    Езиковедски изследвания в чест на проф. Сийка Спасова-Михайлова (съст. и ред. Ст. Калдиева, Р. Захариева) (Димитър Веселинов, София) // 74
    Т. Балкански. Българите и българското от другата страна на Дунав (Влашко, Молдова, Трансилвания и Банат) в светлината на езиковата археология. Етнос. Език. Етнонимия. Ономастика. Просопография (Василка Алексова, София) // 77
    Slovo – Tvorba – Dynamickosť (na počesť Kláry Buzássyovej) (Диана К. Иванова, София) // 86
    Sintaksa padeža (ured. M. Birtić, D. Brozović Rončević) (Мартин Стефанов, София) // 90
    А. R. Libert, Ch. Moskovsky. Aspects of the Grammar and Lexica of Artificial Languages (Христо Стаменов, София) // 94
    Eurolinguistik. Entwicklungen und Perspektiven (Hrsg. U. Hinrichs, N. Reiter, S. Tornow) (Мая Александрова, София) // 97
    R. Benacchio. Вид и категория вежливости в славянском императиве. Сравнительный анализ (Руселина Ницолова, София) // 102


    Маргарита Младенова (София) – Столетните корени на Института за чешки език при Чешката академия на науките // 109
    Александра Багашева (София) – Посоки на развитие – нови публикации на издателство Джон Бенджаминс // 111
    Диана К. Иванова (София) – Първа студентска словакистична конференция // 114
    Диана Янкова (София) – Секция Езикознание и литературознание на юбилейната конференция на СУБ – Смолян Човекът и Вселената // 115

    In memoriam

    Карл Гутшмит (1937–2012) // 118
    Анна Липовска (1959–2012) // 120
    Вера Деспотова (1940–2012) // 121


    Соня Бояджиева (София) – Български езиковедски дисертации за 2001 // 123


    Сопоставительные исследования

    Райна Холанди (Благоевград) – О фразеологической вариантности // 5

    Summary/Abstract: The article sets the criteria for defining the phenomenon of phraseological variation contrastively in English and Bulgarian. The analysis is performed bearing in mind the two aspects of this linguistic problem, namely the variation concerning the paradigm (formal and semantic) and occasional variation (insertion or deformation).

     Языковые контакты

    Ирэна Василева (Перник) – Переход на языковой код у живущих в Германии болгар // 14

    Summary/Abstract: The latest research in linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics and other related disciplines offers an interpretive and dialogic approach to the problem of code switching, placing it in a wider socio-cultural context. The article discusses code switching in discourse on the basis of recordings of the speech of Bulgarians who have been living in Germany for no less than a decade and have perfect command of both languages (Bulgarian and German). The results show what the contexts and reasons for the insertion of German words, phrases and even whole sentences in a conversation carried out in Bulgarian are. The results of the analysis of the recordings are corroborated by informal interviews with the subjects.

    Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения

    Eleni Motsiou (Thessaloniki) – Lexical Innovations (Neologisms) in Children’s Speech: Evidence from Greek // 22

    Keywords: lexical innovations / neologisms; preschool children; compounding; derivation;

    Summary/Abstract: This paper aims at studying the lexical innovations in Greek preschool children’s speech. Lexical creativity is a widespread phenomenon in childhood: the frequency and ease with which children coin words indicate that children have already perceived the existence of word formation devices and they try to apply principles governing the word formation system. The core of this paper focuses mainly on derivational neologisms: we will make an attempt to investigate to what extent Greek preschoolers have mastered specific features of derivational rules in their language, what kind of meanings they most frequently create and which forms they prefer to use to express the intended meanings.

    Detelina Metz (Sofia), Plamen Tsvetkov (Sofia) – Alles schon vernetzt oder was? // 33

    Summary/Abstract: The article traces the first steps and the challenges in introducing computer-assisted teaching within the project Experimental introduction of computer-based assessment systems and the monitoring of foreign language acquisition at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia University. The authors discuss the new practices for teaching and assessment without promoting specific methods. Their aim is to launch a wide-ranging discussion on the problems of computer-assisted FLT.

    Из истории всемирного языкознания

    Иван Куцаров (Пловдив) – Международные конгрессы филологов-славистов. Часть ІІІ // 47

    Summary/Abstract: The article offers an account of the organization and holding of the 14th International Congress of Slavists in Ljubljana (Slovenia). All the topics are fully covered together with the names of the speakers, special attention being paid to the Bulgarian participation in the sessions.  

    По поводу…

    Христо Стаменов (София) – По поводу одной библиографии // 61

    Рецензии и аннотации


    In memoriam



    Contrastive Studies

    Rayna Holandi (Blagoevgrad) – On Vartiation of Phraseological Units // 5

    Summary/Abstract: The article sets the criteria for defining the phenomenon of phraseological variation contrastively in English and Bulgarian. The analysis is performed bearing in mind the two aspects of this linguistic problem, namely the variation concerning the paradigm (formal and semantic) and occasional variation (insertion or deformation).

    Language Contacts

    Irena Vasileva (Pernik) – Code Switching by Bulgarians Living in Germany // 14

    Summary/Abstract: The latest research in linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics and other related disciplines offers an interpretive and dialogic approach to the problem of code switching, placing it in a wider socio-cultural context. The article discusses code switching in discourse on the basis of recordings of the speech of Bulgarians who have been living in Germany for no less than a decade and have perfect command of both languages (Bulgarian and German). The results show what the contexts and reasons for the insertion of German words, phrases and even whole sentences in a conversation carried out in Bulgarian are. The results of the analysis of the recordings are corroborated by informal interviews with the subjects.

