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Съпоставителни изследвания
Людмила Ухлиржова (Прага) – Общност и многообразие на словореда на клитиките (Съпоставително изследване на българския и чешкия език). Част І // 5
Summary/Abstract: The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author will describe the main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she will deal with more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics will be mentioned.
Ofelia Nikolova (Valdosta, GA, USA) – Difficulty Components in Testing the Usage of Imparfait and Passé Composé by L1 Anglophone Learners // 18
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop a model for predicting difficulty of test items for one of the most challenging topics in French grammar, namely the use of the two past tenses passé composé and imparfait. Twelve cognitive operations were identified based on Vendler’s division of verbs into four categories – states, activities, accomplishments, and achievements – on the use of adverbials, and on additional contextual indicators to explain the learners’ choice of imparfait or passé composé in two cloze tasks. The results of 205 student tests were submitted to statistical analysis with the Linear Logistic Test Model in order to assign a difficulty „weight“ to each of the cognitive operations.
Раки Бело (Велико Търново) – Сходният локативен модел с формант –ина/-іпё в българския и албанския език // 37
Summary/Abstract: The article discusses an important word-formative pattern in Bulgarian and Albanian – the locative pattern with the Slavic formant -ina (Albanian -inë). The study offers abundant contrastive material for comparing the functions of the similar Nomina loci in two of the most important representatives of the Balkan Sprachbund.
Теоретични въпроси на езикознанието
Палмира Легурска – Терциум компарационис и съпоставителни лексикални изследвания // 46
Summary/Abstract: The article presents the concept of tertium comparationis as a research artifact for lexical comparative studies in related and unrelated languages. It is assumed that the characteristics of lexical data define the way of working out this standard. Three models of comparison of lexical data are presented – for the secondary meanings of concrete nouns, for the semantics of verb lexicon of the lexical-semantic groups and for comparative studying of the national specific meanings.
Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения
Елена Стоянова (Благоевград) – За дивергенцията на (и)йекавските стандарти в Хърватия и Черна гора – 65
Summary/Abstract: Codified in our days (i)jekavian standards in Croatia and Montenegro result from the process of restandardization of the ijekavian variant of the Serbo-Croatian language, which have started after the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia. From the last decade of the 20th c. this process in Croatia is developing very quickly, while in Montenegro it gain momentum in the last two years (2008–2009). The article studies the standardisation of the „classical ijekavian“ as a westcroatian version of the Serbo-Croatian language. Analyzed are the differentiations which demolish the classical rules and frame two different (i)jekavian standards in Croatia and Montenegro.
Езикови контакти
Саня Вулич (Загреб) – Днешният говор на яневските хървати в България // 76
Summary/Abstract: The paper considers the language characteristics of the local idiom of Croats of Yanevo in Bulgaria. The analysis is based upon the concrete language examples and observations gathered during personal field work conducted in early May 2006 in Sofia and in September 2007 in Plovdiv. It relies on the dialectal features as remembered by individuals in Sofia and the specific Croat sociolect spoken by Yanevo Croats in Sofia at the time the research was done.
Рецензии и анотации
A. Bogusławski. A Study in the Linguistics-Philosophy Interface (Стефана Димитрова ) // 88
К. Вачкова. Типологична характеристика на българския книжовен език (Възрожденски период) (Надка Николова, Шумен) // 94
Е. Паскалева. Компютърна морфология (Петя Осенова ) // 98
M. Dobríková. Vlastné meno ako komponent slovenských a bulharských frazém (na pozadí asymetrie frazeologických koncepcií) (Радост Железарова ) // 103
С. Банова. Граматическата категория род: параметри и реализации (Юлияна Стоянова ) // 106
T. Malec. Polskie przymiotniki złoŝone typu dwuoki, krzywousty, rudobrody na tle słowiańskim (Цветанка Аврамова ) // 108
E. Vucheva. Estilística del español actual. Teoría y práctica del estilo (Донка Мангачева ) // 110
Л. Салмон. Механизмы юмора. О творчестве Сергея Довлатова (Искра Ликоманова ) // 114
V. Cvrček. Teorie jazykové kultury po roce 1945 (Румяна Гълъбова, Благоевград) // 119
M. Osiac. Dificultăńi ale limbii române (Василка Алексова) // 125
Ст. Калдиева-Захариева. Румънско-български речник. Общи и подобни думи. Dicńionar român – bulgar. Cuvinte comune şi asemănătoare (Василка Алексова ) // 126
Маргарита Младенова, Силвия Петкова – Десети национални славистични четения // 128
Eкатерина Търпоманова – Представяне на българския семантично анотиран корпус // 132
Сопоставительные исследования
Людмила Ухлиржова (Прага) – Общее и многообразие в порядке примыка¬ния слов в клитиках (Сопоставительное исследование болгарского и чешского языков). Часть I // // 5
Summary/Abstract: The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author will describe the main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she will deal with more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics will be mentioned.
Ofelia Nikolova (Valdosta, GA, USA) – Difficulty Components in Testing the Usage of Imparfait and Passé Composé by L1 Anglophone Learners // 18
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop a model for predicting difficulty of test items for one of the most challenging topics in French grammar, namely the use of the two past tenses passé composé and imparfait. Twelve cognitive operations were identified based on Vendler’s division of verbs into four categories – states, activities, accomplishments, and achievements – on the use of adverbials, and on additional contextual indicators to explain the learners’ choice of imparfait or passé composé in two cloze tasks. The results of 205 student tests were submitted to statistical analysis with the Linear Logistic Test Model in order to assign a difficulty „weight“ to each of the cognitive operations.
