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Съпоставителни изследвания
Маргарита Младенова (София) – Граматикализирани употреби на глаголите от семантичното поле на притежанието в славянските езици // 5
Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with the usage of possessive verbs as auxiliaries or with the function of modal verbs in some Slavic languages. Such usages are typical not only of the Slavic verb имэти ‘have’, but also of дати_‘give’ and вьзенти_‘take’. The need to analyse the semantic development of the possessive verbs in a historical and synchronic aspect is stressed.
Теоретични въпроси на езикознанието
Andrzej Bogusławski (Warszawa) – A definition of say that // 13
Keywords: semantics; pragmatics; knowledge; definition of “say that”; say that vs. say:_.; quotative; rhetic/phatic; functor; propositional function;
Summary/Abstract: In the article a definition of ‘say that’ (with propositional complements) is offered and substantiated. The definition, which is far from being simple, is based, crucially, on the four concepts deemed primitive: ‘know that’, ‘do’, ‘someone’, ‘something’. The English expression say that is taken to be simple in the sense of its indivisibility into say and that as bearers of separate semantic values and to be universal in the sense of its having an exact semantic counterpart in every language; certain other expressions (in English as well as in other languages) are just variants of say that without any independent strictly semantic load (cf., e.g., He said she’s ill. – without that). On the other hand, the author claims that there is an independent unit of language in the form of the quotative say: _. The string say as such is assigned the status of a sheer morphological form rather than that of a genuine unit of language. An attempt is being made to show that none of the two units of language is derivable from the other one in terms of a viable operation (acting as a self-contained linguistic item).
Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения
Мария Попова(София) – Съпоставителният подход в терминознанието // 43
Summary/Abstract: This article presents some of the features of the contrastive approach in the study of terms. The following main problems of contrastive investigations in terminology are discussed: tertium comparationis; common aim and specific purposes; scope of topic and methodological varieties; relationships with some other approaches.
Ивайло Буров (София) – За прозодификацията на афиксите и клитиките. Част I // 56
Summary/Abstract: This paper offers a unified account of the phonological aspects of morpholexical and morphosyntactic processes such as compounding, affixation and cliticisation which often lead to mismatches between morphological and prosodic constituency. In the Prosodic phonology framework these three processes can be illustrated by three possible operations according to the nature and the combinatorial proprieties of the morphemes in the language under consideration, but also according to the degree of cohesion between stems, bound roots, affixes and clitics: splitting in two phonological words, adjunction or incorporation in the phonological word. This claim is supported and illustrated by data from English, Classical Latin, Italian, Neapolitan, Modern Greek, Dutch, Japanese, Ossetic and Southern Paiute.
Маркс Попов (София) – Въпроси от теорията на терминологичните системи // 68
Summary/Abstract: The process of the rapid proliferation of various terminological systems during the past decades creates the need of developing a theory of terminological systems as one of the ways of bringing order into this process. The article examines some basic concepts and principles of such a theory with a view to developing a methodology of constructing such systems. Four groups of problems are discussed: the essential characteristics of terminological systems and their description, their elements and their interrelationship and the methodology of linguistic construction of such systems. Introduced are the concepts of the pair “term-definition“ as an element of the terminological system, transformed definition and taxonomic network ordered graph of the structure of the terminological system.
