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Съпоставителни изследвания
Надка Николова (Шумен), Мария Черипкова (Прешов, Словакия) – Прономиналните конструкции в български и словашки // 5
The authors of the article analyse contrastively various types of pronominal constructions in Bulgarian and Slovak which, somewhat paradoxically, consist of two components with opposite meanings (definiteness and indefiniteness) like някак там – nejako tam. The pronoun forms combined may belong to one and the same or to two different microsystems. They can substitute words of different classes: nouns, adjectives and adverbs. Asymmetries between the two languages are pointed out.
Борис Наймушин – Наблюдения върху семантиката и употребата на страдателните конструкции (върху материали от български, руски и английски) // 22
На материале болгарского, русского и английского языков рассматривается дискуссионный вопрос о семантике и употреблении страдательных конструкций. Выясняются семантические различия между активом и пассивом, особенно в связи с понятиями „пассивное значение“ и „центробежная/центростремительная направленность глагольного действия“. Особое внимание обращается на выяснение ряда причин семантического и синтаксического характера, способствующих более широкому употреблению пассива в языках аналитического строя по сравнению с языками флективными.
This article offers a look into the controversial issue of semantics and usage of passive structures by examining evidence from Bulgarian, Russian, and English. Efforts are made to clarify the semantic differences between active and passive structures, especially with respect to the notions of „passive meaning“ and „centrifugal/centripetal direction of verbal action“. Special attention is also paid to the identification of semantic and syntactic reasons for a wider use of passives in analytical languages compared to synthetic languages.
Из историята на езикознанието в България
Christo Stamenov – Konstantin Stefanov and the First Steps of University Level English Linguistic Studies in Bulgaria // 36
The article presents the linguistic contribution of K. Stefanof (1879–1940), the first professor of English at Sofia University. His topics, often approached from a contrastive perspective, include the history of English and the role of language contacts, the Germanic and Latin components of English, stylistic, geographical and national variation of the language, the language of individual authors.
Дискусии, обзори и научни съобщения
Надежда Михайлова – Методът на компонентен анализ и глаголите за зрително възприятие в българския и полския език // 48
The article is an attempt to demonstrate the adequacy of the method of componential analysis in the study of semantic groups in related languages. The analysis shows that the semantic components discussed are relevant to the description of the basic meaning of verbs of visual perception in Bulgarian and Polish. The semantic differences are mainly to be found in the transferred meanings of the verbs and in their distribution.
Илияна Гаравалова – Критичен анализ на концепцията на Майерталер за натуралната морфология // 68
The article offers a detailed critical analysis of W. Mayerthaler’s ideas of natural morphology.
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