    Discussions, Notes and Review Articles

    Eleni Motsiou (Thessaloniki) – Lexical Innovations (Neologisms) in Children’s Speech: Evidence from Greek // 22

    Keywords: lexical innovations / neologisms; preschool children; compounding; derivation;

    Summary/Abstract: This paper aims at studying the lexical innovations in Greek preschool children’s speech. Lexical creativity is a widespread phenomenon in childhood: the frequency and ease with which children coin words indicate that children have already perceived the existence of word formation devices and they try to apply principles governing the word formation system. The core of this paper focuses mainly on derivational neologisms: we will make an attempt to investigate to what extent Greek preschoolers have mastered specific features of derivational rules in their language, what kind of meanings they most frequently create and which forms they prefer to use to express the intended meanings.

    Detelina Metz (Sofia), Plamen Tsvetkov – (Sofia) Alles schon vernetzt oder was? // 33

    Summary/Abstract: The article traces the first steps and the challenges in introducing computer-assisted teaching within the project Experimental introduction of computer-based assessment systems and the monitoring of foreign language acquisition at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, Sofia University. The authors discuss the new practices for teaching and assessment without promoting specific methods. Their aim is to launch a wide-ranging discussion on the problems of computer-assisted FLT.

    Towards the History of World Linguistics

     Ivan Kutsarov (Plovdiv) – The International Congresses of Slavic Studies. Part IІІ // 47

    Summary/Abstract: The article offers an account of the organization and holding of the 14th International Congress of Slavists in Ljubljana (Slovenia). All the topics are fully covered together with the names of the speakers, special attention being paid to the Bulgarian participation in the sessions.  

    Apropos of

    Cristo Stamenov (Sofia) – Apropos of a New Bibliography // 61

    Reviews and Annotations


    In Memoriam


  • 2012 (ХХХVII), № 1

    Текста на съдържанието можете да изтеглите оттук.


    Съпоставителни изследвания

    Людмила Ухлиржова (Прага) – Общност и многообразие на словореда на клитиките (Съпоставително изследване на българския и чешкия език). Част ІV // 5

    Summary/Abstract: The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author will describe the main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she will deal with more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics are mentioned.

    Галя Нинова (София) – Семантика на адмиратива в българския и албанския език // 12

    Summary/Abstract: The main tasks pursued by the present article are to register the differences in the use of the admirative in Bulgarian and Albanian and to define the invariant meaning of the Albanian admirative. The article argues that the Bulgarian category is emotional-expressive, contextual usage of the inferential, while the Albanian admirative can be considered as meditative.

    Теория и практика на превода

    Татяна Илиева (София) – Богословската терминология в Йоан-Екзарховия превод на Богословието – особености на превода // 22

    Summary/Abstract: The article analyses the various techniques in Ioan Exarch’s translation of Theology – wordfor- word translation and translation with quantitative imbalance of the texts. The various quantitative disproportions are analysed in the word-for-word translation and attention is also devoted to matters of quality. Examples of equivalence are adduced (cases of borrowing, calquing and semantic transposition with or without over/under-differentiation) and of the various transformations (concretization, generalization, metaphorization, mentalization, onomasiological transformation). Sense-oriented translation is also discussed. The high quality of Ioan Exarch’s work is pointed out.

    Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения

    Анна Пажимиес (Варшава) – О реконструкции языка дунайских булгар на базе чувашского языка // 38

    Summary/Abstract: The article offers etymologies for the names of the Proto-Bulgarian rulers Tervel, Sevar, Vinekh and Savin, included in the Name List of Bulgarian Rulers and in other historical documents and sources. The etymological conclusions are mainly based on the general phonetic, word-formative and semantic properties of the names in question and on their lexical correspondences in other languages, above all Chuvash.

    Из историята на световното езикознание

    Иван Куцаров (Пловдив) – Международните конгреси на филолозите слависти. Част ІІ // 53

    Summary/Abstract: The organization and the holding of the XIIIth International Congress of the Slavists in Ljubljana (Slovenia) is presented in the article. The topics have been covered in full and all speakers have been mentioned (in most of the cases with the topic of the speech); special attention is paid to the Bulgarian participation in the sessions.

    По повод на…

    Валентин Гешев (София) – В търсене на причината и механизмите на езиковия развой. По повод на книгата на Антоанета Попова За аналитизма на бъл гарския език // 67

    Рецензии и анотации

    Б. Вълчев. От историята на българския книжовен език към теорията на книжовните езици (Андреана Ефтимова, София) // 79
    Ст. Гърдев. Езикови структури. Пътища и граници на смисъла (Стоян Буров, Велико Търново) // 83
    B. Gröschel. Das Serbokroatische zwischen Linguistik und Politik. Mit einer Bibliographie zum postjugoslavischen Sprachenstreit (Славка Величкова, София, Борян Янев, Пловдив) // 86
    S. Fischer. Word-Order Change as a Source of Grammaticalization (Мира Ковачева, София) // 95
    Р. Драгиħевиħ. Лексикологjа српског jезика (Василка Радева, София) // 101
    К. Попова. Названията на дървета и храсти в езиковата картина на света (върху славянски и литовски материал) (Жана Станчева, Пловдив) // 106
    Χ. Π. Συµεωνίδης. Ετυµολογικό λεξικό των νεοελληνικών οικωνυµίων (Петя Асенова, София) // 109
    Enfoques de teoría, traducción y didáctica de la lengua francesa. Estudios dedicados a la profesora Brigitte Lépinette. (Eds. J. C. de Miguel, C. Hernández, J. Pinilla) (Димитър Веселинов, София, Надежда Лилова, София) // 114
    E. Hajnaj. Fjalor bullgarisht-shqip, Българско-албански речник (Екатерина Търпоманова, София) // 116


    Милена Йорданова (София) – 120 години от рождението и 40 години от смъртта на Гълъб Д. Гълъбов (1892–1972) // 118
    Библиография на трудовете на Гълъб Д. Гълъбов (съст. Милена Йорданова, София) // 120


    Николай Шаранков (София) – 90 години Класическа филология в СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“ // 123
    Милена Попова (София), Людмила Илиева (София) – Юбилейна конференция на специалността Испанска филология в СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“, 19–21.10.2011 г. // 125
    Янко Бъчваров (София) – Ново чешко лингвистично списание // 127

    In Memoriam

    Стефан Политов (София) – Павел Петков (1936–2012) // 128


    Соня Бояджиева (София) – Български езиковедски дисертации за 1999–2000 г. // 130


    Сопоставительные исследования

    Людмила Ухлиржова (Прага) – Общее и многообразие в порядке примыкания слов в клитикиках (Сопоставительное исследование болгарского и чешского языков). Часть IV // 5

    Summary/Abstract: The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author will describe the main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she will deal with more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics are mentioned.