По повод на…
Андрей Стоевски (София) – По повод 90-годишнината на Димитър Спасов (1923–1983) // 84
Христо Стаменов (София) – Писма от Димитър Спасов // 88
Рецензии и анотации
A. Bogusławski.Podstawy konfrontatywnej lingwistyki przekładowej (Диляна Денчева, София – Лодз) // 93
Balkanismen heute – Balkanisms Today – Балканизмы сегодня (Th. Kahl, M. Metzeltin, H. Schaller (Hg.) (Дарина Младенова, София) // 99
Е. Петкова. Взаимоотношение между терминологична и общоупотребима лексика (в посока към терминологизация)(Мария Попова, София) // 105
Л. Димитрова-Тодорова. Собствените имена в България – изследвания, анализ, проблеми (Емилия Пернишка, София) // 108
М. Попова и кол. Терминологичен речник по хуманитарни науки (Татяна Илиева, София) // 113
М. Михайлова-Мръвкарова. Кримскотатарско-български речник (балчишки говор) (Мануела Даскалова, София) // 117
Хоризонти и предели на южнославянските езици. Сборник, посветен на 65-годишнината на доцент д-р Славка Величкова (Найда Иванова, София) // 119
Slovenski lingvistični atlas. Človek (telo, bolezni, družina) 1. 1. Atlas; 1. 2. Komentari. (Лучия Антонова-Василева, София) // 122
Лилия Илиева (Благоевград) – Славчо Петков на 80 години // 128
Библиография на трудовете на Славчо Петков (съст. Лилия Илиева, Благоевград) // 130
Владимир Иванов(София) – Четири лингвистични форума в Словакия // 136
In memoriam
Лили Лашкова (1943–2013) // 140
Кирил Костов (1921–2013) // 141
Зое Хауптова (1929–2012) // 143
Съдържание на годишнина ХХХVІІІ (2013) на списание Съпоставително езикознание (съст. Ина Михайлова, София) // 145
Сопоставительньiе исследования
Маргарита Младенова (София) – Грамматикализованные употребления глаголов семантического поля посессивности в славянских языках// 5
Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with the usage of possessive verbs as auxiliaries or with the function of modal verbs in some Slavic languages. Such usages are typical not only of the Slavic verb имэти ‘have’, but also of дати_‘give’ and вьзенти_‘take’. The need to analyse the semantic development of the possessive verbs in a historical and synchronic aspect is stressed.
Теоретические вопросьi язьiкознания
Andrzej Bogusławski (Warszawa) – A definition of say that // 13
Keywords: semantics; pragmatics; knowledge; definition of “say that”; say that vs. say:_.; quotative; rhetic/phatic; functor; propositional function;
Summary/Abstract: In the article a definition of ‘say that’ (with propositional complements) is offered and substantiated. The definition, which is far from being simple, is based, crucially, on the four concepts deemed primitive: ‘know that’, ‘do’, ‘someone’, ‘something’. The English expression say that is taken to be simple in the sense of its indivisibility into say and that as bearers of separate semantic values and to be universal in the sense of its having an exact semantic counterpart in every language; certain other expressions (in English as well as in other languages) are just variants of say that without any independent strictly semantic load (cf., e.g., He said she’s ill. – without that). On the other hand, the author claims that there is an independent unit of language in the form of the quotative say: _. The string say as such is assigned the status of a sheer morphological form rather than that of a genuine unit of language. An attempt is being made to show that none of the two units of language is derivable from the other one in terms of a viable operation (acting as a self-contained linguistic item).
Дискуссии, обзорьi и научньiе сообщения
Мария Попова (София) – Сопоставительный подход в терминоведении// 43
Summary/Abstract: This article presents some of the features of the contrastive approach in the study of terms. The following main problems of contrastive investigations in terminology are discussed: tertium comparationis; common aim and specific purposes; scope of topic and methodological varieties; relationships with some other approaches.
Ивайло Буров (София) – О просодификации аффиксов и клитик. Часть I // 56
Summary/Abstract: This paper offers a unified account of the phonological aspects of morpholexical and morphosyntactic processes such as compounding, affixation and cliticisation which often lead to mismatches between morphological and prosodic constituency. In the Prosodic phonology framework these three processes can be illustrated by three possible operations according to the nature and the combinatorial proprieties of the morphemes in the language under consideration, but also according to the degree of cohesion between stems, bound roots, affixes and clitics: splitting in two phonological words, adjunction or incorporation in the phonological word. This claim is supported and illustrated by data from English, Classical Latin, Italian, Neapolitan, Modern Greek, Dutch, Japanese, Ossetic and Southern Paiute.
Маркс Попов (София) – Вопросы теории терминологических систем // 68
Summary/Abstract: The process of the rapid proliferation of various terminological systems during the past decades creates the need of developing a theory of terminological systems as one of the ways of bringing order into this process. The article examines some basic concepts and principles of such a theory with a view to developing a methodology of constructing such systems. Four groups of problems are discussed: the essential characteristics of terminological systems and their description, their elements and their interrelationship and the methodology of linguistic construction of such systems. Introduced are the concepts of the pair “term-definition“ as an element of the terminological system, transformed definition and taxonomic network ordered graph of the structure of the terminological system.