Раки Белло (Велико Тырново) – Сходная локативная модель с формантом –ина/-іпё в болгарском и албанском языках // 37
Summary/Abstract: The article discusses an important word-formative pattern in Bulgarian and Albanian – the locative pattern with the Slavic formant -ina (Albanian -inë). The study offers abundant contrastive material for comparing the functions of the similar Nomina loci in two of the most important representatives of the Balkan Sprachbund.
Теоретические вопросы языкознания
Палмира Легурска – Терциум компарационис и сопоставительные лексичес-кие исследования // 46
Summary/Abstract: The article presents the concept of tertium comparationis as a research artifact for lexical comparative studies in related and unrelated languages. It is assumed that the characteristics of lexical data define the way of working out this standard. Three models of comparison of lexical data are presented – for the secondary meanings of concrete nouns, for the semantics of verb lexicon of the lexical-semantic groups and for comparative studying of the national specific meanings.
Дискуссии, обзоры и научные сообщения
Елена Стоянова (Благоевград) – О дивергенции (и)йекавских стандартов в Хорватия и Черногории // 65
Summary/Abstract: Codified in our days (i)jekavian standards in Croatia and Montenegro result from the process of restandardization of the ijekavian variant of the Serbo-Croatian language, which have started after the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia. From the last decade of the 20th c. this process in Croatia is developing very quickly, while in Montenegro it gain momentum in the last two years (2008–2009). The article studies the standardisation of the „classical ijekavian“ as a westcroatian version of the Serbo-Croatian language. Analyzed are the differentiations which demolish the classical rules and frame two different (i)jekavian standards in Croatia and Montenegro.
Языковые контакты
Саня Вулич (Загреб) – Современный диалект яневских хорватов в Болгарии // 76
Summary/Abstract: The paper considers the language characteristics of the local idiom of Croats of Yanevo in Bulgaria. The analysis is based upon the concrete language examples and observations gathered during personal field work conducted in early May 2006 in Sofia and in September 2007 in Plovdiv. It relies on the dialectal features as remembered by individuals in Sofia and the specific Croat sociolect spoken by Yanevo Croats in Sofia at the time the research was done.
Рецензии и анотации
Contrastive Studies
Ludmila Uhlirova (Prague) – Similarity and Diversity in the Order of Clitics (A Bulgarian-Czech Contrastive Study). Part I // // 5
Summary/Abstract: The systems of clitics in Bulgarian and Czech are compared. Both phonological (prosodic) and syntactic features are taken into consideration to capture the main differences between Czech, which is – mainly – a Wackernagel-position language, and Bulgarian, which is – basically – verb-adjacent. The theoretical framework for the comparison is dependency syntax. The study is divided into four parts. In Part I some open theoretical questions concerning the concept of clitics as well as of their general properties are discussed; in Part II the author will describe the main distribution rules of clitics in Bulgarian as compared to Czech; in Part III she will deal with more special cases of placement of clitics in both languages, and finally, in Part IV some typical cases „on the border“ between affixes and clitics will be mentioned.
Ofelia Nikolova (Valdosta, GA, USA) – Difficulty Components in Testing the Usage of Imparfait and Passé Composé by L1 Anglophone Learners //18
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop a model for predicting difficulty of test items for one of the most challenging topics in French grammar, namely the use of the two past tenses passé composé and imparfait. Twelve cognitive operations were identified based on Vendler’s division of verbs into four categories – states, activities, accomplishments, and achievements – on the use of adverbials, and on additional contextual indicators to explain the learners’ choice of imparfait or passé composé in two cloze tasks. The results of 205 student tests were submitted to statistical analysis with the Linear Logistic Test Model in order to assign a difficulty „weight“ to each of the cognitive operations.
Raki Bello (Veliko Tarnovo) – (A Similar Locative Model with the Formant -ina/–inë in Bulgarian and Albanian) // 37
Summary/Abstract: The article discusses an important word-formative pattern in Bulgarian and Albanian – the locative pattern with the Slavic formant -ina (Albanian -inë). The study offers abundant contrastive material for comparing the functions of the similar Nomina loci in two of the most important representatives of the Balkan Sprachbund.
Problems of Theoretical Linguistics
Palmira Legurska – Tertium Comparationis and Lexical Contrastive Analysis // 46
Summary/Abstract: The article presents the concept of tertium comparationis as a research artifact for lexical comparative studies in related and unrelated languages. It is assumed that the characteristics of lexical data define the way of working out this standard. Three models of comparison of lexical data are presented – for the secondary meanings of concrete nouns, for the semantics of verb lexicon of the lexical-semantic groups and for comparative studying of the national specific meanings.
Discussions, Notes and Review Articles
Elena Stoyanova (Blagoevgrad) – The Divergence of Ijekavian Standards in Croatia and Montenegro // 65
Summary/Abstract: Codified in our days (i)jekavian standards in Croatia and Montenegro result from the process of restandardization of the ijekavian variant of the Serbo-Croatian language, which have started after the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia. From the last decade of the 20th c. this process in Croatia is developing very quickly, while in Montenegro it gain momentum in the last two years (2008–2009). The article studies the standardisation of the „classical ijekavian“ as a westcroatian version of the Serbo-Croatian language. Analyzed are the differentiations which demolish the classical rules and frame two different (i)jekavian standards in Croatia and Montenegro.
Language Contacts
Sanja Vulić (Zagreb) – The Present-day Dialect of the Yanevo Croats in Bulgaria 76
Summary/Abstract: The paper considers the language characteristics of the local idiom of Croats of Yanevo in Bulgaria. The analysis is based upon the concrete language examples and observations gathered during personal field work conducted in early May 2006 in Sofia and in September 2007 in Plovdiv. It relies on the dialectal features as remembered by individuals in Sofia and the specific Croat sociolect spoken by Yanevo Croats in Sofia at the time the research was done.
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