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Автор: Ангелина Иванова
2014 (ХХХІХ), № 3
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Съпоставителни изследвания
Борян Янев (Пловдив) – За образните сравнения, разкриващи психичните свойства на човека (българско-английски паралели) // 5
Румяна Тодорова (Шумен) – Приятели, приятелство и семейни ценности в рекламата (за сближаването, споделянето и още нещо…) // 24
Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения
Ирина Георгиева (София) – Темпорални фразеологизми в руския език, съдържащи опозицията всегда – никогда (винаги – никога) // 39
Yana Chankova (Blagoevgrad) – On scrambling in Old Icelandic // 51
Из историята на световното езикознание
Иван Куцаров (Пловдив) – Международните конгреси на филолозите слависти (ІV част) // 72
Рецензии и анотации
В. Алексова. Сватбената терминология в българския и румънския език (Анастасия Петрова, Велико Търново) 93
Χ. Μάρκου. Γραμματικό σύστημα και οψιακότητα. Η Βουλγαρική γλώσσα σε σύγκριση με τις άλλες σλαβικές και την Ελληνική (Борис Вунчев, София) // 97
Е. П. Иванян, Х. Кудлинская, И. Н. Никитина. Деликатная тема на разных языках (Илия Солтиров, Пловдив) // 104
Jazykové právo a slovanské jazyky (H. Gladkova, K. Vačkova) (Камелия Колева, Шумен) // 108
Б. Парашкевов. Народни етимологии. Думи и имена с вторична семантична и морфологична мотивация (Стефана Димитрова, София) // 110
A. Danchev. Linguistic Interfaces: A collection of Papers in Historical Linguistics (Александра Багашева, София) // 115
Д. Веселинов. Френската лексика в романа „Тютюн“ (Камен Михайлов, София) // 117
P. Sotirov, M. Mostowska, A. Mokrzycka. Bułgarsko-polski słownik leksyki potocznej. Tom I. А–Й. (Маргарита Младенова, София) // 120
Голо Бордо (Gollobordë), Албания. Из материалов балканской экспедиции РАН и СПбГУ 2008–2010 (под ред А. Н. Соболева и Ал. А. Новика) (Владимир Жобов, София) // 123
Екатерина Търпоманова (София), Мая Александрова (София) – Конференцията Балканските езици, литератури и култури. Дивергенция и конвергенция // 125
Ивона Карачорова (София) – Възстановена награда за постижения в езикознанието на името на академик Владимир Георгиев // 128
In memoriam
Ирина Червенкова (1931–2014) // 130
Соня Бояджиева (София) – Български езиковедски дисертации за 2007 г. // 132
Сопоставительные исследования
Борян Янев (Пловдив) – Об образных сравнениях, раскрывающих психические свойства человека (болгарско-английские параллели) // 5
Румяна Тодорова (Шумен) – Друзья, дружба и семейные ценности в рекламе (о близости, доверии и кое-чем еще…) // 24
Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения
Ирина Георгиева (София) – Темпоральные фразеологизмы в русском языке, содержащие оппозицию всегда – никогда // 39
Yana Chankova (Blagoevgrad) – On scrambling in Old Icelandic // 51
Из истории мирового язьiковедения
Иван Куцаров (Пловдив) – Международные конгрессы филологов-славистов (ІV часть) // 72
Рецензии и аннотации
Соня Бояджиева – Болгарские языковедческие диссертации за 2007 г. // 132
Contrastive Studies
Roryan Yanev (Plovdiv) – Figurative comparisons expressing human psychological qualities (Bulgarian-English parallels) // 5
Rumyana Todorova (Shumen) – Friends, friendship and family values in advertising // 24
Discussions, Reviews and Short Notices
Irina Georgieva (Sofia) – Temporal phraseological units in Russian containing the opposition always–never // 39
Yana Chankova (Blagoevgrad) – On scrambling in Old Icelandic // 51
Towards the History of World Linguistics
Ivan Kutsarov (Plovdiv) – International congresses of Slavic studies (Part 4) // 72
Sonya Boyadzhieva (Sofia) – Bulgarian dissertations in linguistics (2007) // 132
2014 (ХХХІХ), № 2
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Съпоставителни изследвания
Liliane Tasmowski (Anvers / Bruxelles) – Du déterminant au discours en passant par le verbe // 5
Теория и практика на превода
Илка Бирова (София) – Перевод как диалог культур (на материале книги Николая Рериха „Семь великих тайн Космоса“ и ее перевода на болгарский язык) // 31
Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения
Максим Стаменов (София) – Модел на значението на отрицателния суперлатив в българския език // 38
Велка Попова (Шумен) – Преходните граматики в светлината на когнитивното моделиране на ранната езикова онтогенеза // 48
Алла Архангельская (Оломоуц) – „Новая жизнь“ термина сексизм в российском обществе и в современной русской речи // 62
Рецензии и анотации
Д. Војводић. Проблематика развоја футура и његове граматикализације у словенским језицима (Яна Пометкова, Русе) // 77
N. Ivašina, L. Janovec, A. Rudenka. Kolokabilita neslovesných adjektiv v češtině a běloruštině (Радост Железарова, София) // 81
П. Радева. Динамика в синтаксиса на съвременния български език (Стоян Буров, Велико Търново) // 83
Т. Илиева. Терминологичната лексика в Йоан-Екзарховия превод на „De fide orthodoxa“ (Мария Попова, София) // 86
И. Боздехова. Současná terminologie (se zaměřením na kolokační termíny z lékařství) (Божана Нишева, София – Прага) // 93
Османистиката. Исторически отговори за бъдещето. Юбилеен сборник, посветен на 75-годишнината на доц. Мария Михайлова-Мръвкарова (Жана Желязкова, София, Татяна Евтимова, София) // 100
Balkan Türkoloji Tarihçesi ve Balkan Türkologları (Ed: S. Kırbaç) (Милена Йорданова, София) // 106
Slovanski Jeziki: iz preteklosti v prihodnost (Ur. V. Gorjanc) (Камелия Колева-Иванова, Шумен) // 108
M. Sokolová, M. Vojteková, W. Mirosławska, M. Kyseľová. Slovenčina a poľština. Synchrónne porovnanie s cvičeniami (Даниела Константинова, Велико Търново) // 111
Б. Вълчев. Българският език в училището (Андриана Ефтимова, София) // 113
In memoriam
Божил Николов (1919–2014) // 119
Янко Бъчваров (1942–2014) // 122
Соня Бояджиева (София) – Български езиковедски дисертации за 2006 г. // 124
Сопоставительные исследования
Liliane Tasmowski (Anvers / Bruxelles) – Du déterminant au discours en passant par le verbe // 5
Теория и практика перевода
Илка Бирова (София) – Перевод как диалог культур (на материале книги Николая Рериха „Семь великих тайн Космоса“ и ее перевода на болгарский язык) // 31
Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения
Максим Стаменов (София) – Модель значения отрицательного суперлятива в болгарском языке. // 38
Велка Попова (Шумен) – Переходные грамматики в свете когнитивного моделирования раннего языкового онтогенеза // 48
Алла Архангельская (Оломоуц) – „Новая жизнь“ термина сексизм в российском обществе и в современной русской речи // 62
Рецензии и аннотации
In memoriam
Соня Бояджиева (София) – Болгарские языковедческие диссертации за 2006 г. // 124
Contrastive Studies
Liliane Tasmowski (Anvers / Bruxelles) – Du déterminant au discours en passant par le verbe // 5
Theory and Practice of Translation
Ilka Birova (Sofi a) – Translation as a dialogue between cultures (on the basis of the book „Seven Great Mysteries of the Universe“ by Nicholas Roerich and its translation into Bulgarian) // 31
Discussions, Reviews and Short Notices
Maxim Stamenov (Sofi a) – A model of the meaning of negative superlatives in Bulgarian // 38
Velka Popova (Shumen) – Transitional grammars in the light of the cognitive modeling of early linguistic ontogenesis // 48
Alla Arhangelskaya (Olomouc) – The new life of the term ‘sexism’ in Russian society and contemporary Russian discourses // 62
In Memoriam
Sonya Boyadjieva (Sofia) – Bulgarian dissertations in linguistics (2006) // 124
2014 (ХХХІХ), № 1
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Съпоставителни изследвания
Неля Иванова (Бургас), Анна Андриенко (Ростов-на-Дону, Россия) – Концепт „успех“ в ценностном и языковом измерениях в болгарской, русской, британской и американской лингвокультурах // 5
Теоретични въпроси на езикознанието
Bozhil Hristov (Sofia) – Ellipsis and Closest-Conjunct Agreement // 20
Теория и практика на превода
Мони Алмалех (София) – Функциониране на думата Етиопия в Стария завет // 37
Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения
Ивайло Буров (София) – За прозодификацията на афиксите и клитиките. Част IІ // 55
Димитрина Хамзе (Пловдив) – Прагматични импликации на пародията (върху полски езиков материал) // 69
Рецензии и анотации
J. Feuillet. Linguistique comparée des langues balkaniques. (Екатерина Търпоманова, София) // 84
М. Китова-Василева. Любовта към словото. За изворите на науката за езика (от древността до края на Ренесанса) (Стефана Димитрова, София) // 89
Ив. Илиев. Теория на относителността. Българските относителни местоимения – произход и развой (Камен Димитров, Велико Търново) // 91
B. Kuna. Predikatna i vanjska posvojnost u hrvatskome jeziku (Маргарита Младенова, София) // 96
А. Г. Ангелов. Еколингвистика или екология на застрашените езици и лингвистика на застрашените екосистеми (Кирил Димчев, София) // 99
Д. Генова. Studying Humor Seriously (Ирена Василева, София). 102
N. Boretzky. Studien zum Wortschatz des Romani. I. Erbwörter des Romani II. Iranismen und Armenismen des Romani (Биргит Игла, София) 105
М. Стаменов. Съдбата на турцизмите в българския език и в българската култура (Александрина Дянкова, София) // 108
Z. Aleksandrova. Deutsch-Bulgarisches phraseologisches Wörterbuch (Мария Попова, София ) // 115
Е. Ю. Иванова, З. К. Шанова, Д. Димитрова. Болгарский язык. Курс для начинающих (Олга Сорока, София–Лвов) // 118
Д. Веселинов. Летописна книга на Факултета по класически и нови филологии (1965–1988) (Весела Белчева, Велико Търново, Свилен Станчев, Велико Търново) // 119
In memoriam
Eлена Паскалева (1941–2014) // 122
Багрелия Борисова (1955–2013) // 123
Соня Бояджиева (София) – Български езиковедски дисертации за 2005 г. // 124
Сопоставительные исследования
Неля Иванова (Бургас), Анна Андриенко (Ростов-на-Дону, Россия) – Концепт „успех“ в ценностном и языковом измерениях в болгарской, русской, британской и американской лингвокультурах // 5
Теоретические вопросьi язьiкознания
Bozhil Hristov (Sofi a) – Ellipsis and Closest-Conjunct Agreement // 20
Теория и практика на превода
Мони Алмалех (София) – Функционирование слова Эфиопия в Ветхом Завете // 37
Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения
Ивайло Буров (София) – О просодификации аффиксов и клитик. Часть IІ // 55
Димитрина Хамзе (Пловдив) – Прагматические импликатуры пародии (на материале польского языке) // 69
Рецензии и аннотации
In memoriam
Соня Бояджиева (София) – Болгарские языковедческие диссертации (2005) // 124
Contrastive Studies
Nelya Ivanova (Bourgas), Anna Andrienko (Rostov on Don, Russia) – The concept of success in the value system and linguistic practices in Bulgarian, Russian, British and American linguistic and cultural contexts // 5
Problems of Theoretical Linguistics
Bozhil Hristov (Sofia) – Ellipsis and Closest-Conjunct Agreement // 20
Theory and Practice of Translation
Moni Almaleh (Sofi a) – The functioning of the word Ethiopia in the Old Testament // 37
Discussions, Notes and Review Articles
Ivailo Burov (Sofia) – On the prosodifi cation of affi xes and clitics (Part ІI) // 55
Dimitrina Hamze (Plovdiv) – Pragmatic implications of parody (on Polish data) // 69
Reviews and Annotations
In memoriam
Sonya Boyadzhieva (Sofia) – Bulgarian dissertations in linguistics (2005) // 124
2013 (ХХХVIII), № 4
Съдържанието и резюметата на статиите можете да изтеглите оттук.