    Галя Нинова (София) – Семантика адмиратива в болгарском и албанском языках // 12

    Summary/Abstract: The main tasks pursued by the present article are to register the differences in the use of the admirative in Bulgarian and Albanian and to define the invariant meaning of the Albanian admirative. The article argues that the Bulgarian category is emotional-expressive, contextual usage of the inferential, while the Albanian admirative can be considered as meditative.

    Теория и практика перевода

    Татьяна Илиева (София) – Богословская терминология в переводе Богословия Йоанна Экзарха – особенности перевода // 22

    Summary/Abstract: The article analyses the various techniques in Ioan Exarch’s translation of Theology – wordfor- word translation and translation with quantitative imbalance of the texts. The various quantitative disproportions are analysed in the word-for-word translation and attention is also devoted to matters of quality. Examples of equivalence are adduced (cases of borrowing, calquing and semantic transposition with or without over/under-differentiation) and of the various transformations (concretization, generalization, metaphorization, mentalization, onomasiological transformation). Sense-oriented translation is also discussed. The high quality of Ioan Exarch’s work is pointed out.

    Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения

    Анна Пажимиес (Варшава) – О реконструкции языка дунайских булгар на основе чувашского языка // 38

    Summary/Abstract: The article offers etymologies for the names of the Proto-Bulgarian rulers Tervel, Sevar, Vinekh and Savin, included in the Name List of Bulgarian Rulers and in other historical documents and sources. The etymological conclusions are mainly based on the general phonetic, word-formative and semantic properties of the names in question and on their lexical correspondences in other languages, above all Chuvash.

    Из истории всемирного языкознания

    Иван Куцаров (Пловдив) – Международные конгрессы филологов-славистов. Часть ІІ // 53

    Summary/Abstract: The organization and the holding of the XIIIth International Congress of the Slavists in Ljubljana (Slovenia) is presented in the article. The topics have been covered in full and all speakers have been mentioned (in most of the cases with the topic of the speech); special attention is paid to the Bulgarian participation in the sessions.

    По поводу…

    Валентин Гешев (София) – В поисках причины и механизмов развития языка. По поводу книги Антуанетты Поповой За аналитизма на българския език // 67

    Рецензии и аннотации


    Милена Йорданова (София) – 120 лет со дня рождения и 40 лет со дня смерти Гылыба Д. Гылыбова (1892–1972) // 118
    Библиография трудов Гылыба Д. Гылыбова (сост. Милена Йорданова, София) // 120


    In memoriam



    Contrastive Studies

    Ludmila Uhlířová (Prague) – Similarity and Diversity in the Order of Clitics (A Bulgarian-Czech Contrastive Study). Part IV // 5

    Summary/Abstract: The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author will describe the main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she will deal with more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics are mentioned.

    Galya Ninova (Sofia) – Semantics of the Admirative in Bulgarian and Albanian // 12

    Summary/Abstract: The main tasks pursued by the present article are to register the differences in the use of the admirative in Bulgarian and Albanian and to define the invariant meaning of the Albanian admirative. The article argues that the Bulgarian category is emotional-expressive, contextual usage of the inferential, while the Albanian admirative can be considered as meditative.

    Translation Theory and Practice

    Tatyana Ilieva (Sofia) – Theological Terminology in Ioan Exarch’s Translation of Theology (Translation Problems) // 22

    Summary/Abstract: The article analyses the various techniques in Ioan Exarch’s translation of Theology – wordfor- word translation and translation with quantitative imbalance of the texts. The various quantitative disproportions are analysed in the word-for-word translation and attention is also devoted to matters of quality. Examples of equivalence are adduced (cases of borrowing, calquing and semantic transposition with or without over/under-differentiation) and of the various transformations (concretization, generalization, metaphorization, mentalization, onomasiological transformation). Sense-oriented translation is also discussed. The high quality of Ioan Exarch’s work is pointed out.

    Discussions, Notes and Review Articles

    Anna Parzymies (Warsaw) – Reconstructing the Language of Danubian Bulgars onthe Basis of Chuvash // 38

    Summary/Abstract: The article offers etymologies for the names of the Proto-Bulgarian rulers Tervel, Sevar, Vinekh and Savin, included in the Name List of Bulgarian Rulers and in other historical documents and sources. The etymological conclusions are mainly based on the general phonetic, word-formative and semantic properties of the names in question and on their lexical correspondences in other languages, above all Chuvash.

    Towards the History of World Linguistics

    Ivan Kutsarov (Plovdiv) – The International Congresses of Slavic Studies. Part IІ // 53

    Summary/Abstract: The organization and the holding of the XIIIth International Congress of the Slavists in Ljubljana (Slovenia) is presented in the article. The topics have been covered in full and all speakers have been mentioned (in most of the cases with the topic of the speech); special attention is paid to the Bulgarian participation in the sessions.

