2013 (ХХХVIII), № 1

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Съпоставителни изследвания

Витка Делева (София) – Функции на перифразите (върху материал от български и полски език) // 5

Summary/Abstract: The present paper discusses the functions of periphrasis as a linguistic unit denoting an extralinguistic entity. It describes the usage of periphrases in the language practice on the basis of examples from Bulgarian and Polish. The periphrases reflect a way of viewing the world by the user of a given language. The analysis shows the substitution of a descriptive phrase for a proper name used by the speaker as a specific speech strategy to achieve the communicative and expressive goals.

Йовка Дапчева (София) – Фразеологизмите антропономинанти за поведенческа характеристика и ценностната картина на света (в български и руски език) // 16

Summary/Abstract: The article establishes groups of Bulgarian and Russian idioms designating humans according their behavioural characteristics. It analyses and compares the idioms’ semantic structures and the images they are based on. The results of the contrastive analysis are interpreted from the viewpoint of the respective axiological pictures of the world. Similarities and differences are pointed out including in the value systems embodied in each of the languages. The differences find expression in the different value ascribed to some types of behaviour, in accentuating different properties, in the nuances in meanings of Bulgarian and Russian idioms and their connotations.

Теоретични въпроси на езикознанието

Милена Попова (София) – Синтаксис, семантика и прагматика на изказа в испанския език // 28

Summary/Abstract: The article focuses on some key tendencies and recent developments in linguistic theory, which have caused radical changes in traditional syntactic analysis. In this context the author studies the interaction between syntax, semantics and pragmatics in utterances in Spanish. Stress is laid upon syntactic constructions with unaccusatives and predicates of affection and upon some diathetic changes related to them, which determine the syntactic typology of Spanish in comparison with Russian and English.

Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения

Людмила Ухлиржова (Прага), Божана Нишева (София–Прага) – Някои от по-новите публикации на Института за Чешки национален корпус за периода 2010–2011 година // 42

Summary/Abstract: The article presents some of the major publications of the Institute of the Czech National Corpus at Charles University, Prague between 2010 and 2011. Furthermore, it aims to acquaint the Bulgarian reader more closely with the Dictionary of Communist Totalitarianism compiled by the Institute’s researchers which is viewed not only as a study based on a large corpus of language material and contemporary methods, but also as an in-depth linguistic analysis of the characteristics of the (ideological) language of propaganda of the totalitarian age. By way of illustration of the above, the article includes a short comparison between the dictionary and E. Todorova’s publication The Language of Bulgarian Publicist Writing (1944–1989). A Linguo-Statistical Study.

Елена Паскалева (София) – Автоматично извличане на информация от текстове на близкородствени езици (върху славянски езиков материал) // 52

Summary/Abstract: The paper reviews computer processing of texts in the closely related Slavic languages. The major focus falls on language resources and basic computer extraction methods for processing linguistic information in Bulgarian-Russian and Bulgarian-Macedonian contrastive research. Part of the discussion is devoted to problems of language resources, mostly the availability and nature of processing of aligned parallel corpora. The linguistic results from the application of the specific information extraction methods are discussed, namely linguistic knowledge about the two pairs of languages, the automatic extraction of translation equivalents and phrases by applying an improved Lowenstein algorithm, as well as the results of subsequent evaluation and further manual and automatic processing. Special attention is devoted to the extraction of false friends from Russian-Bulgarian parallel texts. A particular linguistic adjustment of the applied statistical methods is offered, more specifically of the scale of weighing coefficients of letter substitutions. The adjustments are based on phonological, grammatical and mean 53 ing criteria. The language resources, both textual and grammatical, have been developed at the Department for Linguistic Modeling at the Institute for Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Tania Láleva (Madrid) – Lectura desde la teoría vectorial de Guillermo Rojo de las formas con marcador „ще да“ en el sistema verbal búlgaro. Encuentros y desencuentros con el verbo español // 66

Summary/Abstract: In the paper the group of verb forms with the common formal marker „ще (да)“ [shte da] is analyzed and it is contended that time is the basic structuring element in the Bulgarian temporal verbal system. The temporal and extra-temporal meanings of verbs from the group are analyzed by applying Guillermo Rojo’s vector theory and his ideas on dislocation in the system of the Spanish verb. Bulgarian and Spanish forms with dislocation of the type ‘+V’ > ‘oV’ are compared. It is claimed that this type of dislocation attributes an extra-temporal meaning of probability to these verbs. The conclusion is drawn that dislocation in Bulgarian functions at the level of the system in the plane of the present and is developed as a morphological model in the plane of the past. The similarities and contrasts between the two languages are also analyzed.