Съпоставителни изследвания
Маргарита Младенова (София) – Граматикализирани употреби на глаголите от семантичното поле на притежанието в славянските езици // 5
Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with the usage of possessive verbs as auxiliaries or with the function of modal verbs in some Slavic languages. Such usages are typical not only of the Slavic verb имэти ‘have’, but also of дати_‘give’ and вьзенти_‘take’. The need to analyse the semantic development of the possessive verbs in a historical and synchronic aspect is stressed.
Теоретични въпроси на езикознанието
Andrzej Bogusławski (Warszawa) – A definition of say that // 13
Keywords: semantics; pragmatics; knowledge; definition of “say that”; say that vs. say:_.; quotative; rhetic/phatic; functor; propositional function;
Summary/Abstract: In the article a definition of ‘say that’ (with propositional complements) is offered and substantiated. The definition, which is far from being simple, is based, crucially, on the four concepts deemed primitive: ‘know that’, ‘do’, ‘someone’, ‘something’. The English expression say that is taken to be simple in the sense of its indivisibility into say and that as bearers of separate semantic values and to be universal in the sense of its having an exact semantic counterpart in every language; certain other expressions (in English as well as in other languages) are just variants of say that without any independent strictly semantic load (cf., e.g., He said she’s ill. – without that). On the other hand, the author claims that there is an independent unit of language in the form of the quotative say: _. The string say as such is assigned the status of a sheer morphological form rather than that of a genuine unit of language. An attempt is being made to show that none of the two units of language is derivable from the other one in terms of a viable operation (acting as a self-contained linguistic item).
Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения
Мария Попова(София) – Съпоставителният подход в терминознанието // 43
Summary/Abstract: This article presents some of the features of the contrastive approach in the study of terms. The following main problems of contrastive investigations in terminology are discussed: tertium comparationis; common aim and specific purposes; scope of topic and methodological varieties; relationships with some other approaches.
Ивайло Буров (София) – За прозодификацията на афиксите и клитиките. Част I // 56
Summary/Abstract: This paper offers a unified account of the phonological aspects of morpholexical and morphosyntactic processes such as compounding, affixation and cliticisation which often lead to mismatches between morphological and prosodic constituency. In the Prosodic phonology framework these three processes can be illustrated by three possible operations according to the nature and the combinatorial proprieties of the morphemes in the language under consideration, but also according to the degree of cohesion between stems, bound roots, affixes and clitics: splitting in two phonological words, adjunction or incorporation in the phonological word. This claim is supported and illustrated by data from English, Classical Latin, Italian, Neapolitan, Modern Greek, Dutch, Japanese, Ossetic and Southern Paiute.
Маркс Попов (София) – Въпроси от теорията на терминологичните системи // 68
Summary/Abstract: The process of the rapid proliferation of various terminological systems during the past decades creates the need of developing a theory of terminological systems as one of the ways of bringing order into this process. The article examines some basic concepts and principles of such a theory with a view to developing a methodology of constructing such systems. Four groups of problems are discussed: the essential characteristics of terminological systems and their description, their elements and their interrelationship and the methodology of linguistic construction of such systems. Introduced are the concepts of the pair “term-definition“ as an element of the terminological system, transformed definition and taxonomic network ordered graph of the structure of the terminological system.
По повод на…
Андрей Стоевски (София) – По повод 90-годишнината на Димитър Спасов (1923–1983) // 84
Христо Стаменов (София) – Писма от Димитър Спасов // 88
Рецензии и анотации
A. Bogusławski.Podstawy konfrontatywnej lingwistyki przekładowej (Диляна Денчева, София – Лодз) // 93
Balkanismen heute – Balkanisms Today – Балканизмы сегодня (Th. Kahl, M. Metzeltin, H. Schaller (Hg.) (Дарина Младенова, София) // 99
Е. Петкова. Взаимоотношение между терминологична и общоупотребима лексика (в посока към терминологизация)(Мария Попова, София) // 105
Л. Димитрова-Тодорова. Собствените имена в България – изследвания, анализ, проблеми (Емилия Пернишка, София) // 108
М. Попова и кол. Терминологичен речник по хуманитарни науки (Татяна Илиева, София) // 113
М. Михайлова-Мръвкарова. Кримскотатарско-български речник (балчишки говор) (Мануела Даскалова, София) // 117
Хоризонти и предели на южнославянските езици. Сборник, посветен на 65-годишнината на доцент д-р Славка Величкова (Найда Иванова, София) // 119
Slovenski lingvistični atlas. Človek (telo, bolezni, družina) 1. 1. Atlas; 1. 2. Komentari. (Лучия Антонова-Василева, София) // 122
Лилия Илиева (Благоевград) – Славчо Петков на 80 години // 128
Библиография на трудовете на Славчо Петков (съст. Лилия Илиева, Благоевград) // 130
Владимир Иванов(София) – Четири лингвистични форума в Словакия // 136
In memoriam
Лили Лашкова (1943–2013) // 140
Кирил Костов (1921–2013) // 141
Зое Хауптова (1929–2012) // 143
Съдържание на годишнина ХХХVІІІ (2013) на списание Съпоставително езикознание (съст. Ина Михайлова, София) // 145
Сопоставительньiе исследования
Маргарита Младенова (София) – Грамматикализованные употребления глаголов семантического поля посессивности в славянских языках// 5
Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with the usage of possessive verbs as auxiliaries or with the function of modal verbs in some Slavic languages. Such usages are typical not only of the Slavic verb имэти ‘have’, but also of дати_‘give’ and вьзенти_‘take’. The need to analyse the semantic development of the possessive verbs in a historical and synchronic aspect is stressed.
Теоретические вопросьi язьiкознания
Andrzej Bogusławski (Warszawa) – A definition of say that // 13
Keywords: semantics; pragmatics; knowledge; definition of “say that”; say that vs. say:_.; quotative; rhetic/phatic; functor; propositional function;
Summary/Abstract: In the article a definition of ‘say that’ (with propositional complements) is offered and substantiated. The definition, which is far from being simple, is based, crucially, on the four concepts deemed primitive: ‘know that’, ‘do’, ‘someone’, ‘something’. The English expression say that is taken to be simple in the sense of its indivisibility into say and that as bearers of separate semantic values and to be universal in the sense of its having an exact semantic counterpart in every language; certain other expressions (in English as well as in other languages) are just variants of say that without any independent strictly semantic load (cf., e.g., He said she’s ill. – without that). On the other hand, the author claims that there is an independent unit of language in the form of the quotative say: _. The string say as such is assigned the status of a sheer morphological form rather than that of a genuine unit of language. An attempt is being made to show that none of the two units of language is derivable from the other one in terms of a viable operation (acting as a self-contained linguistic item).
Дискуссии, обзорьi и научньiе сообщения
Мария Попова (София) – Сопоставительный подход в терминоведении// 43
Summary/Abstract: This article presents some of the features of the contrastive approach in the study of terms. The following main problems of contrastive investigations in terminology are discussed: tertium comparationis; common aim and specific purposes; scope of topic and methodological varieties; relationships with some other approaches.
Ивайло Буров (София) – О просодификации аффиксов и клитик. Часть I // 56
Summary/Abstract: This paper offers a unified account of the phonological aspects of morpholexical and morphosyntactic processes such as compounding, affixation and cliticisation which often lead to mismatches between morphological and prosodic constituency. In the Prosodic phonology framework these three processes can be illustrated by three possible operations according to the nature and the combinatorial proprieties of the morphemes in the language under consideration, but also according to the degree of cohesion between stems, bound roots, affixes and clitics: splitting in two phonological words, adjunction or incorporation in the phonological word. This claim is supported and illustrated by data from English, Classical Latin, Italian, Neapolitan, Modern Greek, Dutch, Japanese, Ossetic and Southern Paiute.
Маркс Попов (София) – Вопросы теории терминологических систем // 68
Summary/Abstract: The process of the rapid proliferation of various terminological systems during the past decades creates the need of developing a theory of terminological systems as one of the ways of bringing order into this process. The article examines some basic concepts and principles of such a theory with a view to developing a methodology of constructing such systems. Four groups of problems are discussed: the essential characteristics of terminological systems and their description, their elements and their interrelationship and the methodology of linguistic construction of such systems. Introduced are the concepts of the pair “term-definition“ as an element of the terminological system, transformed definition and taxonomic network ordered graph of the structure of the terminological system.
По поводу…
Андрей Стоевски (София) – По поводу 90-ой годовщины со дня рождения Димитра Спасова (1923–1983) // 84
Христо Стаменов (София) – Письма Димитра Спасова // 88
Рецензии и аннотации
Лилия Илиева (Благоевград) – Славчо Петкову 80 лет // 128
Библиография трудов Славчо Петкова (сост. Лилия Илиева, Благоевград) // 130
In memoriam
Содержание журнала Сопоставительное языкознание за ХХХVІІІ (2013) год выхода в свет (сост. Ина Михайлова, София) // 145
Contrastive Studies
Margarita Mladenova (Sofia) – Grammaticalized uses of verbs of possession in the Slavic languages// 5
Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with the usage of possessive verbs as auxiliaries or with the function of modal verbs in some Slavic languages. Such usages are typical not only of the Slavic verb имэти ‘have’, but also of дати_‘give’ and вьзенти_‘take’. The need to analyse the semantic development of the possessive verbs in a historical and synchronic aspect is stressed.
Problems of Theoretical Linguistics
Andrzej Bogusławski (Warszawa) – A definition of say that // 13
Keywords: semantics; pragmatics; knowledge; definition of “say that”; say that vs. say:_.; quotative; rhetic/phatic; functor; propositional function;
Summary/Abstract: In the article a definition of ‘say that’ (with propositional complements) is offered and substantiated. The definition, which is far from being simple, is based, crucially, on the four concepts deemed primitive: ‘know that’, ‘do’, ‘someone’, ‘something’. The English expression say that is taken to be simple in the sense of its indivisibility into say and that as bearers of separate semantic values and to be universal in the sense of its having an exact semantic counterpart in every language; certain other expressions (in English as well as in other languages) are just variants of say that without any independent strictly semantic load (cf., e.g., He said she’s ill. – without that). On the other hand, the author claims that there is an independent unit of language in the form of the quotative say: _. The string say as such is assigned the status of a sheer morphological form rather than that of a genuine unit of language. An attempt is being made to show that none of the two units of language is derivable from the other one in terms of a viable operation (acting as a self-contained linguistic item).
Discussions, Notes and Review Articles
Maria Popova(Sofia) – Contrastive approach in the study of terminology// 43
Summary/Abstract: This article presents some of the features of the contrastive approach in the study of terms. The following main problems of contrastive investigations in terminology are discussed: tertium comparationis; common aim and specific purposes; scope of topic and methodological varieties; relationships with some other approaches.