    Apropos of

    Valentin Geshev (Sofia) – In Search of Causes and Mechanisms of Language Change. Apropos of Antoinette Popova’s Book За аналитизма на българския език [On Analiticity in Bulgarian] // 67

    Reviews and Annotations


    Milena Yordanova (Sofia) – 120 Years since the Birth of and 40 Years since the Death of Galab D. Galabov (1892–1972) // 118
    Bibliography of Galab D. Galabov’s Works (comp. by Milena Yordanova) // 120


    In Memoriam


  • 2011 (XXXVI), № 3

    2011 (XXXVI), № 3

    2011 (XXXVI), № 3

    Съдържанието можете да изтеглите оттук.


    Съпоставителни изследвания

    Людмила Ухлиржова (Прага) – Общност и многообразие на словореда на клитиките (Съпоставително изследване на българския и чешкия език). Част ІІІ // 5

    Исследование предлагает сопоставление клитик в болгарском и чешском языках. Обращается внимание на фонологические (просодические) и синтаксические особенности, чтобы установить основные различия между чешским языком, в котором соблюдается вакернагеловая позиция, и болгарским, в котором клитики обычно примыкают к глаголу. Приводится теоретическая модель синтаксиса зависимостей. Исследование состоит из четырёх частей. Первая часть затрагивает теоретические вопросы, касающиеся сущности клитик и их общих свойств; вторая рассматривает правила расположения клитик в болгарском языке в сопоставлении с чешским; третья обращает внимание на особые случаи примыкания клитик и четвертая, последняя, рассматривает случаи, находящиеся на границе между аффиксом и клитикой.

    The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author describes main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she deals more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics will be mentioned.

    Denitsa Daynovska (София) – Les préfixes из- en bulgare et ex- en français: comparaison des valeurs sémantiques // 17

    Статья представляет сравнение значений двух глагольных приставок, обозначающих внешность – болгарской из- и французской ex-. Значения описаны с использованием типологических репрезентаций семантических примитивов из Когнитивной и аппликативной грамматики (КАГ) (Desclés). Сначала анализируются значения каждой приставки отдельно, а затем переходится к сравнению двух языков. Анализ показывает сходства, но и различия в значении двух приставок.

    The paper presents a comparison of the semantic values of two verbal prefixes of exteriority: из- in Bulgarian and ex- in French. The meaning is described using topological representations and semantic primitives defined within the Cognitive and Applicative Grammar (CAG) (Desclés). First, we construct the semantic analysis of the meanings of each prefix and then we compare the representations between the two languages. The analysis shows similarities but also differences between the two units.

    Теория и практика на превода

    Весела Генова (София) – Особености на евролекта и проблеми на превода // 30

    Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения

    Эрдэнэмаам Сосорбарам (Улан Батор) – К вопросу о сопоставительном изучении глагольного вида в русском и монгольском языках // 42

    Рецензии и анотации

    Б. Николов. Избрани трудове (Силвия Ботева, Георги Жечев) // 52
    Б. Ю. Норман. Лингвистическая прагматика (на материале русского и других славянских языков) (Маргарита Младенова) // 58
    С. Ботева. Метафората и връзката пространство – време (с примери от френския и българския език) (Маргарита Руски) // 61
    Ε. Θωµαδάκη. Το επίθετο. Στοιχεία µιας τυπολογικής και συγκριτικής προσέγγισης µε ιδιαίτερη αναφορά στην ελληνική, την τουρκική και τη ρωσική (Борис Вунчев) // 64
    Б. Вунчев. Аспектуалните характеристики в новогръцкия език – средства за изразяване и семантика (Христина Марку) // 70
    J. Dolník. Všeobecná jazykoveda (Opis a vysvetľovanie jazyka) (Диана К. Иванова) // 76
    Л. Иванова, Ст. Буров. Аз говоря български. А ти? (Андреана Ефтимова) // 83
    М. П. Котюрова. Стилистика научной речи (Константин Попов) // 86
    I. Bogoczová. Textová opora ke studiu mluveného českého jazyka a dialektologie (Маргарита Младенова) // 88


    Мария Илиева (Велико Търново) – Стоян Буров на 60 години // 92
    Подбрана библиография на трудовете на Стоян Буров (съст. Мария Илиева, Велико Търново) // 96


    Искра Ликоманова – Форум на италианската българистика (Рим, 27–28 май 2011.) // 106
    Елена Каневска-Николова (Смолян) – ХХ международна кръгла маса Балканите и техните периферии в Благоевград // 109

    In memoriam

    Събка Богданова (София), Петя Янева (София)– Румяна Павлова (1933–2011) // 111
    Живка Колева (Велико Търново) – Ангел Давидов (1931–2011) // 112
    Сабина Павлова (София) – Иванка Васева (1922–2011) // 113
    Радост Железарова (София) – Искра Ликоманова (1955–2011) // 114


    Соня Бояджиева (София) – Български езиковедски дисертации (1997 и 1998 година) // 116
    Съдържание на годишнина ХХХVІ (2011) на списание Съпоставително езикознание (съст. Ина Михайлова) // 124


    Сопоставительные исследования

    Людмила Ухлиржова (Прага) – Общее и многообразие в порядке примыкания слов в клитиках (Сопоставительное исследование болгарского и чешского языков) (Часть IІІ) // 5
    Denitsa Daynovska (София) – Les préfixes из- en bulgare et ex- en français: comparaison des valeurs sémantiques // 17

    Теория и практика перевода

    Весела Генова (София) – Особенности евролекта и проблемы перевода // 30

    Дискусии, обзоры и научные сообщения

    Эрдэнэмаам Сосорбарам (Улан Батор) – К вопросу о сопоставительном изучении глагольного вида в русском и монгольском языках // 42

    Рецензии и аннотации


    Мария Илиева (Велико Тырново) – Стояну Бурову – 60 лет // 92
    Библиография трудов Стояна Бурова (сост. Мария Илиева, Велико Тырново) // 96


