І. Guidelines for articles
Manuscripts should be sent via email to the following address: contrastive@slav.uni-sofia.bg.
The recommended length of manuscripts of articles is 30 000 symbols, including spaces, the title, the footnotes, and the References.
Articles written in Bulgarian, Russian, French, German, Italian or Spanish are equally acceptable.
The title of the article, written in the language of the article, should be all caps, 14 pt, bold, and centered.
An empty line should follow this.
After that the degree, job title, and name(s) of the author(s), in the language of the article, should appear with the following characteristics – all caps, 12 pt, centered.
Immediately after that, in the language of the contribution, the institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s) are provided.
An empty line should follow this.
Then a short annotation (of up to 1,400 characters) in the language of the article, (10 p., small letters), without the caption summary/abstract/ annotation should appear. Below the abstract, written in the language of the article, an abstract in Russian is also provided. The journal can provide translations into Russian upon request.
This should be followed by the caption Key words, (10 pt., italic), colon and up to five keywords in the language of the article.
Do not write a period at the end of the list of keywords.
At your request, the journal can offer you a translation of the abstract and keywords into English.
Annotations and keywords are not indented by 1.27.
Auto-citation does not enhance the quality of the text and is not encouraged
Contributions written in a language different than Bulgarian should contain a Summary and keywords in English.
In-text citations should follow the model author – year – pages as in (Nitsolova 2008: 56–58). If the citation is in Cyrillic, the author’s name is transliterated into the Latin script.
All instances of dash use should be of the en-dash (–), not hyphens. This applies to line initial dashes, dashes indicating page ranges, dates and years, etc.
Any notes, should be footnotes (10 p.), indexed in an ascending order throughout the manuscript, marked by Arabic numbers and appearing at the bottom of the page with the respective index number.
Please, do not use the footnotes for providing references.
At the end of the manuscript an alphabetically arranged ЛИТЕРАТУРА / REFERENCES should appear. This is not literature review on the topic, but a list of references directly cited in the body of the article. All references mentioned in the ЛИТЕРАТУРА / REFERENCES should be directly cited in the text, and vice versa, any citation in the text should appear appropriately referenced in the ЛИТЕРАТУРА / REFERENCES section.
The ЛИТЕРАТУРА / REFERENCES cannot contain abbreviations of titles, periodicals, journals, and cities. First names of authors and editors should be given in full, initials are inadmissible.
Manuscripts must be written in Times New Roman, 12 points. If other fonts are used, they must be provided as separate files. Only Unicode fonts are used. Old Bulgarian examples are formatted with CyrillicaOchrid10U, and if this is not possible, the fonts used are sent together with the text of the publication. When dialectal examples are adduced, available Unicode font possibilities should be used. If there are any features of the transcription that cannot be conveyed with these fonts, the fonts used must be sent. Line spacing should be set at 1 pt. Between the title of a part or subsection and the following text, there should be 1 empty line. Titles of parts and subsections should be numbered with Arabic numerals and be bolded. Paragraphs and footnotes (10 p.) should be formatted using the automatic options of Microsoft Word, no tabulating is allowed when formatting paragraphs. Each new paragraph should be indented at 1.25 pt. Examples should be in italics. If meanings of lexemes are rendered, they have to be enclosed in single quotes as in the example Fr. femme ‘woman’. If the examples are in a language different from the language of the paper, double quotation marks should be used to provide the respective translation of the example.
Examples in a language different from Bulgarian may be glossed in keeping with the author’s preference. The Leipzig Glossing Rules: Conventions for interlinear morpheme-by-morpheme glosses should be used (available for retrieval at : https://www.eva.mpg.de/lingua/pdf/Glossing-Rules.pdf).
All photographs, diagrams, graphs and tables should be black-and-white. The author(s) should duly indicate the source of any illustrative material not generated by the author(s). The responsibility for settling the copy rights of any illustrative material not generated by the author(s), such as photographs, images, diagrams, tables, graphs, or figures, lies with the author(s).