Ivailo Burov (Sofia) – On prosodification of affixes and clitics (Part I) // 56
Summary/Abstract: This paper offers a unified account of the phonological aspects of morpholexical and morphosyntactic processes such as compounding, affixation and cliticisation which often lead to mismatches between morphological and prosodic constituency. In the Prosodic phonology framework these three processes can be illustrated by three possible operations according to the nature and the combinatorial proprieties of the morphemes in the language under consideration, but also according to the degree of cohesion between stems, bound roots, affixes and clitics: splitting in two phonological words, adjunction or incorporation in the phonological word. This claim is supported and illustrated by data from English, Classical Latin, Italian, Neapolitan, Modern Greek, Dutch, Japanese, Ossetic and Southern Paiute.
Marks Popov (Sofia) – Problems of the theory of terminological systems // 68
Summary/Abstract: The process of the rapid proliferation of various terminological systems during the past decades creates the need of developing a theory of terminological systems as one of the ways of bringing order into this process. The article examines some basic concepts and principles of such a theory with a view to developing a methodology of constructing such systems. Four groups of problems are discussed: the essential characteristics of terminological systems and their description, their elements and their interrelationship and the methodology of linguistic construction of such systems. Introduced are the concepts of the pair “term-definition“ as an element of the terminological system, transformed definition and taxonomic network ordered graph of the structure of the terminological system.
Apropos of…
Andrei Stoevsky (Sofia) – Dimiter Spasov (1923–1983) – On the occasion of his 90th anniversary // 84
Christo Stamenov (Sofia) – Letters from Dimiter Spasov // 88
Reviews and annotations
Lilia Ilieva (Blagoevgrad) – Slavcho Petkov octogenarian // 128
Bibliography of the works of Slavcho Petkov (compiled by L i l i a I l i e v a, Blagoevgrad) // 130
In memoriam
Contrastive Linguistics’s Annual Contents – vol. XXXVІІІ (2013) (comp. by Ina Mihaylova, Sofia) // 145
2013 (ХХХVIII), № 2–3
Цялото съдържание и резюметата можете да изтеглите оттук.
Красимира Алексова (София) – Съвременни гледни точки за евиденциалността и за преизказването в българския език // 5
Иван Куцаров (Пловдив) – Преизказването // 17
Summary/Abstract: The article offers an overview of the research into the complex of the Bulgarian perfectoid forms (renarrative, conclusive, admirative, dubitative) with a special emphasis on renarration. It traces the history of the problem (especially its earlier stages) and the competition of ideas aiming at the explanation of the linguistic facts. The origin of each approach is pointed out as well as its subsequent development. This presentation is naturally influenced by the author’s own position on the problems discussed, without claiming to offer the ultimate solution. Problems of terminology are also focused on. One of the reasons to include a relatively rich bibliography is to draw the attention of researchers at home and abroad to the numerous publications referred to.
Руселина Ницолова (София) – Перфект и связанная с ним грамматическая категория эвиденциальности в болгарском языке // 50
Summary/Abstract: The article focuses on the issue of which semantic properties of the perfect in the indicative in Bulgarian enhance its further grammaticalization into a novel grammatical subsystem – evidentilaity. A brief review is presented of the semantic load of the different types of evidential – conclusive, renarrative and dubitative, which can be deduced from the presuppositions of statements. Such presuppositions are preserved intact in the affirmative and negative forms of the statements, while in interrogatives the presuppositions are chosen by speaker in accordance with the presumed listener’s cognitive state in relation to the source of information and not with the speaker’s own. The place of the perfect in the temporal system of Bulgarian is discussed in a wider Reichenbachean framework. Also debated is the issue of the movement of the reference interval of the perfect in the past or in the future in relation to the pragmatic phenomenon of empathy or point of view. The basic semantic variability of the perfect in Bulgarian is described, including resultative perfect with its variant perfect of statement without an auxiliary in the 3rd p., the existential, the inferential perfect, and the perfect of hot news. The types of perfect that have given rise to the respective evidential are also specified.
Красимира Алексова (София) – Българският адмиратив в типологическата класификация на езиците, притежаващи евиденциална глаголна категория // 68
Summary/Abstract: The main purpose of the present paper is to pinpoint the place of the Bulgarian admirative in the typological classification of languages with evidentiality systems which have admirative use. The semantics of the admirative, a surprising conclusion about an unexpected fact (‘D, but I did not expect D’), invites the hypothesis that the Bulgarian admirative is one of the expressive uses of the conclusive (inferential) evidential but not a transposition of the renarrative evidential. The recognition of two types of evidentiality systems attested worldwide: i. evidentiality systems with two subcategories (non-first hand : firsthand information; non-eyewitness : eyewitness etc.) and ii. evidentiality systems with many subsystems which grammatically encode more details about the information source (three, four or more subcategories), proves the hypothesis that the admirative is related with the inferential evidential but not with the reported (or hearsay) one.
Zlatka Guentchéva-Declés (Paris) – Médiativité ou ‘evidentiality’? Alternance de référentiels temporels dans la narration en bulgare // 83
Summary/Abstract: This article deals with the much debated questions on the semantics of Modern Bulgarian verbal forms of the type чел/четял reffered to as “reported”, “renarrated”, “mediative” or “evidential”, and чел е /четял e reffered to as “conclusive” , or “inferential”. Without going into the controversy concerning the place of these perfect-like forms in the grammatical system of the contemporary Bulgarian language, our intention is to show that the presence or the omission of the third person auxiliary is a phenomenon associated with the establishment of a point-of-view relation between the speaker (enunciator) and the message he presents. The first part of the paper deals with some theoretical and epistemological issues („опосред- ственост” and „evidentiality”) and introduces the basic operational concepts. Using the framework of the Theory of enunciation (Тheorie de l’enonciation), whose key parameters are the еnunciator (Ego) and his spatio-temporal coordinates hic and nunc, we show that the notion “temporal frame of reference” also plays a crucial role for the localization of the verbalized situations according to the enunciator’s stance towards them. In the second part of the paper, special attention is paid to the alternation between different „temporal frames 84 of reference”. We show that this alternation is a narrative strategy which opposes situations presented by the enunciator as non-actualized, e.g., in mythical, historical or fictional times (the forms чел/четял) and situatioms presented by the speaker as resulting from abductive reasoning (the forms чел е / четял е).
Barbara Sonnenhauser (Münich) – ‘Evidentiality’ and point of view in Bulgarian // 110
Summary/Abstract: The present paper is concerned with ‘evidentiality’ in Bulgarian, focusing on the difference between the simple ‘l-forms’ with and without the 3rd person auxiliary. The usage or omission of the auxiliary is argued to be the decisive contribution to the evidential-like semantics of these forms, in that it serves the coding of a point of view from which the narrated events are presented. This point of view may be the ‘narrator’ or some ‘non-narrator’. The specification of ‘non-narrator’ is triggered by contextual factors and factors such as knowledge about genre and text type. Based on this interaction of semantics and discourse factors, the interpretational range of the l-forms can be accounted for, as well as their text structuring and narrative functions.
Uli Sauerland (Harvard–Berlin), Mathias Schenner (Berlin) – On embedding and evidentiality in Bulgarian // 131
Summary/Abstract: The interpretation of evidentials in Bulgarian has to our knowledge only been investigated for unembedded occurrences just like in a number of other languages. In this paper, we show that evidentials can be embedded in the complement of a range of propositional attitude verbs in Bulgarian. We show that evidentials behave differently from modals when embedded in Bulgarian, and develop a presuppositional account of evidentials. We argue that embedded occurrences provide important evidence for distinguishing different theories of evidentiality.
Björn Wiemer (Mainz), Veronika Kampf (Mainz) – Gesten und Mimik als semiotische Substitute für Sprechakte oder umgekehrt? Zur speziellen Verwendung einiger Reformulierungsmarker im Bulgarischen // 153
Summary/Abstract: The article aims to give an overview of lexical units used in contemporary Bulgarian for making reference to non-verbal actions with a semiotical interpretation, cf. Russ. „xenomarkers“ like deskat’ and mol or Engl. „new quotatives“, e.g. like. Similarly to the reportive markers these units have their scope over the whole proposition, but instead of facts they concern the (re)interpratation of texts (discourse fragments), including fictive ones, merely presumed or attributed consciously to somebody by the speaker. The units in question have expanded into this functional domain mainly from the domain of reformulation; compare, for instance, demek, sankim, sireč, edin vid, v smisăl, v stil or marginally from the domain of „dialogical quotation“ (Arutjunova), e.g. vidite li, vižte me.
Сергей С. Скорвид (Москва) – О некоторых морфосинтаксических средствах передачи сообщения с чужих слов в славянских языках центральноевропейского ареала в сравнении с немецким // 192
Summary/Abstract: The author of the paper analyses morphosyntactic means of expressing hearsay in several languages belonging to the Central European area. This includes constructions with the modal verb sollen in German, as well as, on the one hand, its functional equivalents with primarily possessive meaning in Czech, Slovak, Polish, Upper and Lower Sorbian, and, on the other hand, constructions of the incentive particle with the forms of the subjunctive mood in Slovene. It is shown that those constructions, despite their different origins, display essential correspondence in their usage; this may be regarded as one of the characteristic features of the Central European language affinity.
Anastasia Smirnova (Medford) – The meaning of the Bulgarian and Turkish evidentials // 205
Summary/Abstract: This paper discusses the meaning of the Bulgarian and Turkish evidentials. I argue that evidential forms in these languages have a rich semantic content: they encode the source of information, epistemic modality, and temporality. Ultimately, I show that the meaning of the Bulgarian and Turkish evidentials is not reducible to the meaning of perfect forms, from which the evidential forms are historically derived, and argue that evidentiality in Bulgarian and Turkish should be recognized as an independent category in its own right.
Максим М. Макарцев (Москва) – Съобщенията за Русия в българския печат от втората половина на ХХ век (към въпроса за използването на евиденциалността) // 224
Summary/Abstract: The article is dedicated to changes in strategies of using unwitnessed evidentials in Bulgarian Communist Party official newspaper “Rabotničsko delo” (renamed as “Duma” on March, 4th, 1990). The main idea is that the socio-political changes deeply influenced the usage of unwitnessed evidential forms. While before the Soviet perestroyka and “the changes” in Bulgaria the Soviet sources where referred to as objective par excellence and the forms used in the news based on them almost exclusively were witnessed evidentials, in 1988- 1990 intervention of unwitnessed evidentials (both with and without auxiliary) into them becomes obvious. The breaking point in this process is August 1991 when unwitnessed evidentials become default forms in the news from the USSR, though not for a long time.
Мария Китова-Василева (София) – Граматични средства за изразяване на несвидетелски съждения в съвременния испански език // 238
Summary/Abstract: The study aims at proving that some Indo-European languages that do not realize the category evidentialis / testimonialis are capable of developing morphological devices specialized at expressing problematic (probable or possible) judgments that can parallelly express ‘untestimony’ as well. These structures pertain to the verbal system of the Spanish language. They are presented: a) by several lines of paraphrases formed by modal verbs of obligation + simple or perfect infinitive and b) by the four future tenses of the indicative. The latter function as ‘biparticipants’: they fall in different paradigms and take different positions in the verb system. The structures realize themselves in the so called “relative reliability” – a modal logical-evaluation subcategory, different from mood – an intermediate zone set in the middle of the virtual modal axes, around whose two poles the forms of the two basic 239 Spanish moods are set: the mood of the objective reality (indicative) and the mood of the subjectively percepted reality or unreality (subjunctive). The probable and possible structures enter the frames of two functional semantic fields, where the forms of the two subjective epistemic statuses are placed, characterized by a complex double nucleus and gradual (overflowing) nature – a single subjective probable epistemic status as well as the double subjective possible epistemic status.