    In memoriam


    Соня Бояджиева (София) – Болгарские языковедческие диссертации (1997 и 1998 гг.) // 116
    Содержание журнала Сопоставительное языкознание за ХХХV (2010) год выхода в свет (сост. Ина Михайлова, София) // 124


    Contrastive Studies

    Ludmila Uhlířová (Prague) – Similarity and Diversity in the Order Of Clitics (A Bulgarian-Czech Contrastive Study). Part III // 5
    Denitsa Daynovska (Sofia) – Les préfixes из- en bulgare et ex- en français: comparaison des valeurs sémantiques // 17

    Translation Theory and Practice

    Vesela Genova (Sofia) – The Eurolect and the Problems of Translation // 30

    Discussions, Notes and Review Articles

    Erdenemaam Sosorbaram (Ulan Bator) – Towards the Contrastive Analysis of Verbal Aspect in Russian and Mongolian // 42

    Reviews and Annotations


    Maria Ilieva (Veliko Tarnovo) – Stoyan Burov Sexagenarian // 92
    Selected Bibliography of Stoyan Burov’s Works (comp. by Maria Ilieva, Veliko Tarnovo) // 96


    In memoriam


    Sonya Boyadzhieva (Sofia) – Bulgarian Dissertations in Linguistics (1997, 1998) // 116
    Contrastive Linguistics’ Annual Contents – vol. XXXV (2010) (comp. by Ina Mihaylova, Sofia) // 124
  • 2011 (XXXVI), № 2

    2011 (XXXVI), № 2

    Съдържанието можете да изтеглите оттук.


    Янко БЪЧВАРОВ – Списание „Съпоставително езикознание“ на път към зрелостта (ретроспективен поглед, еволюция, постижения и перспективи) // 5

    В статье прослеживается 35-летняя история журнала „Сопоставительное языкознание“ – его появление в 1976 году, его эволюция до сегодняшнего его состояния. Указаны: основные цели, которые редколлегия ставит перед собой; реферативные справочники, в которых говорится о журнале; отзывы о нём заграницей; изданные монотематические номера и появившиеся рубрики. Вкратце рассмотрены некоторые наиболее значительные статьи, вносящие вклад в науку; статьи-воспоминания о „человеческой“ истории болгарского языкознания; статьи в связи с юбилеями (300), некрологи (100) и рецензии (1600). Сообщается об избрании Международного редакционного совета и о предоставлении читателям журнала доступа до интернета (www.slav.uni-sofia.bg/Pages/contrastive.html). Описана работа и оцениваются заслуги двух первых главных редакторов – профессора Светомира Иванчева (1976–1991) и профессора Живко Бояджиева (1992–2007). Представлена составленная заново „Аннотированная библиография (1976–2009)“ журнала (содержащая 3940 заглавий), причём указывается число публикаций по отдельным языкам (свыше 50) и авторам (750 болгарских и 440 зарубежных). Намечены перспективы будущего развития журнала.

    The article traces the 35-year-long history of the journal since its foundation in 1976 and outlines its evolution through the years. It presents the main goals pursued by the editorial board, the presence of the journal in bibliographies and reference books, comments about it abroad, special monothematic issues and the rubrics it maintains. Special attention is given to some of the outstanding articles published, memoirs reflecting the human history of Bulgarian linguistics, articles dedicated to anniversaries (300), obituaries (100), and book reviews (1600). The establishment of an international advisory board is noted and the address for access to the journal in the Internet is listed: http//www.slav.unisofia.bg/Pages/contrastive.html. An evaluation is made of the work and achievements of the first two editors-in-chief Prof. Svetomir Ivančev (1976−1991) and Prof. Živko Bojadžiev (1992−2007). The newly published Annotated Bibliography of Contrastive Linguistics (1976–2009) is also presented, which contains 3940 titles dealing with over 50 languages and authored by 750 Bulgarian and 440 foreign linguists. Some of the prospects for future development are also touched upon.

    Съпоставителни изследвания

    Людмила УХЛИРЖОВА (Прага) – Общност и многообразие на словореда на клитиките (Съпоставително изследване на българския и чешкия език). Част ІІ // 20

    Исследование предлагает сопоставление клитик в болгарском и чешском языках. Обращается внимание на фонологические (просодические) и синтаксические особенности, чтобы установить основные различия между чешским языком, в котором соблюдается вакернагеловая позиция, и болгарским, в котором клитики обычно примыкают к глаголу. Приводится теоретическая модель синтаксиса зависимостей. Исследование состоит из четырёх частей. Первая часть затрагивает теоретические вопросы, касающиеся сущности клитик и их общих свойств; вторая рассматривает правила расположения клитик в болгарском языке в сопоставлении с чешским; третья обращает внимание на особые случаи примыкания клитик и четвертая, последняя, рассматривает случаи, находящиеся на границе между аффиксом и клитикой.

    The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author will describe the main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she will deal with more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics will be mentioned. Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения

    Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения

    Мира КОВАЧЕВА – За жаргона интердисиплинарно // 32

    В западной и болгарской литературе в существующих дефинициях явления на первый план выдвигаются различные аспекты жаргона. Однако в многообразии характеристик наблюдается непоследовательность. В статье указываются некоторые противоречия и делается попытка показать, что весь набор характеристик в сущности описывает два явления: а) создание жаргонной лексики, которое всецело принадлежит речи и представляет собой вид языкового поведения; б) употребление жаргонной лексики в качестве языкового репертуара определённого регистра в языке. Ключевым фактом в поддержку разграничения является то, что менее 10 процентов жаргонной лексики, созданной в речи, становится частью разговорного языка. Носители жаргонной лексики – это значительно большая группа, обычно отличная от её создателей.