Diagrams, figures, tables and pictures should be introduced by a caption – 12 pt., bold, centered. When quoting in Bulgarian, lower opening („) and upper closing (”) quotes are used, e.g. „Благодаря“, while quoting in English requires the use of the following quoting marks “Thank you”. Square quotation marks «…..» are admissible if they are part of the orthographic norm of the language in which the article is written.
In case of coincidence of family names of different authors cited in the text, initials should be included in the brackets, e.g. (Kutsarov, Iv. 2007).
In case of two or more publications by the same author in the same year, each publication is indicated by adding an alphabetical symbol after the year in the brackets, e.g., (Nitsolova 2008а), (Nitsolova 2008b).
If more than one author is quoted at a time, the in-text references should be separated by a semi-colon as in the example (Kutsarov 2007; Nitsolova 2008а).
All source cited in the Cyrillic script should be accompanied by transliteration, provided in square brackets. If the text of the publication is in a Cyrillic script, in section ЛИТЕРАТУРА all the Cyrillic sources should be listed alphabetically, followed by an empty line. After the empty line, a section REFERENCES should be provided, which contains all references in the Latin script, including transliterations of the Cyrillic ones from the section ЛИТЕРАТУРА. If the text is in a language using the Latin script, first the section REFERENCES should appear, in the БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ /BIBLIOGRAPHY section, the sources in Latin are given first, including transliterations of the Cyrillic references, and after an empty line the sources in a language using the Cyrillic script should be provided.
For the transliteration of sources in Bulgarian you may use https://slovored.com/transliteration/
For the transliteration of sources in Russian you may use http://translit.ru.
Choose a transliteration system corresponding to the local tradition for transliterating texts in Cyrillic.
After the heading ЛИТЕРАТУРА or REFERENCES (12 pt., bold, centered) an empty line follows, after which an alphabetical list of all the cited sources (10 pt.) is provided. The first line is not indented but the remaining lines in a reference should stand at an ident of 1.27.
The formatting of the cited literature follows the basic requirements of BDS ISO 690: 2021.
Acknowledgments can be included after the end of the text, but before the references. The caption for this section is Acknowledgments & Funding, (12 pt., Bold, Centered, and the actual text should be positioned immediately below the caption.
After the Acknowledgments & Funding section follows the title of the article in English (in capital letters, 12 p., bold font. If the article is in English, a Bulgarian translation is provided.
An empty line follows.
After this, the degree, job title and name of the author(s) in Latin (small letters, 12 pt., centered) are provided.
The next line (without a blank line) is written in English with the name of the institution where the author(s) work.
An empty line follows.
A short abstract (up to 1,400 characters) in English is provided after this (10 pts., small letters), without the heading Summary/Abstract/Annotation. If the text is in English, the abstract here should be in Bulgarian. The journal can provide author(s) with a translation from English into Bulgarian of the said abstract.
An empty line follows.
On the next line, the caption Key words is provided, followed by a colon (:) and then the key words in English are listed (10 pt.). If the text is in English, the keywords here are provided in Bulgarian.
After the References, the scientific degree, title and name(s) of the author(s), as well as their number(s) in ORCID or Web of Science Researcher ID, the department, institution, city, and country are provided, followed by theirs official e-mail address in English, each provided on a separate line.
Page numbering should not be used.
Sample for References
A monograph or a dictionary
ИВАНОВА-МИРЧЕВА, Д., ХАРАЛАМПИЕВ, И., 1999. История на българския език. Велико Търново: Faber, 1999. ISBN 9549541320, 9789549541328
In the References, the same title should appear transliterated as below:
IVANOVA-MIRCHEVA, D. HARALAMPIEV, I., 1999. Istoria na balgarskia ezik. Veliko Tarnovo: Faber, 1999. ISBN 9549541320, 9789549541328
RADDEN, G., DIRVEN, R., 2007. Cognitive English Grammar. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamin Publishing House. ISBN-10. 9027219044. ISBN-13. 978-9027219046.