Victor A. Friedman (Chicago) – The use of li as a marker of evidential strategy in Romani // 253
Summary/Abstract: The use of the Slavic interrogative particle li in the Kriva Palanka Arli dialect of Romani to mark dubitativity in declarative sentences suggests that the use of li as a general evidential strategy in the Sliven dialect of Romani observed by Kostov and by Igla also has its origins in the semantic reinterpretation of the interrogative particle. This conclusion is supported by the use of the Turkish interrogative particle mi in the Barutči Arli Romani dialect of Skopje in exactly the same context as the Kriva Palanka Arli Romani use of li. It is also supported typologically by the expressive use of li in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian/Montengrin and the use of the interrogative negative optative to express surprise in Turkic languages. This in turn suggests a connection between interrogation and evidentiality that can arise in contact situations.
Eleonora Yovkova-Shii (Tokyo) – Evidentiality in Bulgarian and Japanese // 262
Summary/Abstract: This paper deals with the problem of evidentiality in Bulgarian and Japanese. Bulgarian and Japanese are typologically different languages but both possess means to expess evidentiality. The paper examines the evidential systems of the two languages within the framework of the following conceptual problems: 1) the definition of the semantic domain of evidentiality, 2) the classification of the evidential values, 3) the grammatical status of evidentiality, i.e. is evidentiality a genuine grammatical category or not, 4) the relationship of evidentialy and modality, 5) the relationship of evidentiality and some other semantic categories like (ad)mirativity.
Красимира Алексова (София) – Современные взгляды об эвиденциальности и пересказывании в болгарском языке // 5
Иван Куцаров (Пловдив) – Пересказывание // 17
Summary/Abstract: The article offers an overview of the research into the complex of the Bulgarian perfectoid forms (renarrative, conclusive, admirative, dubitative) with a special emphasis on renarration. It traces the history of the problem (especially its earlier stages) and the competition of ideas aiming at the explanation of the linguistic facts. The origin of each approach is pointed out as well as its subsequent development. This presentation is naturally influenced by the author’s own position on the problems discussed, without claiming to offer the ultimate solution. Problems of terminology are also focused on. One of the reasons to include a relatively rich bibliography is to draw the attention of researchers at home and abroad to the numerous publications referred to.
Руселина Ницолова (София) – Перфект и связанная с ним грамматическая категория эвиденциальности в болгарском языке// 50
Summary/Abstract: The article focuses on the issue of which semantic properties of the perfect in the indicative in Bulgarian enhance its further grammaticalization into a novel grammatical subsystem – evidentilaity. A brief review is presented of the semantic load of the different types of evidential – conclusive, renarrative and dubitative, which can be deduced from the presuppositions of statements. Such presuppositions are preserved intact in the affirmative and negative forms of the statements, while in interrogatives the presuppositions are chosen by speaker in accordance with the presumed listener’s cognitive state in relation to the source of information and not with the speaker’s own. The place of the perfect in the temporal system of Bulgarian is discussed in a wider Reichenbachean framework. Also debated is the issue of the movement of the reference interval of the perfect in the past or in the future in relation to the pragmatic phenomenon of empathy or point of view. The basic semantic variability of the perfect in Bulgarian is described, including resultative perfect with its variant perfect of statement without an auxiliary in the 3rd p., the existential, the inferential perfect, and the perfect of hot news. The types of perfect that have given rise to the respective evidential are also specified.
Красимира Алексова (София) – Болгарский адмиратив в типологической классификации языков, обладающих эвиденциальной глагольной категорией // 68
Summary/Abstract: The main purpose of the present paper is to pinpoint the place of the Bulgarian admirative in the typological classification of languages with evidentiality systems which have admirative use. The semantics of the admirative, a surprising conclusion about an unexpected fact (‘D, but I did not expect D’), invites the hypothesis that the Bulgarian admirative is one of the expressive uses of the conclusive (inferential) evidential but not a transposition of the renarrative evidential. The recognition of two types of evidentiality systems attested worldwide: i. evidentiality systems with two subcategories (non-first hand : firsthand information; non-eyewitness : eyewitness etc.) and ii. evidentiality systems with many subsystems which grammatically encode more details about the information source (three, four or more subcategories), proves the hypothesis that the admirative is related with the inferential evidential but not with the reported (or hearsay) one.
Zlatka Guentchéva-Declés (Paris) – Médiativité ou ‘evidentiality’? Alternance de référentiels temporels dans la narration en bulgare // 83
Summary/Abstract: This article deals with the much debated questions on the semantics of Modern Bulgarian verbal forms of the type чел/четял reffered to as “reported”, “renarrated”, “mediative” or “evidential”, and чел е /четял e reffered to as “conclusive” , or “inferential”. Without going into the controversy concerning the place of these perfect-like forms in the grammatical system of the contemporary Bulgarian language, our intention is to show that the presence or the omission of the third person auxiliary is a phenomenon associated with the establishment of a point-of-view relation between the speaker (enunciator) and the message he presents. The first part of the paper deals with some theoretical and epistemological issues („опосред- ственост” and „evidentiality”) and introduces the basic operational concepts. Using the framework of the Theory of enunciation (Тheorie de l’enonciation), whose key parameters are the еnunciator (Ego) and his spatio-temporal coordinates hic and nunc, we show that the notion “temporal frame of reference” also plays a crucial role for the localization of the verbalized situations according to the enunciator’s stance towards them. In the second part of the paper, special attention is paid to the alternation between different „temporal frames 84 of reference”. We show that this alternation is a narrative strategy which opposes situations presented by the enunciator as non-actualized, e.g., in mythical, historical or fictional times (the forms чел/четял) and situatioms presented by the speaker as resulting from abductive reasoning (the forms чел е / четял е).
Barbara Sonnenhauser (Münich) – ‘Evidentiality’ and point of view in Bulgarian // 110
Summary/Abstract: The present paper is concerned with ‘evidentiality’ in Bulgarian, focusing on the difference between the simple ‘l-forms’ with and without the 3rd person auxiliary. The usage or omission of the auxiliary is argued to be the decisive contribution to the evidential-like semantics of these forms, in that it serves the coding of a point of view from which the narrated events are presented. This point of view may be the ‘narrator’ or some ‘non-narrator’. The specification of ‘non-narrator’ is triggered by contextual factors and factors such as knowledge about genre and text type. Based on this interaction of semantics and discourse factors, the interpretational range of the l-forms can be accounted for, as well as their text structuring and narrative functions.
Uli Sauerland (Harvard–Berlin), Mathias Schenner (Berlin) – On embedding and evidentiality in Bulgarian // 131
Summary/Abstract: The interpretation of evidentials in Bulgarian has to our knowledge only been investigated for unembedded occurrences just like in a number of other languages. In this paper, we show that evidentials can be embedded in the complement of a range of propositional attitude verbs in Bulgarian. We show that evidentials behave differently from modals when embedded in Bulgarian, and develop a presuppositional account of evidentials. We argue that embedded occurrences provide important evidence for distinguishing different theories of evidentiality.
Björn Wiemer (Mainz), Veronika Kampf (Mainz) – Gesten und Mimik als semiotische Substitute für Sprechakte oder umgekehrt? Zur speziellen Verwendung einiger Reformulierungsmarker im Bulgarischen // 153
Summary/Abstract: The article aims to give an overview of lexical units used in contemporary Bulgarian for making reference to non-verbal actions with a semiotical interpretation, cf. Russ. „xenomarkers“ like deskat’ and mol or Engl. „new quotatives“, e.g. like. Similarly to the reportive markers these units have their scope over the whole proposition, but instead of facts they concern the (re)interpratation of texts (discourse fragments), including fictive ones, merely presumed or attributed consciously to somebody by the speaker. The units in question have expanded into this functional domain mainly from the domain of reformulation; compare, for instance, demek, sankim, sireč, edin vid, v smisăl, v stil or marginally from the domain of „dialogical quotation“ (Arutjunova), e.g. vidite li, vižte me.
Сергей С. Скорвид (Москва) – О некоторых морфосинтаксических средствах передачи сообщения с чужих слов в славянских языках центральноевропейского ареала в сравнении с немецким // 192
Summary/Abstract: The author of the paper analyses morphosyntactic means of expressing hearsay in several languages belonging to the Central European area. This includes constructions with the modal verb sollen in German, as well as, on the one hand, its functional equivalents with primarily possessive meaning in Czech, Slovak, Polish, Upper and Lower Sorbian, and, on the other hand, constructions of the incentive particle with the forms of the subjunctive mood in Slovene. It is shown that those constructions, despite their different origins, display essential correspondence in their usage; this may be regarded as one of the characteristic features of the Central European language affinity.
Anastasia Smirnova (Medford) – The meaning of the Bulgarian and Turkish evidentials // 205
Summary/Abstract: This paper discusses the meaning of the Bulgarian and Turkish evidentials. I argue that evidential forms in these languages have a rich semantic content: they encode the source of information, epistemic modality, and temporality. Ultimately, I show that the meaning of the Bulgarian and Turkish evidentials is not reducible to the meaning of perfect forms, from which the evidential forms are historically derived, and argue that evidentiality in Bulgarian and Turkish should be recognized as an independent category in its own right.
Максим М. Макарцев (Москва) – Сообщения о России в болгарской прессе второй половины ХХ века (к вопросу об использовании эвиденциальности) // 224
Summary/Abstract: The article is dedicated to changes in strategies of using unwitnessed evidentials in Bulgarian Communist Party official newspaper “Rabotničsko delo” (renamed as “Duma” on March, 4th, 1990). The main idea is that the socio-political changes deeply influenced the usage of unwitnessed evidential forms. While before the Soviet perestroyka and “the changes” in Bulgaria the Soviet sources where referred to as objective par excellence and the forms used in the news based on them almost exclusively were witnessed evidentials, in 1988- 1990 intervention of unwitnessed evidentials (both with and without auxiliary) into them becomes obvious. The breaking point in this process is August 1991 when unwitnessed evidentials become default forms in the news from the USSR, though not for a long time.
Мария Китова-Василева (София) – Грамматические средства выражающие несвидетельствованность в современном испанском языке // 238
Summary/Abstract: The study aims at proving that some Indo-European languages that do not realize the category evidentialis / testimonialis are capable of developing morphological devices specialized at expressing problematic (probable or possible) judgments that can parallelly express ‘untestimony’ as well. These structures pertain to the verbal system of the Spanish language. They are presented: a) by several lines of paraphrases formed by modal verbs of obligation + simple or perfect infinitive and b) by the four future tenses of the indicative. The latter function as ‘biparticipants’: they fall in different paradigms and take different positions in the verb system. The structures realize themselves in the so called “relative reliability” – a modal logical-evaluation subcategory, different from mood – an intermediate zone set in the middle of the virtual modal axes, around whose two poles the forms of the two basic 239 Spanish moods are set: the mood of the objective reality (indicative) and the mood of the subjectively percepted reality or unreality (subjunctive). The probable and possible structures enter the frames of two functional semantic fields, where the forms of the two subjective epistemic statuses are placed, characterized by a complex double nucleus and gradual (overflowing) nature – a single subjective probable epistemic status as well as the double subjective possible epistemic status.
Victor A. Friedman (Chicago) – The use of li as a marker of evidential strategy in Romani // 253
Summary/Abstract: The use of the Slavic interrogative particle li in the Kriva Palanka Arli dialect of Romani to mark dubitativity in declarative sentences suggests that the use of li as a general evidential strategy in the Sliven dialect of Romani observed by Kostov and by Igla also has its origins in the semantic reinterpretation of the interrogative particle. This conclusion is supported by the use of the Turkish interrogative particle mi in the Barutči Arli Romani dialect of Skopje in exactly the same context as the Kriva Palanka Arli Romani use of li. It is also supported typologically by the expressive use of li in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian/Montengrin and the use of the interrogative negative optative to express surprise in Turkic languages. This in turn suggests a connection between interrogation and evidentiality that can arise in contact situations.