    Various aspects of slang are placed in the focus of the numerous existing definitions of the phenomenon in Western and Bulgarian sources. Some of the mentioned characteristics, however, seem to be incompatible with each other. The article points to such inconsistencies and offers as a solution to associate the conflicting features to two different phenomena, or stages, in the life of slang vocabulary: a) the formation of slang, which belongs strictly to speech and is a type of language behaviour, and b) the use of slang as just one of the possible registers available in language. A crucial fact supporting the distinction is that less than mere 10 percent of the slang vocabulary in speech penetrates the colloquial style of language. The speakers of b) are by default different from the speakers of a), and greatly outnumber them.

    Alexandra BAGASHEVA – Why do we stonewall about compound verbs // 49

    В настоящей статье мы пытаемся найти объяснение отсутствия аналитического интереса к сложным глаголам (композитам) в литературе по словообразованию. Вопросы о судьбе сложных глаголов рассматриваются в свете понятий об экзоцентричности сложных слов, когнитивного подхода при анализе сложных слов и проблем при рассмотрении природы „обоснования“ познания. Сформулирована гипотеза о когнитивной эффективности сложных глаголов и об их неизбежности в качестве конструктивных компонентных (а не лексикализованных) понятий при концептуализации сложных существительных, даже когда в словообразовательной семье нет лексикализованного глагола. Не оспаривая некомпозитивного словообразовательного происхождения некоторых глаголов, являющихся результатом конверсии или обратной деривации, сложные глаголы описываются как реальные коммуникативные единицы, семантические, когнитивные и коммуникативные свойства которых заслуживают внимания языковедов. Когнитивное обоснование сложных глаголов кажется парадоксальным, если иметь в виду тот факт, что они являются сложными сценическими структурами, результатом концептуального смешения, а человеческое сознание стремится к достижению максимального коммуникативного эффекта с минимальными когнитивными усилиями.

    In the present paper an explanation is sought for the analytical neglect surrounding compound verbs (CVs) against the background of extensive research devoted to nominal compounding. The question is framed within debates of exocentricity, creativity, cognitive approaches to analyzing compounding and compounds and the problematization of the nature of grounding of cognition. A hypothesis is formulated about the cognitive cost-effectiveness of compound verbs in backstage cognition and a claim is made of their necessary existence as constructional components in the conceptualization of nominal compounds. Admitting the „not genuine“ compositional origin of some compound verbs, linguists still need to analyze the constraints that preclude back-derivation and conversion in many instances of verbo-centric nominal compounds. The cognitive rationale of CVs sounds paradoxical: the human mind strives for simplification while CVs are extremely complex cognitive structures. Studying the peculiar critical and linguistic existence of compound verbs seems a promising venue for further research.

    Из историята на езикознанието в България

    Димитър ВЕСЕЛИНОВ – Из кореспонденцията на Владимир Георгиев // 72

    Рецензии и анотации

    Е. Иванова. Сопоставительная болгарско-русская грамматика. Т. 2. Синтаксис (Иванка ВАСЕВА) // 75
    А. Липовска. Русско-болгарская лексикография: традиции и тенденции развития (Маргарита МЛАДЕНОВА) // 79
    Мови та культури у новій Європі: контакти і самобутність (Райна КАМБЕРОВА) // 82
    M. Pančiková. Rozvojové tendencie poľskej a slovenskej lexiky na prelome tisícročia. Vybraná problematika. Substantíva (Радост ЖЕЛЕЗАРОВА) // 84
    Русский язык и культура в зеркале перевода, 2008; Русский язык в современном мире: традиции и инновации в преподавании русского языка как иностранного и в переводе, 2009 (Илияна ВЛАДОВА) // 87
    D. Yankova. The Text and Context of European Directives. Translation Issues in Approximating Legislation (Амелия МАРЕВА) // 93
    П. Осенова. Именните фрази в българския език (Йовка ТИШЕВА) // 99
    Südosteuropa – Studien 73: The Pomaks in Greece and Bulgaria (A model case for borderland minorities in the Balkans) (Ана КОЧЕВА) // 104
    R. Froschauer. Genus im Althochdeutschen. Eine funktionale Analyse des Mehrfachgenus althochdeutscher Substantive (Марин ПЕТКОВ, Велико Търново) // 109
    M. Šekli. Zemljepisna in osebna lastna imena v kraju Livek in njegovi okolici (Найда ИВАНОВА) // 113
    Paroles sur la langue. Etudes linguistiques et littéraires. Mélanges offerts au Professeur Christina Heldner à l’occasion de son départ à la retraite (Анна ЛАЗАРОВА) // 117


    Лучия АНТОНОВА-ВАСИЛЕВА – Първа конференция на Комисията по диалектология при Международния комитет на славистите // 120
    Росица ДЕКОВА – Две балкански конференции, посветени на компютърната обработка на езика // 123

    In memoriam

    Биляна ВАСИЧ (Ниш – София) – Милка Ивич (1923–2011) // 125
    Мариана МАНДЖУЛЯ (Букурещ) – Георге Михъила (1930–2011) // 127


    Янко БЫЧВАРОВ – Журнал „Сопоставительное языкознание“ и его путь к зрелости (ретроспективный взгляд, эволюция, достижения и перспективы) // 5

    Сопоставительные исследования

    Людмила УХЛИРЖОВА (Прага) – Общее и многообразие в порядке примыкания клитик (Сопоставительное исследование болгарского и чешского языков). Часть IІ // 20

    Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения

    Мира КОВАЧЕВА – Интердисциплинарный взгляд на жаргон // 32
    Alexandra BAGASHEVA – Why do we stonewall about compound verbs // 49

    Из истории языкознания в Болгарии

    Димитр ВЕСЕЛИНОВ – Из переписки Владимира Георгиева // 72

    Рецензии и аннотации


    In memoriam


    Janko BĂČVAROV – Contrastive Linguistics Approaching Maturity (A Retrospective, Evolution, Achievements and Prospects) // 5

    Contrastive Studies

    Ludmila UHLÍŘOVÁ (Prague) – Similarity and Diversity in the Order of Clitics (A Bulgarian-Czech Contrastive Study). Part II // 20

    Discussions, Notes and Review Articles

    Mira KOVATCHEVA – An Interdisciplinary Approach to Slang // 32
    Alexandra BAGASHEVA – Why do we stonewall about compound verbs // 49

    Towards the History of Linguistics in Bulgaria

    Dimităr VESELINOV – From Vladimir Georgiev’s Correspondence // 72

    Reviews and Annotations


    In memoriam

  • 2011 (XXXVI), № 1

    2011 (XXXVI), № 1

    Съдържанието и резюметата можете да изтеглите оттук.


