Publication procedure


The journal “Contrastive Linguistics” accepts original author’s texts that have not been published in other editions (magazines, anthologies, and other materials, including online), are not in the process of publication or under review for other outlets and are original research by the author(s). The journal is not responsible for any subsequent use of material published in the journal Contrastive linguistics on the part of the authors.  All materials submitted by authors are reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Acceptance of manuscripts for publication is based on the opinion and recommendations of the reviewers. The final decision on the publication of the materials provided by the authors is taken by the Editorial Board. The authors are responsible for the opinions expressed and the views they adopt. The Editorial Board reserves the right to suggest editing of manuscripts if necessary. Publication of submitted manuscripts does not imply that the editorial board shares the views of the authors. The independent double anonymous review process includes the following stages:- Uploading of the anonymized author’s text to the Scholar One platform. Uploading of non-anonymized manuscripts is not permitted.- Sending the anonymized author’s material to two independent anonymous reviewers.- Evaluation by the anonymous reviewers of the submitted material by filling in the review card through the Scholar One platform. The reviewers offer a justified proposal whether the material should be accepted without corrections, with minimal corrections, after revisions, or be rejected from publication in the journal “Contrastive Linguistics”.- Authors receive the anonymous reviews, consider the comments or recommendations of the anonymous reviewers, and decide on corrections, if one or both of the anonymous reviewers have recommended changes.- The journal informs the anonymous reviewers about the corrections that have been implemented in keeping with the reviewers’ recommendations.  – If one or both of the reviewers request revisions, the author sends a detailed response to the reviewers’ recommendations with explanations for what and how has been revised or argumentation for not accepting a specific recommendation for revision.- If necessary – in the case of a decision by one of the anonymous reviewers for rejection of the manuscript, a third anonymous reviewer is appointed.- After sending the anonymous reviews, the Editorial Board evaluates their quality and accepts or rejects them. Reviewers are notified of the Editorial Board’s decision.- After proofreading and/or editing the manuscript, the author(s) upload(s) to their texts on the Schola One platform. The manuscripts should not be anonymous and should have been formatted according to all the journal’s requirements.- The Editorial Board makes a final decision based on the received anonymous reviews to publish or reject the received manuscript. By submitting the manuscript (article, review, overview, chronicle, bibliography, etc.), the author(s) agree to have their text published online on the website of Contrastive Linguistics, where the text acquires free access.  

The authors sign a declaration for free access and publication of their manuscript on the website of the journal “Contrastive Linguistics”.

Authors must familiarize themselves with the current publication procedure.

The journal Contrastive Linguistics complies with the open access criteria of the Budapest Open Access Initiative ( According to this Initiative, by “open access” to [peer-reviewed research literature], we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.  ( The materials (articles, reviews, chronicles, bibliographies, etc.) in the journal Contrastive Linguistics are published and distributed in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY-4.0) (https:/ / When publishing in the journal Contrastive Linguistics, the authors retain the copyright on their works without restrictions. 

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