Eleonora Yovkova-Shii (Tokyo) – Evidentiality in Bulgarian and Japanese // 262
Summary/Abstract: This paper deals with the problem of evidentiality in Bulgarian and Japanese. Bulgarian and Japanese are typologically different languages but both possess means to expess evidentiality. The paper examines the evidential systems of the two languages within the framework of the following conceptual problems: 1) the definition of the semantic domain of evidentiality, 2) the classification of the evidential values, 3) the grammatical status of evidentiality, i.e. is evidentiality a genuine grammatical category or not, 4) the relationship of evidentialy and modality, 5) the relationship of evidentiality and some other semantic categories like
Krasimira Aleksova (Sofia) – Contemporary views on evidentiality and renarration in Bulgarian // 5
Ivan Kutsarov (Plovdiv) – Evidentiality // 17
Summary/Abstract: The article offers an overview of the research into the complex of the Bulgarian perfectoid forms (renarrative, conclusive, admirative, dubitative) with a special emphasis on renarration. It traces the history of the problem (especially its earlier stages) and the competition of ideas aiming at the explanation of the linguistic facts. The origin of each approach is pointed out as well as its subsequent development. This presentation is naturally influenced by the author’s own position on the problems discussed, without claiming to offer the ultimate solution. Problems of terminology are also focused on. One of the reasons to include a relatively rich bibliography is to draw the attention of researchers at home and abroad to the numerous publications referred to.
Ruselina Nitsolova (Sofia) – The perfect and evidentiality in Bulgarian // 50
Summary/Abstract: The article focuses on the issue of which semantic properties of the perfect in the indicative in Bulgarian enhance its further grammaticalization into a novel grammatical subsystem – evidentilaity. A brief review is presented of the semantic load of the different types of evidential – conclusive, renarrative and dubitative, which can be deduced from the presuppositions of statements. Such presuppositions are preserved intact in the affirmative and negative forms of the statements, while in interrogatives the presuppositions are chosen by speaker in accordance with the presumed listener’s cognitive state in relation to the source of information and not with the speaker’s own. The place of the perfect in the temporal system of Bulgarian is discussed in a wider Reichenbachean framework. Also debated is the issue of the movement of the reference interval of the perfect in the past or in the future in relation to the pragmatic phenomenon of empathy or point of view. The basic semantic variability of the perfect in Bulgarian is described, including resultative perfect with its variant perfect of statement without an auxiliary in the 3rd p., the existential, the inferential perfect, and the perfect of hot news. The types of perfect that have given rise to the respective evidential are also specified.
Krasimira Aleksova (Sofia) – The Bulgarian admirative in the typology of languages with grammaticalized evidentiality // 68
Summary/Abstract: The main purpose of the present paper is to pinpoint the place of the Bulgarian admirative in the typological classification of languages with evidentiality systems which have admirative use. The semantics of the admirative, a surprising conclusion about an unexpected fact (‘D, but I did not expect D’), invites the hypothesis that the Bulgarian admirative is one of the expressive uses of the conclusive (inferential) evidential but not a transposition of the renarrative evidential. The recognition of two types of evidentiality systems attested worldwide: i. evidentiality systems with two subcategories (non-first hand : firsthand information; non-eyewitness : eyewitness etc.) and ii. evidentiality systems with many subsystems which grammatically encode more details about the information source (three, four or more subcategories), proves the hypothesis that the admirative is related with the inferential evidential but not with the reported (or hearsay) one.
Zlatka Guentchéva-Declés (Paris) – Médiativité ou ‘evidentiality’? Alternance de référentiels temporels dans la narration en bulgare // 83
Summary/Abstract: This article deals with the much debated questions on the semantics of Modern Bulgarian verbal forms of the type чел/четял reffered to as “reported”, “renarrated”, “mediative” or “evidential”, and чел е /четял e reffered to as “conclusive” , or “inferential”. Without going into the controversy concerning the place of these perfect-like forms in the grammatical system of the contemporary Bulgarian language, our intention is to show that the presence or the omission of the third person auxiliary is a phenomenon associated with the establishment of a point-of-view relation between the speaker (enunciator) and the message he presents. The first part of the paper deals with some theoretical and epistemological issues („опосред- ственост” and „evidentiality”) and introduces the basic operational concepts. Using the framework of the Theory of enunciation (Тheorie de l’enonciation), whose key parameters are the еnunciator (Ego) and his spatio-temporal coordinates hic and nunc, we show that the notion “temporal frame of reference” also plays a crucial role for the localization of the verbalized situations according to the enunciator’s stance towards them. In the second part of the paper, special attention is paid to the alternation between different „temporal frames 84 of reference”. We show that this alternation is a narrative strategy which opposes situations presented by the enunciator as non-actualized, e.g., in mythical, historical or fictional times (the forms чел/четял) and situatioms presented by the speaker as resulting from abductive reasoning (the forms чел е / четял е).
Barbara Sonnenhauser (Münich) – ‘Evidentiality’ and point of view in Bulgarian // 110
Summary/Abstract: The present paper is concerned with ‘evidentiality’ in Bulgarian, focusing on the difference between the simple ‘l-forms’ with and without the 3rd person auxiliary. The usage or omission of the auxiliary is argued to be the decisive contribution to the evidential-like semantics of these forms, in that it serves the coding of a point of view from which the narrated events are presented. This point of view may be the ‘narrator’ or some ‘non-narrator’. The specification of ‘non-narrator’ is triggered by contextual factors and factors such as knowledge about genre and text type. Based on this interaction of semantics and discourse factors, the interpretational range of the l-forms can be accounted for, as well as their text structuring and narrative functions.
Uli Sauerland (Harvard–Berlin), Mathias Schenner (Berlin) – On embedding and evidentiality in Bulgarian // 131
Summary/Abstract: The interpretation of evidentials in Bulgarian has to our knowledge only been investigated for unembedded occurrences just like in a number of other languages. In this paper, we show that evidentials can be embedded in the complement of a range of propositional attitude verbs in Bulgarian. We show that evidentials behave differently from modals when embedded in Bulgarian, and develop a presuppositional account of evidentials. We argue that embedded occurrences provide important evidence for distinguishing different theories of evidentiality.
Björn Wiemer (Mainz), Veronika Kampf (Mainz) – Gesten und Mimik als semiotische Substitute für Sprechakte oder umgekehrt? Zur speziellen Verwendung einiger Reformulierungsmarker im Bulgarischen // 153
Summary/Abstract: The article aims to give an overview of lexical units used in contemporary Bulgarian for making reference to non-verbal actions with a semiotical interpretation, cf. Russ. „xenomarkers“ like deskat’ and mol or Engl. „new quotatives“, e.g. like. Similarly to the reportive markers these units have their scope over the whole proposition, but instead of facts they concern the (re)interpratation of texts (discourse fragments), including fictive ones, merely presumed or attributed consciously to somebody by the speaker. The units in question have expanded into this functional domain mainly from the domain of reformulation; compare, for instance, demek, sankim, sireč, edin vid, v smisăl, v stil or marginally from the domain of „dialogical quotation“ (Arutjunova), e.g. vidite li, vižte me.
Sergey S. Skorvid (Moskou) – On some morphosyntactic means for renarration in Slavic languages from the central European areal in comparison with German // 192
Summary/Abstract: The author of the paper analyses morphosyntactic means of expressing hearsay in several languages belonging to the Central European area. This includes constructions with the modal verb sollen in German, as well as, on the one hand, its functional equivalents with primarily possessive meaning in Czech, Slovak, Polish, Upper and Lower Sorbian, and, on the other hand, constructions of the incentive particle with the forms of the subjunctive mood in Slovene. It is shown that those constructions, despite their different origins, display essential correspondence in their usage; this may be regarded as one of the characteristic features of the Central European language affinity.
Anastasia Smirnova (Medford) – The meaning of the Bulgarian and Turkish evidentials // 205
Summary/Abstract: This paper discusses the meaning of the Bulgarian and Turkish evidentials. I argue that evidential forms in these languages have a rich semantic content: they encode the source of information, epistemic modality, and temporality. Ultimately, I show that the meaning of the Bulgarian and Turkish evidentials is not reducible to the meaning of perfect forms, from which the evidential forms are historically derived, and argue that evidentiality in Bulgarian and Turkish should be recognized as an independent category in its own right.
Maxim М. Мakarcev (Moskou) – Reports on Russia in the Bulgarian press in the second half of the ХХ c. Towards the problem of the use of evidentials. // 224
Summary/Abstract: The article is dedicated to changes in strategies of using unwitnessed evidentials in Bulgarian Communist Party official newspaper “Rabotničsko delo” (renamed as “Duma” on March, 4th, 1990). The main idea is that the socio-political changes deeply influenced the usage of unwitnessed evidential forms. While before the Soviet perestroyka and “the changes” in Bulgaria the Soviet sources where referred to as objective par excellence and the forms used in the news based on them almost exclusively were witnessed evidentials, in 1988- 1990 intervention of unwitnessed evidentials (both with and without auxiliary) into them becomes obvious. The breaking point in this process is August 1991 when unwitnessed evidentials become default forms in the news from the USSR, though not for a long time.
Мaria Kitova-Vasileva (Sofia) – Grammatical means for the expression of nonwitness information in presentday Spanish // 238
Summary/Abstract: The study aims at proving that some Indo-European languages that do not realize the category evidentialis / testimonialis are capable of developing morphological devices specialized at expressing problematic (probable or possible) judgments that can parallelly express ‘untestimony’ as well. These structures pertain to the verbal system of the Spanish language. They are presented: a) by several lines of paraphrases formed by modal verbs of obligation + simple or perfect infinitive and b) by the four future tenses of the indicative. The latter function as ‘biparticipants’: they fall in different paradigms and take different positions in the verb system. The structures realize themselves in the so called “relative reliability” – a modal logical-evaluation subcategory, different from mood – an intermediate zone set in the middle of the virtual modal axes, around whose two poles the forms of the two basic 239 Spanish moods are set: the mood of the objective reality (indicative) and the mood of the subjectively percepted reality or unreality (subjunctive). The probable and possible structures enter the frames of two functional semantic fields, where the forms of the two subjective epistemic statuses are placed, characterized by a complex double nucleus and gradual (overflowing) nature – a single subjective probable epistemic status as well as the double subjective possible epistemic status.
Victor A. Friedman (Chicago) – The use of li as a marker of evidential strategy in Romani // 253
Summary/Abstract: The use of the Slavic interrogative particle li in the Kriva Palanka Arli dialect of Romani to mark dubitativity in declarative sentences suggests that the use of li as a general evidential strategy in the Sliven dialect of Romani observed by Kostov and by Igla also has its origins in the semantic reinterpretation of the interrogative particle. This conclusion is supported by the use of the Turkish interrogative particle mi in the Barutči Arli Romani dialect of Skopje in exactly the same context as the Kriva Palanka Arli Romani use of li. It is also supported typologically by the expressive use of li in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian/Montengrin and the use of the interrogative negative optative to express surprise in Turkic languages. This in turn suggests a connection between interrogation and evidentiality that can arise in contact situations.