    Съпоставителни изследвания

    Людмила Ухлиржова (Прага) – Общност и многообразие на словореда на клитиките (Съпоставително изследване на българския и чешкия език). Част І // 5

    Summary/Abstract: The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author will describe the main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she will deal with more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics will be mentioned.

    Ofelia Nikolova (Valdosta, GA, USA) – Difficulty Components in Testing the Usage of Imparfait and Passé Composé by L1 Anglophone Learners // 18

    Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop a model for predicting difficulty of test items for one of the most challenging topics in French grammar, namely the use of the two past tenses passé composé and imparfait. Twelve cognitive operations were identified based on Vendler’s division of verbs into four categories – states, activities, accomplishments, and achievements – on the use of adverbials, and on additional contextual indicators to explain the learners’ choice of imparfait or passé composé in two cloze tasks. The results of 205 student tests were submitted to statistical analysis with the Linear Logistic Test Model in order to assign a difficulty „weight“ to each of the cognitive operations.

    Раки Бело (Велико Търново) – Сходният локативен модел с формант –ина/-іпё в българския и албанския език // 37

    Summary/Abstract: The article discusses an important word-formative pattern in Bulgarian and Albanian – the locative pattern with the Slavic formant -ina (Albanian -inë). The study offers abundant contrastive material for comparing the functions of the similar Nomina loci in two of the most important representatives of the Balkan Sprachbund.

    Теоретични въпроси на езикознанието

    Палмира Легурска – Терциум компарационис и съпоставителни лексикални изследвания // 46

    Summary/Abstract: The article presents the concept of tertium comparationis as a research artifact for lexical comparative studies in related and unrelated languages. It is assumed that the characteristics of lexical data define the way of working out this standard. Three models of comparison of lexical data are presented – for the secondary meanings of concrete nouns, for the semantics of verb lexicon of the lexical-semantic groups and for comparative studying of the national specific meanings.

    Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения

    Елена Стоянова (Благоевград) – За дивергенцията на (и)йекавските стандарти в Хърватия и Черна гора – 65

    Summary/Abstract: Codified in our days (i)jekavian standards in Croatia and Montenegro result from the process of restandardization of the ijekavian variant of the Serbo-Croatian language, which have started after the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia. From the last decade of the 20th c. this process in Croatia is developing very quickly, while in Montenegro it gain momentum in the last two years (2008–2009). The article studies the standardisation of the „classical ijekavian“ as a westcroatian version of the Serbo-Croatian language. Analyzed are the differentiations which demolish the classical rules and frame two different (i)jekavian standards in Croatia and Montenegro.

    Езикови контакти

    Саня Вулич (Загреб) – Днешният говор на яневските хървати в България // 76

    Summary/Abstract: The paper considers the language characteristics of the local idiom of Croats of Yanevo in Bulgaria. The analysis is based upon the concrete language examples and observations gathered during personal field work conducted in early May 2006 in Sofia and in September 2007 in Plovdiv. It relies on the dialectal features as remembered by individuals in Sofia and the specific Croat sociolect spoken by Yanevo Croats in Sofia at the time the research was done.

    Рецензии и анотации

    A. Bogusławski. A Study in the Linguistics-Philosophy Interface (Стефана Димитрова ) // 88
    К. Вачкова. Типологична характеристика на българския книжовен език (Възрожденски период) (Надка Николова, Шумен) // 94
    Е. Паскалева. Компютърна морфология (Петя Осенова ) // 98
    M. Dobríková. Vlastné meno ako komponent slovenských a bulharských frazém (na pozadí asymetrie frazeologických koncepcií) (Радост Железарова ) // 103
    С. Банова. Граматическата категория род: параметри и реализации (Юлияна Стоянова ) // 106
    T. Malec. Polskie przymiotniki złoŝone typu dwuoki, krzywousty, rudobrody na tle słowiańskim (Цветанка Аврамова ) // 108
    E. Vucheva. Estilística del español actual. Teoría y práctica del estilo (Донка Мангачева ) // 110
    Л. Салмон. Механизмы юмора. О творчестве Сергея Довлатова (Искра Ликоманова ) // 114
    V. Cvrček. Teorie jazykové kultury po roce 1945 (Румяна Гълъбова, Благоевград) // 119
    M. Osiac. Dificultăńi ale limbii române (Василка Алексова) // 125
    Ст. Калдиева-Захариева. Румънско-български речник. Общи и подобни думи. Dicńionar român – bulgar. Cuvinte comune şi asemănătoare (Василка Алексова ) // 126


    Маргарита Младенова, Силвия Петкова – Десети национални славистични четения // 128
    Eкатерина Търпоманова – Представяне на българския семантично анотиран корпус // 132


    Сопоставительные исследования

    Людмила Ухлиржова (Прага) – Общее и многообразие в порядке примыка¬ния слов в клитиках (Сопоставительное исследование болгарского и чешского языков). Часть I // // 5

    Summary/Abstract: The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author will describe the main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she will deal with more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics will be mentioned.