Рецензии и анотации

Ив. Куцаров. Актуална морфология (Лилия Иванова, Пловдив) // 78
Б. Борисов. Българският и чешкият книжовен език през Възраждането. Особености на кодификацията (Диана Иванова, Пловдив) // 84
Д. Константинова. Иронията като начин за възприемане на света (върху материал от българската и словашката фразеология) (Диана К. Иванова, София) // 89
А. Bagasheva. Reflections on Compound Verbs and Compounding (Христо Стаменов, София) // 93
С. Петкова. Метадискурсивные единицы русского языка. Функционально-прагматический аспект (Маргарита Младенова, София) // 96
Език, морал, отговорност. Сборник в чест на 70-годишнината на професор доктор на филологическите науки Василка Радева (съст. Вл. Миланов, Н. Михайлова-Сталянова) (Емилия Македонска, София) // 99
Morfologické aspekty súčasnej slovenčiny (еd. J. Dolník) (Диана К. Иванова, София) // 103
Philologica LXVII. Zborník Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského (Диана К. Иванова, София, Добромир Григоров, София) // 108
Я. Бъчваров и кол. Кратък чешко-български речник на некнижовната лексика (Емилия Македонска, София) // 113
В. Панайотов, Д. Иванова, С. Лиханова. Словашко-български тематичен речник (Маргарита Младенова, София) // 114
П. Легурска. Семантичен речник на типологичните характеристики на вторичното назоваване в руския и българския език (Иво Панчев, София) // 116


Атанаска Атанасова (София) – 70 години българска академична лексикография // 121
Татяна Евтимова (София) – 60 години тюркология и алтаистика в Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ // 123
Борис Вунчев (София) – 20 години Новогръцка филология в Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ // 124
Маргарита Младенова (София) – Четвърти дни на синтаксиса в Осиек // 127

In memoriam

Емил Боев (1932 –2013) // 130


Соня Бояджиева (София) – Български езиковедски дисертации за 2004 г. // 131


Сопоставительные исследования

Витка Делева (София) – Функции перифраз (на материале болгарского и польского языков) // 5

Summary/Abstract: The present paper discusses the functions of periphrasis as a linguistic unit denoting an extralinguistic entity. It describes the usage of periphrases in the language practice on the basis of examples from Bulgarian and Polish. The periphrases reflect a way of viewing the world by the user of a given language. The analysis shows the substitution of a descriptive phrase for a proper name used by the speaker as a specific speech strategy to achieve the communicative and expressive goals.

Йовка Дапчева (София) – Фразеологизмы, обозначающие поведенческую характеристику человека, и ценностная картина мира (в болгарском и русском языках) // 16

Summary/Abstract: The article establishes groups of Bulgarian and Russian idioms designating humans according their behavioural characteristics. It analyses and compares the idioms’ semantic structures and the images they are based on. The results of the contrastive analysis are interpreted from the viewpoint of the respective axiological pictures of the world. Similarities and differences are pointed out including in the value systems embodied in each of the languages. The differences find expression in the different value ascribed to some types of behaviour, in accentuating different properties, in the nuances in meanings of Bulgarian and Russian idioms and their connotations.

Теоретические вопросы языкознания

Милена Попова (София) – Синтаксис, семантика и прагматика высказывания в испанском языке // 28

Summary/Abstract: The article focuses on some key tendencies and recent developments in linguistic theory, which have caused radical changes in traditional syntactic analysis. In this context the author studies the interaction between syntax, semantics and pragmatics in utterances in Spanish. Stress is laid upon syntactic constructions with unaccusatives and predicates of affection and upon some diathetic changes related to them, which determine the syntactic typology of Spanish in comparison with Russian and English.

Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения

Людмила Ухлиржова (Прага), Божана Нишева (София–Прага) – Некоторые новейшие публикации Института Чешского национального корпуса за период 2010–2011 гг. // 42

Summary/Abstract: The article presents some of the major publications of the Institute of the Czech National Corpus at Charles University, Prague between 2010 and 2011. Furthermore, it aims to acquaint the Bulgarian reader more closely with the Dictionary of Communist Totalitarianism compiled by the Institute’s researchers which is viewed not only as a study based on a large corpus of language material and contemporary methods, but also as an in-depth linguistic analysis of the characteristics of the (ideological) language of propaganda of the totalitarian age. By way of illustration of the above, the article includes a short comparison between the dictionary and E. Todorova’s publication The Language of Bulgarian Publicist Writing (1944–1989). A Linguo-Statistical Study.

Елена Паскалева (София) – Автоматическое извлечение информации из текстов на близкородственных языках (на славянском языковом материале) // 52

Summary/Abstract: The paper reviews computer processing of texts in the closely related Slavic languages. The major focus falls on language resources and basic computer extraction methods for processing linguistic information in Bulgarian-Russian and Bulgarian-Macedonian contrastive research. Part of the discussion is devoted to problems of language resources, mostly the availability and nature of processing of aligned parallel corpora. The linguistic results from the application of the specific information extraction methods are discussed, namely linguistic knowledge about the two pairs of languages, the automatic extraction of translation equivalents and phrases by applying an improved Lowenstein algorithm, as well as the results of subsequent evaluation and further manual and automatic processing. Special attention is devoted to the extraction of false friends from Russian-Bulgarian parallel texts. A particular linguistic adjustment of the applied statistical methods is offered, more specifically of the scale of weighing coefficients of letter substitutions. The adjustments are based on phonological, grammatical and mean 53 ing criteria. The language resources, both textual and grammatical, have been developed at the Department for Linguistic Modeling at the Institute for Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Tania Láleva (Madrid) – Lectura desde la teoría vectorial de Guillermo Rojo de las formas con marcador „ще да“ en el sistema verbal búlgaro. Encuentros y desencuentros con el verbo español  // 66

Summary/Abstract: In the paper the group of verb forms with the common formal marker „ще (да)“ [shte da] is analyzed and it is contended that time is the basic structuring element in the Bulgarian temporal verbal system. The temporal and extra-temporal meanings of verbs from the group are analyzed by applying Guillermo Rojo’s vector theory and his ideas on dislocation in the system of the Spanish verb. Bulgarian and Spanish forms with dislocation of the type ‘+V’ > ‘oV’ are compared. It is claimed that this type of dislocation attributes an extra-temporal meaning of probability to these verbs. The conclusion is drawn that dislocation in Bulgarian functions at the level of the system in the plane of the present and is developed as a morphological model in the plane of the past. The similarities and contrasts between the two languages are also analyzed.

Рецензии и аннотации


In memoriam


Соня Бояджиева (София) – Болгарские языковедческие диссертации (2004) //  131


Contrastive Studies

Vitka Deleva (Sofia) – Functions of paraphrases (on Bulgarian and Polish material) // 5

Summary/Abstract: The present paper discusses the functions of periphrasis as a linguistic unit denoting an extralinguistic entity. It describes the usage of periphrases in the language practice on the basis of examples from Bulgarian and Polish. The periphrases reflect a way of viewing the world by the user of a given language. The analysis shows the substitution of a descriptive phrase for a proper name used by the speaker as a specific speech strategy to achieve the communicative and expressive goals.