Eleonora Yovkova-Shii (Tokyo) – Evidentiality in Bulgarian and Japanese // 262
Summary/Abstract: This paper deals with the problem of evidentiality in Bulgarian and Japanese. Bulgarian and Japanese are typologically different languages but both possess means to expess evidentiality. The paper examines the evidential systems of the two languages within the framework of the following conceptual problems: 1) the definition of the semantic domain of evidentiality, 2) the classification of the evidential values, 3) the grammatical status of evidentiality, i.e. is evidentiality a genuine grammatical category or not, 4) the relationship of evidentialy and modality, 5) the relationship of evidentiality and some other semantic categories like.21
2013 (ХХХVIII), № 1
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Съпоставителни изследвания
Витка Делева (София) – Функции на перифразите (върху материал от български и полски език) // 5
Summary/Abstract: The present paper discusses the functions of periphrasis as a linguistic unit denoting an extralinguistic entity. It describes the usage of periphrases in the language practice on the basis of examples from Bulgarian and Polish. The periphrases reflect a way of viewing the world by the user of a given language. The analysis shows the substitution of a descriptive phrase for a proper name used by the speaker as a specific speech strategy to achieve the communicative and expressive goals.
Йовка Дапчева (София) – Фразеологизмите антропономинанти за поведенческа характеристика и ценностната картина на света (в български и руски език) // 16
Summary/Abstract: The article establishes groups of Bulgarian and Russian idioms designating humans according their behavioural characteristics. It analyses and compares the idioms’ semantic structures and the images they are based on. The results of the contrastive analysis are interpreted from the viewpoint of the respective axiological pictures of the world. Similarities and differences are pointed out including in the value systems embodied in each of the languages. The differences find expression in the different value ascribed to some types of behaviour, in accentuating different properties, in the nuances in meanings of Bulgarian and Russian idioms and their connotations.
Теоретични въпроси на езикознанието
Милена Попова (София) – Синтаксис, семантика и прагматика на изказа в испанския език // 28
Summary/Abstract: The article focuses on some key tendencies and recent developments in linguistic theory, which have caused radical changes in traditional syntactic analysis. In this context the author studies the interaction between syntax, semantics and pragmatics in utterances in Spanish. Stress is laid upon syntactic constructions with unaccusatives and predicates of affection and upon some diathetic changes related to them, which determine the syntactic typology of Spanish in comparison with Russian and English.
Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения
Людмила Ухлиржова (Прага), Божана Нишева (София–Прага) – Някои от по-новите публикации на Института за Чешки национален корпус за периода 2010–2011 година // 42
Summary/Abstract: The article presents some of the major publications of the Institute of the Czech National Corpus at Charles University, Prague between 2010 and 2011. Furthermore, it aims to acquaint the Bulgarian reader more closely with the Dictionary of Communist Totalitarianism compiled by the Institute’s researchers which is viewed not only as a study based on a large corpus of language material and contemporary methods, but also as an in-depth linguistic analysis of the characteristics of the (ideological) language of propaganda of the totalitarian age. By way of illustration of the above, the article includes a short comparison between the dictionary and E. Todorova’s publication The Language of Bulgarian Publicist Writing (1944–1989). A Linguo-Statistical Study.
Елена Паскалева (София) – Автоматично извличане на информация от текстове на близкородствени езици (върху славянски езиков материал) // 52
Summary/Abstract: The paper reviews computer processing of texts in the closely related Slavic languages. The major focus falls on language resources and basic computer extraction methods for processing linguistic information in Bulgarian-Russian and Bulgarian-Macedonian contrastive research. Part of the discussion is devoted to problems of language resources, mostly the availability and nature of processing of aligned parallel corpora. The linguistic results from the application of the specific information extraction methods are discussed, namely linguistic knowledge about the two pairs of languages, the automatic extraction of translation equivalents and phrases by applying an improved Lowenstein algorithm, as well as the results of subsequent evaluation and further manual and automatic processing. Special attention is devoted to the extraction of false friends from Russian-Bulgarian parallel texts. A particular linguistic adjustment of the applied statistical methods is offered, more specifically of the scale of weighing coefficients of letter substitutions. The adjustments are based on phonological, grammatical and mean 53 ing criteria. The language resources, both textual and grammatical, have been developed at the Department for Linguistic Modeling at the Institute for Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Tania Láleva (Madrid) – Lectura desde la teoría vectorial de Guillermo Rojo de las formas con marcador „ще да“ en el sistema verbal búlgaro. Encuentros y desencuentros con el verbo español // 66
Summary/Abstract: In the paper the group of verb forms with the common formal marker „ще (да)“ [shte da] is analyzed and it is contended that time is the basic structuring element in the Bulgarian temporal verbal system. The temporal and extra-temporal meanings of verbs from the group are analyzed by applying Guillermo Rojo’s vector theory and his ideas on dislocation in the system of the Spanish verb. Bulgarian and Spanish forms with dislocation of the type ‘+V’ > ‘oV’ are compared. It is claimed that this type of dislocation attributes an extra-temporal meaning of probability to these verbs. The conclusion is drawn that dislocation in Bulgarian functions at the level of the system in the plane of the present and is developed as a morphological model in the plane of the past. The similarities and contrasts between the two languages are also analyzed.
Рецензии и анотации
Ив. Куцаров. Актуална морфология (Лилия Иванова, Пловдив) // 78
Б. Борисов. Българският и чешкият книжовен език през Възраждането. Особености на кодификацията (Диана Иванова, Пловдив) // 84
Д. Константинова. Иронията като начин за възприемане на света (върху материал от българската и словашката фразеология) (Диана К. Иванова, София) // 89
А. Bagasheva. Reflections on Compound Verbs and Compounding (Христо Стаменов, София) // 93
С. Петкова. Метадискурсивные единицы русского языка. Функционально-прагматический аспект (Маргарита Младенова, София) // 96
Език, морал, отговорност. Сборник в чест на 70-годишнината на професор доктор на филологическите науки Василка Радева (съст. Вл. Миланов, Н. Михайлова-Сталянова) (Емилия Македонска, София) // 99
Morfologické aspekty súčasnej slovenčiny (еd. J. Dolník) (Диана К. Иванова, София) // 103
Philologica LXVII. Zborník Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského (Диана К. Иванова, София, Добромир Григоров, София) // 108
Я. Бъчваров и кол. Кратък чешко-български речник на некнижовната лексика (Емилия Македонска, София) // 113
В. Панайотов, Д. Иванова, С. Лиханова. Словашко-български тематичен речник (Маргарита Младенова, София) // 114
П. Легурска. Семантичен речник на типологичните характеристики на вторичното назоваване в руския и българския език (Иво Панчев, София) // 116
Атанаска Атанасова (София) – 70 години българска академична лексикография // 121
Татяна Евтимова (София) – 60 години тюркология и алтаистика в Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ // 123
Борис Вунчев (София) – 20 години Новогръцка филология в Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ // 124
Маргарита Младенова (София) – Четвърти дни на синтаксиса в Осиек // 127
In memoriam
Емил Боев (1932 –2013) // 130
Соня Бояджиева (София) – Български езиковедски дисертации за 2004 г. // 131
Сопоставительные исследования
Витка Делева (София) – Функции перифраз (на материале болгарского и польского языков) // 5
Summary/Abstract: The present paper discusses the functions of periphrasis as a linguistic unit denoting an extralinguistic entity. It describes the usage of periphrases in the language practice on the basis of examples from Bulgarian and Polish. The periphrases reflect a way of viewing the world by the user of a given language. The analysis shows the substitution of a descriptive phrase for a proper name used by the speaker as a specific speech strategy to achieve the communicative and expressive goals.
Йовка Дапчева (София) – Фразеологизмы, обозначающие поведенческую характеристику человека, и ценностная картина мира (в болгарском и русском языках) // 16
Summary/Abstract: The article establishes groups of Bulgarian and Russian idioms designating humans according their behavioural characteristics. It analyses and compares the idioms’ semantic structures and the images they are based on. The results of the contrastive analysis are interpreted from the viewpoint of the respective axiological pictures of the world. Similarities and differences are pointed out including in the value systems embodied in each of the languages. The differences find expression in the different value ascribed to some types of behaviour, in accentuating different properties, in the nuances in meanings of Bulgarian and Russian idioms and their connotations.
Теоретические вопросы языкознания
Милена Попова (София) – Синтаксис, семантика и прагматика высказывания в испанском языке // 28
Summary/Abstract: The article focuses on some key tendencies and recent developments in linguistic theory, which have caused radical changes in traditional syntactic analysis. In this context the author studies the interaction between syntax, semantics and pragmatics in utterances in Spanish. Stress is laid upon syntactic constructions with unaccusatives and predicates of affection and upon some diathetic changes related to them, which determine the syntactic typology of Spanish in comparison with Russian and English.
Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения
Людмила Ухлиржова (Прага), Божана Нишева (София–Прага) – Некоторые новейшие публикации Института Чешского национального корпуса за период 2010–2011 гг. // 42
Summary/Abstract: The article presents some of the major publications of the Institute of the Czech National Corpus at Charles University, Prague between 2010 and 2011. Furthermore, it aims to acquaint the Bulgarian reader more closely with the Dictionary of Communist Totalitarianism compiled by the Institute’s researchers which is viewed not only as a study based on a large corpus of language material and contemporary methods, but also as an in-depth linguistic analysis of the characteristics of the (ideological) language of propaganda of the totalitarian age. By way of illustration of the above, the article includes a short comparison between the dictionary and E. Todorova’s publication The Language of Bulgarian Publicist Writing (1944–1989). A Linguo-Statistical Study.
Елена Паскалева (София) – Автоматическое извлечение информации из текстов на близкородственных языках (на славянском языковом материале) // 52
Summary/Abstract: The paper reviews computer processing of texts in the closely related Slavic languages. The major focus falls on language resources and basic computer extraction methods for processing linguistic information in Bulgarian-Russian and Bulgarian-Macedonian contrastive research. Part of the discussion is devoted to problems of language resources, mostly the availability and nature of processing of aligned parallel corpora. The linguistic results from the application of the specific information extraction methods are discussed, namely linguistic knowledge about the two pairs of languages, the automatic extraction of translation equivalents and phrases by applying an improved Lowenstein algorithm, as well as the results of subsequent evaluation and further manual and automatic processing. Special attention is devoted to the extraction of false friends from Russian-Bulgarian parallel texts. A particular linguistic adjustment of the applied statistical methods is offered, more specifically of the scale of weighing coefficients of letter substitutions. The adjustments are based on phonological, grammatical and mean 53 ing criteria. The language resources, both textual and grammatical, have been developed at the Department for Linguistic Modeling at the Institute for Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Tania Láleva (Madrid) – Lectura desde la teoría vectorial de Guillermo Rojo de las formas con marcador „ще да“ en el sistema verbal búlgaro. Encuentros y desencuentros con el verbo español // 66
Summary/Abstract: In the paper the group of verb forms with the common formal marker „ще (да)“ [shte da] is analyzed and it is contended that time is the basic structuring element in the Bulgarian temporal verbal system. The temporal and extra-temporal meanings of verbs from the group are analyzed by applying Guillermo Rojo’s vector theory and his ideas on dislocation in the system of the Spanish verb. Bulgarian and Spanish forms with dislocation of the type ‘+V’ > ‘oV’ are compared. It is claimed that this type of dislocation attributes an extra-temporal meaning of probability to these verbs. The conclusion is drawn that dislocation in Bulgarian functions at the level of the system in the plane of the present and is developed as a morphological model in the plane of the past. The similarities and contrasts between the two languages are also analyzed.
Рецензии и аннотации
In memoriam
Соня Бояджиева (София) – Болгарские языковедческие диссертации (2004) // 131
Contrastive Studies
Vitka Deleva (Sofia) – Functions of paraphrases (on Bulgarian and Polish material) // 5
Summary/Abstract: The present paper discusses the functions of periphrasis as a linguistic unit denoting an extralinguistic entity. It describes the usage of periphrases in the language practice on the basis of examples from Bulgarian and Polish. The periphrases reflect a way of viewing the world by the user of a given language. The analysis shows the substitution of a descriptive phrase for a proper name used by the speaker as a specific speech strategy to achieve the communicative and expressive goals.