По поводу…
Андрей Стоевски (София) – По поводу 90-ой годовщины со дня рождения Димитра Спасова (1923–1983) // 84
Христо Стаменов (София) – Письма Димитра Спасова // 88
Рецензии и аннотации
Лилия Илиева (Благоевград) – Славчо Петкову 80 лет // 128
Библиография трудов Славчо Петкова (сост. Лилия Илиева, Благоевград) // 130
In memoriam
Содержание журнала Сопоставительное языкознание за ХХХVІІІ (2013) год выхода в свет (сост. Ина Михайлова, София) // 145
Contrastive Studies
Margarita Mladenova (Sofia) – Grammaticalized uses of verbs of possession in the Slavic languages// 5
Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with the usage of possessive verbs as auxiliaries or with the function of modal verbs in some Slavic languages. Such usages are typical not only of the Slavic verb имэти ‘have’, but also of дати_‘give’ and вьзенти_‘take’. The need to analyse the semantic development of the possessive verbs in a historical and synchronic aspect is stressed.
Problems of Theoretical Linguistics
Andrzej Bogusławski (Warszawa) – A definition of say that // 13
Keywords: semantics; pragmatics; knowledge; definition of “say that”; say that vs. say:_.; quotative; rhetic/phatic; functor; propositional function;
Summary/Abstract: In the article a definition of ‘say that’ (with propositional complements) is offered and substantiated. The definition, which is far from being simple, is based, crucially, on the four concepts deemed primitive: ‘know that’, ‘do’, ‘someone’, ‘something’. The English expression say that is taken to be simple in the sense of its indivisibility into say and that as bearers of separate semantic values and to be universal in the sense of its having an exact semantic counterpart in every language; certain other expressions (in English as well as in other languages) are just variants of say that without any independent strictly semantic load (cf., e.g., He said she’s ill. – without that). On the other hand, the author claims that there is an independent unit of language in the form of the quotative say: _. The string say as such is assigned the status of a sheer morphological form rather than that of a genuine unit of language. An attempt is being made to show that none of the two units of language is derivable from the other one in terms of a viable operation (acting as a self-contained linguistic item).
Discussions, Notes and Review Articles
Maria Popova(Sofia) – Contrastive approach in the study of terminology// 43
Summary/Abstract: This article presents some of the features of the contrastive approach in the study of terms. The following main problems of contrastive investigations in terminology are discussed: tertium comparationis; common aim and specific purposes; scope of topic and methodological varieties; relationships with some other approaches.
Ivailo Burov (Sofia) – On prosodification of affixes and clitics (Part I) // 56
Summary/Abstract: This paper offers a unified account of the phonological aspects of morpholexical and morphosyntactic processes such as compounding, affixation and cliticisation which often lead to mismatches between morphological and prosodic constituency. In the Prosodic phonology framework these three processes can be illustrated by three possible operations according to the nature and the combinatorial proprieties of the morphemes in the language under consideration, but also according to the degree of cohesion between stems, bound roots, affixes and clitics: splitting in two phonological words, adjunction or incorporation in the phonological word. This claim is supported and illustrated by data from English, Classical Latin, Italian, Neapolitan, Modern Greek, Dutch, Japanese, Ossetic and Southern Paiute.
Marks Popov (Sofia) – Problems of the theory of terminological systems // 68
Summary/Abstract: The process of the rapid proliferation of various terminological systems during the past decades creates the need of developing a theory of terminological systems as one of the ways of bringing order into this process. The article examines some basic concepts and principles of such a theory with a view to developing a methodology of constructing such systems. Four groups of problems are discussed: the essential characteristics of terminological systems and their description, their elements and their interrelationship and the methodology of linguistic construction of such systems. Introduced are the concepts of the pair “term-definition“ as an element of the terminological system, transformed definition and taxonomic network ordered graph of the structure of the terminological system.
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