Yovka Dapcheva (Sofia) – Phraseological units-anthroponominants denoting behavioural characteristics and the axiological picture of the world (in Russian and Bulgarian) // 16

Summary/Abstract: The article establishes groups of Bulgarian and Russian idioms designating humans according their behavioural characteristics. It analyses and compares the idioms’ semantic structures and the images they are based on. The results of the contrastive analysis are interpreted from the viewpoint of the respective axiological pictures of the world. Similarities and differences are pointed out including in the value systems embodied in each of the languages. The differences find expression in the different value ascribed to some types of behaviour, in accentuating different properties, in the nuances in meanings of Bulgarian and Russian idioms and their connotations.

Problems of Theoretical Linguistics

Milena Popova (Sofia) – Syntax, semantics and pragmatics of the utterance in Spanish // 28

Summary/Abstract: The article focuses on some key tendencies and recent developments in linguistic theory, which have caused radical changes in traditional syntactic analysis. In this context the author studies the interaction between syntax, semantics and pragmatics in utterances in Spanish. Stress is laid upon syntactic constructions with unaccusatives and predicates of affection and upon some diathetic changes related to them, which determine the syntactic typology of Spanish in comparison with Russian and English.

Discussions, Notes and Review Articles

Ludmila Uhlířová (Prague), Bozhana Nisheva (Sofia-Prague) – Some of the most recent publications of the Czech National Corpus Institute in the period 2010–2011 // 42

Summary/Abstract: The article presents some of the major publications of the Institute of the Czech National Corpus at Charles University, Prague between 2010 and 2011. Furthermore, it aims to acquaint the Bulgarian reader more closely with the Dictionary of Communist Totalitarianism compiled by the Institute’s researchers which is viewed not only as a study based on a large corpus of language material and contemporary methods, but also as an in-depth linguistic analysis of the characteristics of the (ideological) language of propaganda of the totalitarian age. By way of illustration of the above, the article includes a short comparison between the dictionary and E. Todorova’s publication The Language of Bulgarian Publicist Writing (1944–1989). A Linguo-Statistical Study.

Elena Paskaleva (Sofia) – Automatic extraction of information from texts in closely related languages (on Slavic texts) // 52

Summary/Abstract: The paper reviews computer processing of texts in the closely related Slavic languages. The major focus falls on language resources and basic computer extraction methods for processing linguistic information in Bulgarian-Russian and Bulgarian-Macedonian contrastive research. Part of the discussion is devoted to problems of language resources, mostly the availability and nature of processing of aligned parallel corpora. The linguistic results from the application of the specific information extraction methods are discussed, namely linguistic knowledge about the two pairs of languages, the automatic extraction of translation equivalents and phrases by applying an improved Lowenstein algorithm, as well as the results of subsequent evaluation and further manual and automatic processing. Special attention is devoted to the extraction of false friends from Russian-Bulgarian parallel texts. A particular linguistic adjustment of the applied statistical methods is offered, more specifically of the scale of weighing coefficients of letter substitutions. The adjustments are based on phonological, grammatical and mean 53 ing criteria. The language resources, both textual and grammatical, have been developed at the Department for Linguistic Modeling at the Institute for Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Tania Láleva (Madrid) – Lectura desde la teoría vectorial de Guillermo Rojo de las formas con marcador „ще да“ en el sistema verbal búlgaro. Encuentros y desencuentros con el verbo español // 66

Summary/Abstract: In the paper the group of verb forms with the common formal marker „ще (да)“ [shte da] is analyzed and it is contended that time is the basic structuring element in the Bulgarian temporal verbal system. The temporal and extra-temporal meanings of verbs from the group are analyzed by applying Guillermo Rojo’s vector theory and his ideas on dislocation in the system of the Spanish verb. Bulgarian and Spanish forms with dislocation of the type ‘+V’ > ‘oV’ are compared. It is claimed that this type of dislocation attributes an extra-temporal meaning of probability to these verbs. The conclusion is drawn that dislocation in Bulgarian functions at the level of the system in the plane of the present and is developed as a morphological model in the plane of the past. The similarities and contrasts between the two languages are also analyzed.

Reviews and Annotations


In Memoriam


Sonya Boyadzhieva (Sofia) – Bulgarian dissertations in linguistics (2004)  // 131


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