Yovka Dapcheva (Sofia) – Phraseological units-anthroponominants denoting behavioural characteristics and the axiological picture of the world (in Russian and Bulgarian) // 16
Summary/Abstract: The article establishes groups of Bulgarian and Russian idioms designating humans according their behavioural characteristics. It analyses and compares the idioms’ semantic structures and the images they are based on. The results of the contrastive analysis are interpreted from the viewpoint of the respective axiological pictures of the world. Similarities and differences are pointed out including in the value systems embodied in each of the languages. The differences find expression in the different value ascribed to some types of behaviour, in accentuating different properties, in the nuances in meanings of Bulgarian and Russian idioms and their connotations.
Problems of Theoretical Linguistics
Milena Popova (Sofia) – Syntax, semantics and pragmatics of the utterance in Spanish // 28
Summary/Abstract: The article focuses on some key tendencies and recent developments in linguistic theory, which have caused radical changes in traditional syntactic analysis. In this context the author studies the interaction between syntax, semantics and pragmatics in utterances in Spanish. Stress is laid upon syntactic constructions with unaccusatives and predicates of affection and upon some diathetic changes related to them, which determine the syntactic typology of Spanish in comparison with Russian and English.
Discussions, Notes and Review Articles
Ludmila Uhlířová (Prague), Bozhana Nisheva (Sofia-Prague) – Some of the most recent publications of the Czech National Corpus Institute in the period 2010–2011 // 42
Summary/Abstract: The article presents some of the major publications of the Institute of the Czech National Corpus at Charles University, Prague between 2010 and 2011. Furthermore, it aims to acquaint the Bulgarian reader more closely with the Dictionary of Communist Totalitarianism compiled by the Institute’s researchers which is viewed not only as a study based on a large corpus of language material and contemporary methods, but also as an in-depth linguistic analysis of the characteristics of the (ideological) language of propaganda of the totalitarian age. By way of illustration of the above, the article includes a short comparison between the dictionary and E. Todorova’s publication The Language of Bulgarian Publicist Writing (1944–1989). A Linguo-Statistical Study.
Elena Paskaleva (Sofia) – Automatic extraction of information from texts in closely related languages (on Slavic texts) // 52
Summary/Abstract: The paper reviews computer processing of texts in the closely related Slavic languages. The major focus falls on language resources and basic computer extraction methods for processing linguistic information in Bulgarian-Russian and Bulgarian-Macedonian contrastive research. Part of the discussion is devoted to problems of language resources, mostly the availability and nature of processing of aligned parallel corpora. The linguistic results from the application of the specific information extraction methods are discussed, namely linguistic knowledge about the two pairs of languages, the automatic extraction of translation equivalents and phrases by applying an improved Lowenstein algorithm, as well as the results of subsequent evaluation and further manual and automatic processing. Special attention is devoted to the extraction of false friends from Russian-Bulgarian parallel texts. A particular linguistic adjustment of the applied statistical methods is offered, more specifically of the scale of weighing coefficients of letter substitutions. The adjustments are based on phonological, grammatical and mean 53 ing criteria. The language resources, both textual and grammatical, have been developed at the Department for Linguistic Modeling at the Institute for Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Tania Láleva (Madrid) – Lectura desde la teoría vectorial de Guillermo Rojo de las formas con marcador „ще да“ en el sistema verbal búlgaro. Encuentros y desencuentros con el verbo español // 66
Summary/Abstract: In the paper the group of verb forms with the common formal marker „ще (да)“ [shte da] is analyzed and it is contended that time is the basic structuring element in the Bulgarian temporal verbal system. The temporal and extra-temporal meanings of verbs from the group are analyzed by applying Guillermo Rojo’s vector theory and his ideas on dislocation in the system of the Spanish verb. Bulgarian and Spanish forms with dislocation of the type ‘+V’ > ‘oV’ are compared. It is claimed that this type of dislocation attributes an extra-temporal meaning of probability to these verbs. The conclusion is drawn that dislocation in Bulgarian functions at the level of the system in the plane of the present and is developed as a morphological model in the plane of the past. The similarities and contrasts between the two languages are also analyzed.
Reviews and Annotations
In Memoriam
Sonya Boyadzhieva (Sofia) – Bulgarian dissertations in linguistics (2004) // 131
2012 (ХХХVII), № 4
Съдържанието на броя и резюметата на статиите можете да изтеглите оттук.
Брой 4/2012 на списанието се посвещава на паметта на проф. д-р Жана Молхова (1922–2002), съоснователка на списанието.
Списанието изказва най-сърдечни пожелания за здраве и творчески радости на:
– проф. дфн Бистра Алексиева по случай нейната осемдесетгодишнина;
– проф. дпн Лиляна Грозданова по случай нейната седемдесетгодишнина;
– доц. Янко Бъчваров, съосновател на списанието, по случай неговата седемдесетгодишнина.Съдържание
Съпоставителни изследвания
Biliana Mihaylova (Sofia) – Les mots exprimant la notion de chagrin en bulgare, en français et en roumain // 7
Summary/Abstract: The article discusses words with the shared meaning „sorrow, grief“ in Bulgarian, French and Romanian. Etymological analysis reveals that in French and Bulgarian the initial etymons from which such lexis developed have as a semantic component the idea of physical pain or violence. In French and Romanian, however, there are lexemes whose initial semantics can only be traced to the social sphere. It is not possible to establish shared etymons between French and Bulgarian, but common semantic models are frequent – in both languages there are words for „sorrow, grief“ which developed from earlier meanings of „torture“, „tear, cut“ and „press, squeeze“. Unlike in Bulgarian and French where the words for „sorrow, grief“ have been inherited from Proto-Slavonic and Latin, in Romanian the majority of the words with such meanings are borrowings, mainly form Old Bulgarian and Bulgarian. All such words, to the exception of jale have undergone significant specific semantic transformations. Special attention is devoted to forms such as Fr. ennui and chagrin, Rom. dor, which are of notable interest both from a semantic and from an etymological point of view.
Теоретични въпроси на езикознанието
Иван Касабов (София) – Семантична характеристика на думата като основна единица на езиковата знакова система // 18
Summary/Abstract: It is possible to understand the human activity as theoretical experiment, as practical experience and as experiential result. In humans linguistic experience it is possible to recognize three interconnected but different levels of existence: of theoretical form (as architectonics or theory of sign possibility), of actual existence (as praxis) and of socio-cultural values (as knowledge or language competence). It is clear that such a division is based on three types of experience: experimental-grammatical, practical and as knowledge (competence, language know-how) corresponding to three types of existence: theoretical-virtual, pragmatic-actual and semantic-real. From semantic point of view we have to outline the modes of word’s being. Besides having actual existence (in actual utterance), every single word (as well every single object) has its (imaginary, virtually or theoretically) possible existence and its realized existence as socially established meaningful and understandable word-symbol. Practical language experience leads to semantic knowledge, „sedimented“ in words’ meanings and the meaning is understanding (in certain degree) of object’s essence of the sign or internal-predicative, attributive interpretation of the word.
Теория и практика на превода
Христо Грънчаров (Пловдив) – Нов български превод на поемата „Hávamál“ – „Тъй речени са на Високия Словата“ // 31
Summary/Abstract: This paper focuses on the recently published new Bulgarian translation of the Eddic poem Hávamál by Yana Chankova and Ægir Sverrisson. The authors of the translation have faced a number of challenges regarding the grammar and semantics of the Old Icelandic text as well as its alliterative verse. The paper analyses briefly the above mentioned difficulties in rendering the Old Icelandic text into contemporary Bulgarian and concludes that on the whole the authors have dealt successfully with each one of them.
Mariya Anastasova (Blagoevgrad) – Translation of Catholic lexis from English into Bulgarian in the context of a novel by Oscar Wilde // 38
Keywords: translation; adaptation; Catholic lexis; Oscar Wilde;
Summary/Abstract: The article studies the problem of the translation of Catholic lexis from English into Bulgarian in the context of a specific extract from the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. The analysis is based on the theories of Itamar Even-Zohar and Guideon Toury about the place of translated literature within a literary polysystem. The place of the translated literature in Bulgarian could be defined as central because of the lack of consolidated home traditions. Due to a combination of factors, both historical and political, models were borrowed from specific cultures excluding the British one, which makes the translation of Oscar Wilde in Bulgarian a quite curious phenomenon. The research focuses on three Bulgarian translations of the book published in three successive decades as the main concern of the author is how the Catholic terms are translated in the extract – as an adaptation to Orthodoxy and the target culture or by keeping their Catholic identity considering the fact that a Catholic society exists in Bulgaria.
Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения
Nelly Tincheva (Sofia) – Before I start speaking, I would like to say something: Malapropisms // 47
Keywords: malapropisms; tipology; pragmatics; cognitive motivation; acceptability; scale; humoure scale;
Summary/Abstract: The paper aims to draw attention to and discuss the ’underrated’ phenomenon of malapropisms. It offers two perspectives on them – a linguistic/pragmatic approach and a cognitive one – and argues in favour of the cognitive viewpoint. The results and conclusions draw on an extensive corpus of malapropisms in English and Bulgarian.
Nelly Yakimova (Sofia) – Compliment responses in Bulgarian // 63
Keywords: compliment responses; response strategy; quantitative corpuse analyse; ambivalence;
Summary/Abstract: In this paper I have analysed compliment responses in Bulgarian and assigned them to different categories, drawing upon previous research on compliment responses, predominantly in English. I have suggested five broad categories of response strategies: acceptance, rejection, deflection, other interpretation and combination strategies. Based on a quantitative analysis of a corpus of naturally occurring compliments and responses, I have argued that acceptance is the preferred second part in a compliment–compliment response adjacency pair. This paper offers an analysis of the types of compliment responses in Bulgarian, including ambivalent responses. It also aims to work out the preference structure of compliment exchanges in Bulgarian. The analysis makes use of a corpus of 192 naturally occurring compliment exchanges collected through the method of fieldnote taking.
По повод на…
Стефана Димитрова (София) – Проф. д-р Жана Молхова в моите спомени // 78
Христо Стаменов (София), Александра Багашева (София) – По повод на един юбилей // 81
Рецензии и анотации
Б. Алексиева. Теория и практика на устния превод (Владимир Филипов, София) // 86
L. Grozdanova, Al. Bagasheva. Analysing English Grammar (Мира Ковачева, София) // 91
R. Ishpekova. Policing the naughty newbiеs. Conceptual metaphors and discourse strategies in the Financial Times’ coverage of corruption- and organized crime-related events in Bulgaria (Лиляна Грозданова, София) // 94
Юлияна Стоянова (София) – Максим Стаменов на 60 години // 99
Библиография на трудовете на Максим Стаменов (съст. Ина Михайлова, София) // 102
Диана Иванова (Пловдив), Надка Николова (Шумен) – Заседание на Комисията за славянски книжовни езици при Международния комитет на славистите // 110
Екатерина Търпоманова (София) – Представяне на мрежата META-NET и проекта CESAR в София // 114
In memoriam
Дора Мирчева (1920–2012) // 116
Тодор Ат. Тодоров (1934–2012) // 117
Йордан Еленски (1924–2012) // 118
Валентина Еленска (1932–2012) // 119
Соня Бояджиева(София) – Български езиковедски дисертации за 2003 г. 120
Съдържание на годишнина ХХХVІІ (2012) на списание Съпоставително езикознание (съст. Ина Михайлова, София) 123
Сопоставительные исследования
Biliana Mihaylova (Sofia) – Les mots exprimant la notion de chagrin en bulgare, en français et en roumain // 7
Summary/Abstract: The article discusses words with the shared meaning „sorrow, grief“ in Bulgarian, French and Romanian. Etymological analysis reveals that in French and Bulgarian the initial etymons from which such lexis developed have as a semantic component the idea of physical pain or violence. In French and Romanian, however, there are lexemes whose initial semantics can only be traced to the social sphere. It is not possible to establish shared etymons between French and Bulgarian, but common semantic models are frequent – in both languages there are words for „sorrow, grief“ which developed from earlier meanings of „torture“, „tear, cut“ and „press, squeeze“. Unlike in Bulgarian and French where the words for „sorrow, grief“ have been inherited from Proto-Slavonic and Latin, in Romanian the majority of the words with such meanings are borrowings, mainly form Old Bulgarian and Bulgarian. All such words, to the exception of jale have undergone significant specific semantic transformations. Special attention is devoted to forms such as Fr. ennui and chagrin, Rom. dor, which are of notable interest both from a semantic and from an etymological point of view.