Paper in a collective volume
Bowerman 1982: Bowerman, Melissa. Reorganization processes in lexical and syntactic development. – In: Wanner, Eric, Lila R. Gleitman (eds.). Language acquisition: The state of the art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982, 319–346.
Paper in a periodical (journal or newspaper)
СТОЕВСКИ, А., 2006. За някои прояви на англоезичното влияние в домашната среда на софиянци. Съпоставително езикознание, XXXI, № 1, 2006, 62 – 74. ISSN 0204 – 8701. [viewed 20 April 2023].
In the References, the same title should appear transliterated as below:
STOEVSKI, A., 2006. Za nyakoi proyavi na angloezichnoto vliyanie v domashnata sreda na sofiyantsi. Sapostavitelno ezikoznanie, XXXI, № 1, 2006, 62–74. ISSN 0204 – 8701. [viewed 20 April 2023].
NICHOLAS, E., LEVINSON, S., 2009. The myth of language universals: Language diversity and its importance for cognitive science. – Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32, 2009, 429 – 492. ISSN 0140-525N (Print), 1469-1825 (Online).
Murphy 2011: Murphy, G. [review]. How words mean: Lexical concepts, cognitive models, and meaning construction. By Vyvyan Evans. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. – Language 87/2, 2011, 393– 395.
Electronic sources
Evans, Bergen, Zinken 2007: Evans, Vyvyan, Benjamin Bergen, Jörg Zinken. The Cognitive Linguistics Enterprise: An Overview. At http://www.vyvevans.net/READER.htm (accessed 19 August 2009).
If the source is in Bulgarian, after in the brackets the following text should appear (последно посетен 10.01.2024).
A corpus
BNC: The British National Corpus, version 3 (BNC XML Edition). 2007. Distributed by Oxford University Computing Services on behalf of the BNC Consortium. URL: http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/
COCA:Davies, Mark. (2008-) The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA): 425 million words, 1990-present. Available online at http://www.americancorpus.org.
FrameNet at https://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu/fndrupal/. Copyright 2000-2011, International Computer Science Institute.
Sample of an article in the Cyrillic alphabet
Пример за оформяне на статия на кирилица
Проф. д.ф.н. Петя Асенова
Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“
В статията се прави опит да се оцени спецификата на румънската темпорална система в рамките на Балканския езиков съюз и в съпоставка с родствените му романски езици. На основата на представяне на глаголните балканизми ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Ключови думи: балкански езици, румънски език, темпорална система
Таблица 1
ИВАНОВА-МИРЧЕВА, Д., ХАРАЛАМПИЕВ, И., 1999. История на българския език. Велико Търново: Faber, 1999. ISBN 9549541320, 9789549541328.
СТОЕВСКИ, А., 2006. За някои прояви на англоезичното влияние в домашната среда на софиянци. Съпоставително езикознание, XXXI, № 1, 2006, 62 – 74. ISSN 0204 – 8701. [viewed 20 April 2023].
BOWERMAN, M., 1982. Reorganization processes in lexical and syntactic development. In: E. WANNER, GLEITMAN, L. (eds.). Language acquisition: The state of art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982, 319 – 346. ISBN: Hardback, 0 52123817 X: Paperback, 0 521282381.
IVANOVA-MIRCHEVA, D. HARALAMPIEV, I., 1999. Istoria na balgarskia ezik. Veliko Tarnovo: Faber, 1999. ISBN 9549541320, 9789549541328
RADDEN, G., DIRVEN, R., 2007. Cognitive English Grammar. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamin Publishing House. ISBN-10. 9027219044. ISBN-13. 978-9027219046.