    Ofelia Nikolova (Valdosta, GA, USA) – Difficulty Components in Testing the Usage of Imparfait and Passé Composé by L1 Anglophone Learners // 18

    Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop a model for predicting difficulty of test items for one of the most challenging topics in French grammar, namely the use of the two past tenses passé composé and imparfait. Twelve cognitive operations were identified based on Vendler’s division of verbs into four categories – states, activities, accomplishments, and achievements – on the use of adverbials, and on additional contextual indicators to explain the learners’ choice of imparfait or passé composé in two cloze tasks. The results of 205 student tests were submitted to statistical analysis with the Linear Logistic Test Model in order to assign a difficulty „weight“ to each of the cognitive operations.

    Раки Белло (Велико Тырново) – Сходная локативная модель с формантом –ина/-іпё в болгарском и албанском языках // 37

    Summary/Abstract: The article discusses an important word-formative pattern in Bulgarian and Albanian – the locative pattern with the Slavic formant -ina (Albanian -inë). The study offers abundant contrastive material for comparing the functions of the similar Nomina loci in two of the most important representatives of the Balkan Sprachbund.

    Теоретические вопросы языкознания

    Палмира Легурска – Терциум компарационис и сопоставительные лексичес-кие исследования // 46

    Summary/Abstract: The article presents the concept of tertium comparationis as a research artifact for lexical comparative studies in related and unrelated languages. It is assumed that the characteristics of lexical data define the way of working out this standard. Three models of comparison of lexical data are presented – for the secondary meanings of concrete nouns, for the semantics of verb lexicon of the lexical-semantic groups and for comparative studying of the national specific meanings.

    Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения

    Елена Стоянова (Благоевград) – О дивергенции (и)йекавских стандартов в Хорватия и Черногории // 65

    Summary/Abstract: Codified in our days (i)jekavian standards in Croatia and Montenegro result from the process of restandardization of the ijekavian variant of the Serbo-Croatian language, which have started after the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia. From the last decade of the 20th c. this process in Croatia is developing very quickly, while in Montenegro it gain momentum in the last two years (2008–2009). The article studies the standardisation of the „classical ijekavian“ as a westcroatian version of the Serbo-Croatian language. Analyzed are the differentiations which demolish the classical rules and frame two different (i)jekavian standards in Croatia and Montenegro.

    Языковые контакты

    Саня Вулич (Загреб) – Современный диалект яневских хорватов в Болгарии // 76

    Summary/Abstract: The paper considers the language characteristics of the local idiom of Croats of Yanevo in Bulgaria. The analysis is based upon the concrete language examples and observations gathered during personal field work conducted in early May 2006 in Sofia and in September 2007 in Plovdiv. It relies on the dialectal features as remembered by individuals in Sofia and the specific Croat sociolect spoken by Yanevo Croats in Sofia at the time the research was done.

    Рецензии и анотации



    Contrastive Studies

    Ludmila Uhlirova (Prague) – Similarity and Diversity in the Order of Clitics (A Bulgarian-Czech Contrastive Study). Part I // // 5

    Summary/Abstract: The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author will describe the main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she will deal with more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics will be mentioned.

    Ofelia Nikolova (Valdosta, GA, USA) – Difficulty Components in Testing the Usage of Imparfait and Passé Composé by L1 Anglophone Learners //18

    Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop a model for predicting difficulty of test items for one of the most challenging topics in French grammar, namely the use of the two past tenses passé composé and imparfait. Twelve cognitive operations were identified based on Vendler’s division of verbs into four categories – states, activities, accomplishments, and achievements – on the use of adverbials, and on additional contextual indicators to explain the learners’ choice of imparfait or passé composé in two cloze tasks. The results of 205 student tests were submitted to statistical analysis with the Linear Logistic Test Model in order to assign a difficulty „weight“ to each of the cognitive operations.

    Raki Bello (Veliko Tarnovo) – (A Similar Locative Model with the Formant -ina/inë in Bulgarian and Albanian) // 37

    Summary/Abstract: The article discusses an important word-formative pattern in Bulgarian and Albanian – the locative pattern with the Slavic formant -ina (Albanian -inë). The study offers abundant contrastive material for comparing the functions of the similar Nomina loci in two of the most important representatives of the Balkan Sprachbund.

    Problems of Theoretical Linguistics

    Palmira Legurska – Tertium Comparationis and Lexical Contrastive Analysis // 46

    Summary/Abstract: The article presents the concept of tertium comparationis as a research artifact for lexical comparative studies in related and unrelated languages. It is assumed that the characteristics of lexical data define the way of working out this standard. Three models of comparison of lexical data are presented – for the secondary meanings of concrete nouns, for the semantics of verb lexicon of the lexical-semantic groups and for comparative studying of the national specific meanings.

    Discussions, Notes and Review Articles

    Elena Stoyanova (Blagoevgrad) – The Divergence of Ijekavian Standards in Croatia and Montenegro // 65

    Summary/Abstract: Codified in our days (i)jekavian standards in Croatia and Montenegro result from the process of restandardization of the ijekavian variant of the Serbo-Croatian language, which have started after the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia. From the last decade of the 20th c. this process in Croatia is developing very quickly, while in Montenegro it gain momentum in the last two years (2008–2009). The article studies the standardisation of the „classical ijekavian“ as a westcroatian version of the Serbo-Croatian language. Analyzed are the differentiations which demolish the classical rules and frame two different (i)jekavian standards in Croatia and Montenegro.

    Language Contacts

    Sanja Vulić (Zagreb) – The Present-day Dialect of the Yanevo Croats in Bulgaria 76

    Summary/Abstract: The paper considers the language characteristics of the local idiom of Croats of Yanevo in Bulgaria. The analysis is based upon the concrete language examples and observations gathered during personal field work conducted in early May 2006 in Sofia and in September 2007 in Plovdiv. It relies on the dialectal features as remembered by individuals in Sofia and the specific Croat sociolect spoken by Yanevo Croats in Sofia at the time the research was done.

    Reviews and Annotations