Теоретические вопросы языкознания
Иван Касабов (София) – Семантическая характеристика слова как основной единицы языковой знаковой системы // 8
Summary/Abstract: It is possible to understand the human activity as theoretical experiment, as practical experience and as experiential result. In humans linguistic experience it is possible to recognize three interconnected but different levels of existence: of theoretical form (as architectonics or theory of sign possibility), of actual existence (as praxis) and of socio-cultural values (as knowledge or language competence). It is clear that such a division is based on three types of experience: experimental-grammatical, practical and as knowledge (competence, language know-how) corresponding to three types of existence: theoretical-virtual, pragmatic-actual and semantic-real. From semantic point of view we have to outline the modes of word’s being. Besides having actual existence (in actual utterance), every single word (as well every single object) has its (imaginary, virtually or theoretically) possible existence and its realized existence as socially established meaningful and understandable word-symbol. Practical language experience leads to semantic knowledge, „sedimented“ in words’ meanings and the meaning is understanding (in certain degree) of object’s essence of the sign or internal-predicative, attributive interpretation of the word.
Теория и практика перевода
Христо Грынчаров (Пловдив) – Новый болгарский перевод поэмы „Hávamál“ – „Речи Высокого“ // 31
Summary/Abstract: This paper focuses on the recently published new Bulgarian translation of the Eddic poem Hávamál by Yana Chankova and Ægir Sverrisson. The authors of the translation have faced a number of challenges regarding the grammar and semantics of the Old Icelandic text as well as its alliterative verse. The paper analyses briefly the above mentioned difficulties in rendering the Old Icelandic text into contemporary Bulgarian and concludes that on the whole the authors have dealt successfully with each one of them.
Mariya Anastasova (Blagoevgrad) – Translation of Catholic lexis from English into Bulgarian in the context of a novel by Oscar Wilde // 38
Keywords: translation; adaptation; Catholic lexis; Oscar Wilde;
Summary/Abstract: The article studies the problem of the translation of Catholic lexis from English into Bulgarian in the context of a specific extract from the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. The analysis is based on the theories of Itamar Even-Zohar and Guideon Toury about the place of translated literature within a literary polysystem. The place of the translated literature in Bulgarian could be defined as central because of the lack of consolidated home traditions. Due to a combination of factors, both historical and political, models were borrowed from specific cultures excluding the British one, which makes the translation of Oscar Wilde in Bulgarian a quite curious phenomenon. The research focuses on three Bulgarian translations of the book published in three successive decades as the main concern of the author is how the Catholic terms are translated in the extract – as an adaptation to Orthodoxy and the target culture or by keeping their Catholic identity considering the fact that a Catholic society exists in Bulgaria.
Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения
Nelly Tincheva (Sofia) – Before I start speaking, I would like to say something: Malapropisms // 47
Keywords: malapropisms; tipology; pragmatics; cognitive motivation; acceptability; scale; humoure scale;
Summary/Abstract: The paper aims to draw attention to and discuss the ’underrated’ phenomenon of malapropisms. It offers two perspectives on them – a linguistic/pragmatic approach and a cognitive one – and argues in favour of the cognitive viewpoint. The results and conclusions draw on an extensive corpus of malapropisms in English and Bulgarian.
Nelly Yakimova (Sofia) – Compliment responses in Bulgarian // 63
Keywords: compliment responses; response strategy; quantitative corpuse analyse; ambivalence;
Summary/Abstract: In this paper I have analysed compliment responses in Bulgarian and assigned them to different categories, drawing upon previous research on compliment responses, predominantly in English. I have suggested five broad categories of response strategies: acceptance, rejection, deflection, other interpretation and combination strategies. Based on a quantitative analysis of a corpus of naturally occurring compliments and responses, I have argued that acceptance is the preferred second part in a compliment–compliment response adjacency pair. This paper offers an analysis of the types of compliment responses in Bulgarian, including ambivalent responses. It also aims to work out the preference structure of compliment exchanges in Bulgarian. The analysis makes use of a corpus of 192 naturally occurring compliment exchanges collected through the method of fieldnote taking.
По поводу…
Стефана Димитрова (София) – Проф. д-р Жана Молхова в моих воспоминаниях // 78
Христо Стаменов (София), Александра Багашева (София) – По поводу oдного юбилея // 81
Рецензии и аннотации годовщины
Юлияна Стоянова (София) – Максиму Стаменову 60 лет // 99
Библиография трудов Максима Стаменова (сост. Ина Михайлова, София) // 102
In memoriam
Соня Бояджиева (София) – Болгарские языковедческие диссертации (2003) 120
Содержание журнала Сопоставительное языкознание за ХХХVІІ (2012) год выхода в свет (сост. Ина Михайлова, София) // 123
Contrastive Studies
Biliana Mihaylova (Sofia) – Les mots exprimant la notion de chagrin en bulgare, en français et en roumain // 7
Summary/Abstract: The article discusses words with the shared meaning „sorrow, grief“ in Bulgarian, French and Romanian. Etymological analysis reveals that in French and Bulgarian the initial etymons from which such lexis developed have as a semantic component the idea of physical pain or violence. In French and Romanian, however, there are lexemes whose initial semantics can only be traced to the social sphere. It is not possible to establish shared etymons between French and Bulgarian, but common semantic models are frequent – in both languages there are words for „sorrow, grief“ which developed from earlier meanings of „torture“, „tear, cut“ and „press, squeeze“. Unlike in Bulgarian and French where the words for „sorrow, grief“ have been inherited from Proto-Slavonic and Latin, in Romanian the majority of the words with such meanings are borrowings, mainly form Old Bulgarian and Bulgarian. All such words, to the exception of jale have undergone significant specific semantic transformations. Special attention is devoted to forms such as Fr. ennui and chagrin, Rom. dor, which are of notable interest both from a semantic and from an etymological point of view.
Problems of Theoretical Linguistics
Ivan Kasabov (Sofia) – Semantic Characterization of the word as a basic unit of the linguistic system // 8
Summary/Abstract: It is possible to understand the human activity as theoretical experiment, as practical experience and as experiential result. In humans linguistic experience it is possible to recognize three interconnected but different levels of existence: of theoretical form (as architectonics or theory of sign possibility), of actual existence (as praxis) and of socio-cultural values (as knowledge or language competence). It is clear that such a division is based on three types of experience: experimental-grammatical, practical and as knowledge (competence, language know-how) corresponding to three types of existence: theoretical-virtual, pragmatic-actual and semantic-real. From semantic point of view we have to outline the modes of word’s being. Besides having actual existence (in actual utterance), every single word (as well every single object) has its (imaginary, virtually or theoretically) possible existence and its realized existence as socially established meaningful and understandable word-symbol. Practical language experience leads to semantic knowledge, „sedimented“ in words’ meanings and the meaning is understanding (in certain degree) of object’s essence of the sign or internal-predicative, attributive interpretation of the word.
Translation Theory and Practice
Hristo Grancharov (Plovdiv) – The new Bulgarian translation of the poem „Hávamál“ – „That Spake the High One“ // 31
Summary/Abstract: This paper focuses on the recently published new Bulgarian translation of the Eddic poem Hávamál by Yana Chankova and Ægir Sverrisson. The authors of the translation have faced a number of challenges regarding the grammar and semantics of the Old Icelandic text as well as its alliterative verse. The paper analyses briefly the above mentioned difficulties in rendering the Old Icelandic text into contemporary Bulgarian and concludes that on the whole the authors have dealt successfully with each one of them.
Mariya Anastasova (Blagoevgrad) – Translation of Catholic lexis from English into Bulgarian in the context of a novel by Oscar Wilde // 38
Keywords: translation; adaptation; Catholic lexis; Oscar Wilde;
Summary/Abstract: The article studies the problem of the translation of Catholic lexis from English into Bulgarian in the context of a specific extract from the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. The analysis is based on the theories of Itamar Even-Zohar and Guideon Toury about the place of translated literature within a literary polysystem. The place of the translated literature in Bulgarian could be defined as central because of the lack of consolidated home traditions. Due to a combination of factors, both historical and political, models were borrowed from specific cultures excluding the British one, which makes the translation of Oscar Wilde in Bulgarian a quite curious phenomenon. The research focuses on three Bulgarian translations of the book published in three successive decades as the main concern of the author is how the Catholic terms are translated in the extract – as an adaptation to Orthodoxy and the target culture or by keeping their Catholic identity considering the fact that a Catholic society exists in Bulgaria.
Discussions, Notes and Review Articles
Nelly Tincheva (Sofia) – Before I start speaking, I would like to say something: Malapropisms // 47
Keywords: malapropisms; tipology; pragmatics; cognitive motivation; acceptability; scale; humoure scale;
Summary/Abstract: The paper aims to draw attention to and discuss the ’underrated’ phenomenon of malapropisms. It offers two perspectives on them – a linguistic/pragmatic approach and a cognitive one – and argues in favour of the cognitive viewpoint. The results and conclusions draw on an extensive corpus of malapropisms in English and Bulgarian.
Nelly Yakimova (Blagoevgrad) – Сompliment responses in Bulgarian // 63
Keywords: compliment responses; response strategy; quantitative corpuse analyse; ambivalence;
Summary/Abstract: In this paper I have analysed compliment responses in Bulgarian and assigned them to different categories, drawing upon previous research on compliment responses, predominantly in English. I have suggested five broad categories of response strategies: acceptance, rejection, deflection, other interpretation and combination strategies. Based on a quantitative analysis of a corpus of naturally occurring compliments and responses, I have argued that acceptance is the preferred second part in a compliment–compliment response adjacency pair. This paper offers an analysis of the types of compliment responses in Bulgarian, including ambivalent responses. It also aims to work out the preference structure of compliment exchanges in Bulgarian. The analysis makes use of a corpus of 192 naturally occurring compliment exchanges collected through the method of fieldnote taking.
Apropos of
Stefana Dimitrova (Sofia) – Prof. Zhana Molhova in my memories // 78
Christo Stamenov (Sofia), Alexandra Bagasheva (Sofia) – On the occasion of a jubilee // 81
Reviews and Annotations Anniversaries
Yuliana Stoyanova (Sofia) – Maxim Stamenov – a sexagenarian // 99
Bibliography of Maxim Stamenov’s Works (comp. by Ina Mihaylova, Sofia) // 102
In memoriam
Sonya Boyadzhieva (Sofia) – Bulgarian Dissertations in Linguistics (2003) // 120
Contrastive Linguistics’s Annual Contents – vol. XXXVІІ (2012) (comp. by Ina Mihaylova, Sofia) // 123