Petya Assenova
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
The article attempts to assess the specificity of the Romanian temporal system within the Balkan linguistic union and in comparison with its related Romance languages. On the basis of the presentation of verbal Balkanisms (the competitive functioning of the infinitive and the so-called Balkan subjunctive, the four future tense forms; the absence of the Balkan type of conditional mood; the ratio between simple and complex preterites; the preservation of an archaic type of synthetic pluperfect that can be traced back to Latin), the conclusion is reached that Romanian in the field of its verb system, is displaying specificity that cannot be defined as Romаnce either. The Balkanisms of the verb system are more consistently present in Aromanian, which can be explained by the fact that this language has always been at the center of the most intensive convergence among the Balkan languages.
Key words: Balkan languages, Romanian, temporal system
Prof. Petya Asenova, D. Sc.
ORCID: ……………………….. Web of Science ResearcherID:…………….
Department of General, Indo-European and Balkan Linguistics
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: ххххххххххххххх@xxxxx.xxx
Пример за оформяне на статия на английски език
Prof. Dr. Diana Klüh, apl. Prof.Tania Avgustinova
Saarland University
The paper reports the initial observations on the speech of five bilingual speakers of Bulgarian and Ladino. The aim is to establish the grammatical characteristics, triggered by the situation of language contact. The empirical focus falls on the Bulgarian spoken by the five bilinguals. The objective is to isolate the peculiarities and analyze whether they can be explained as resulting from the influence of Ladino. The study has been carried out within the framework of an international research project on Ladino spoken in Bulgaria (Judeo-Spanish in Bulgaria: A Contact Language between Archaism and Innovation), financed by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG).
Key words: Ladino, language contact, Judeo-Spanish
Table 1
Diagram 1

BOWERMAN, M., 1982. Reorganization processes in lexical and syntactic development. In: E. WANNER, GLEITMAN, L. (eds.). Language acquisition: The state of art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982, 319 – 346. ISBN: Hardback, 0 52123817 X: Paperback, 0 521282381.
IVANOVA-MIRCHEVA, D. HARALAMPIEV, I., 1999. Istoria na balgarskia ezik. Veliko Tarnovo: Faber, 1999. ISBN 9549541320, 9789549541328
RADDEN, G., DIRVEN, R., 2007. Cognitive English Grammar. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamin Publishing House. ISBN-10. 9027219044. ISBN-13. 978-9027219046.
проф. Диана Клю, проф. Таня Августинова
Университет на Саарланд
В статията се представят предварителни наблюдения върху говора на четирима души, самоопределящи се като двуезични носители на български и ладино. Задачата е да се установят граматични характеристики, предизвикани от въпросния езиков контакт. Емпиричният фокус е върху българския на четиримата говорители. Целта е фиксиране на особеностите и доколко те могат да бъдат разглеждани като резултат от влиянието на ладино. Изследването се провежда в рамките на интердисциплинарен проект, посветен на езика ладино в България (Judeo-Spanish in Bulgaria: A Contact Language between Archaism and Innovation) и финансиран от немската научна фондация (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG).
Prof. Dr. Diana Klüh
ORCID: ……………………….. Web of Science ResearcherID:…………….
Department of Language Science and Technology
Saarland University
Saarbruken, Germany
E-mail: ххххххххххххххх@xxxxx.xxx
Prof. Tania Avgustinova
ORCID: ……………………….. Web of Science ResearcherID:…………….
Department of Language Science and Technology
Saarland University
Saarbruken, Germany
E-mail: ххххххххххххххх@xxxxx.xxx
II. Guidelines for reviews
A review should begin with the detailed bibliographical data for the reviewed book. The recommended length of a review is 14 000 symbols. The sample below illustrates the organization of reviews:
Борис Парашкевов. Немски елементи в говора на банатските българи. [Университетска библиотека, № 452.] София: Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, 2007. 302 с.
Title, degree, first name, last name
Abstract in the language in which the review is written
Keywords in the language in which the review is written …………………………….. (text of the review) ………………………………………. Abstract in English
Prof. Ivan Ivanov
ORCID: ……………………….. Web of Science Researcher ID:…………….
Department of Bulgarian
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: ххххххххххххххх@xxxxx.xxx